Inquiry into the free trade agreement between Australia and the United States of America

Inquiry into the free trade agreement between Australia and the United States of America

Sub No. Submitter
1 Ms A Bastock (PDF format)
2 Mr J Brown (PDF format)
3 Mr H Thompson (PDF format)
4 Mr A James (PDF format)
5 Mr B Dodd & Ms Lolo Houbein (PDF format)
6 Ms W Gooding (PDF format)
7 Mr M Brereton (PDF Format)
8 Mr J Cook (PDF format)
9 Mr M Stone (PDF format)
10  Mr T Johnson (PDF format)
11 Ms M McKern (PDF format)
12 Ms J Brownrigg (PDF format)
13 Mr N Zihrul (PDF format)
14 Mr R Finucane (PDF format)
15 C A Roberts (PDF format)
16 National Civic Council of ( WA ) (PDF format)
17 Mr & Mrs Hindell (PDF format)
18 Mr & Mrs M Jusuf (PDF format)
19 A Better Compassionate Australia Movement (PDF format)
20 Handgun Buyback Project (PDF format)
21 Mr R Langfield (PDF format)
22 Mr M Daley (PDF format)
23 Mr K Styles (PDF format)
24 Ms E Jay (PDF format)
25 Dr V Yule (PDF format)
26 Professor M Geist (PDF format)
27 Ms F Myers (PDF format)
28 Mr M Evans (PDF format)

Mr & Mrs Waddington (PDF format)

30 Mr G Date (PDF format)
31 Ms L White (PDF format)
32 Mr J & Ms M Hale (PDF format)
33 Mr D Prosser (PDF format)
34 Ms A Marshall (PDF format)
35 Friends of the ABC (Central Coast Branch) (PDF format)
36 Mr J Graham (PDF format)
37 Ms D Sawang (PDF format)
38 Ms K Martin (PDF format)
39 Social Developers Network & NED Foundation (PDF format)
40 Winemakers Federation of Australia (PDF format)
41 A J Doherty (PDF format)
42 V La Piana (PDF format)
43 E Ziegenhorn (PDF format)
44 Mr D Allen (PDF format)
45 Mr G Sont (PDF format)
46 Photon VFX (PDF format)
47 Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace (PDF format)
48 Mr R Downey (PDF format)
49 Mr J Gross (PDF format)
50 Ms A Nielsen and Mr P Bradley (PDF format)
51 Mr J Massam (PDF format)
52 Mr M Willis (PDF format)
53 Mr P Towler and Ms M Navarro (PDF format)
54 Queensland Nurses' Union (PDF format)
55 Mr B Kirkham (PDF format)
56 Mudgee District Environment Group (PDF format)
57 Ms L Jeffs (PDF format)
58 Mr S Roberts (PDF format)
59 Ms S Payne (PDF format)
60 Ms A Warren (PDF format)
61 Mr B Campbell (PDF format)
62 Ms A Bonnici and Mr M Hanratty (PDF format)
63 Dr M Slaytor and Ms P Slaytor (PDF format)
64 Rainforest Information Centre (PDF format)
65 Mr G Sanders (PDF format)
66 Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet (PDF format)
67 Mr C Mackenzie and Ms J Sipkema (PDF format)
68 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Office (PDF format)
69 The Cabinet Office New South Wales (PDF format)
70 Ms J Ferguson (PDF format)
71 Mr Z Harkness (PDF format)
72 Mr Z Sawko (PDF format)
73 Dr K Kendall (PDF format)
74 ANOU and UPU WA Inc (PDF format)
75 Generic Medicines Industry Association Pty Ltd (PDF format)
76 Mr A Gaines (PDF format)
77 Dr G C J Lomas and Ms A T Lomas (PDF format)
78 Ms H Lapin (PDF format)
79 Dr C J Dahl and Mrs C V Dahl (PDF format)
80 Dr K Harvey (PDF format)
80a Dr K Harvey (PDF format)
81 Alcoa World Alumina Australia (PDF format)
82 Unfolding Futures (PDF format)
83 Mr J Morris (PDF format)
84 Ms M G Gaede (PDF format)
85 Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (VIC) (PDF format)
85a Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (VIC) (PDF format)
85b Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (VIC) (PDF format)
86 Ms N Loney (PDF format)
87 Mr J Gehrmann (PDF format)
88 Professor B G Rolfe (PDF format)
89 Mr S Smith (PDF format)
90 Mr J Carthew (PDF format)
91 Shu Ning Bian (PDF format)
92 Mr K Clancy (PDF format)
93 Mr T Larsen (PDF format)
94 Mr P Caldon (PDF format)
95 Macquarie University (PDF format)
96 Mr B Codling (PDF format)
97 Mr B McKenzie (PDF format)
98 R Binning (PDF format)
99 Mr M Egan (PDF format)
100 Progressive Labour Party (PDF format)
101 Mr M Foley (PDF format)
102 Mr M Jackson (PDF format)      
103 Professor R Garnaut and Mr B Carmichael  (PDF format)
103a Professor R Garnaut and Mr B Carmichael (PDF format)
104 Professor J Quiggan (PDF format)
105 AMA Therapeutics Committee (PDF format)
106 J OBrien (PDF format)
107 Mr G McCafferty (PDF format)
108 Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc (PDF format)
109 R Dixon (PDF format)
110 Mrs E Kelly (PDF format)
111 M and J Vanstone (PDF format)
112 G Waugh (PDF format)
113 M Yen (PDF format)
114 B Cliff (PDF format)
115 G and J Windsor (PDF format)
116 M Enders (PDF format)
117 R Stafford (PDF format)
118 V Raymer (PDF format)
119 K Baxter (PDF format)
120 A Taylor (PDF format)
121 R Clifton (PDF format)
122 Ms K Brady (PDF format)
123 A Baker (PDF format)
124 S Warne (PDF format)
125 D Roney (PDF format)
126 G Spindler (PDF format)
127 I Higgins (PDF format)
128 J Lewis (PDF format)
129 Basell Polyolefins (PDF format)
130 Australian Broadcasting Authority (PDF format)
131 A Waterford (PDF format)
132 D O'Mara (PDF format)
133 Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA)  (PDF format)
133(a) Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA) (PDF format)
134 J Wright (PDF format)
135 Ford Motor Company of Australia (PDF format)
136 W D and M K Hamill (PDF format)
137 R Cox (PDF format)
138 N Olive and V McKinnon (PDF format)
139 Solon Foundation (PDF format)
140 Medicines Australia (PDF format)
141 CPSU (PDF format)
142 Western Australian Government (PDF format)
143 Australian Red Cross (PDF format)
144 Horticulture Australia (PDF format)
145 Genseric Corporation (PDF format)
146 Mr C Schroeder (PDF format)
147 Australian Nursing Federation (PDF format)
148 Bathurst CPSA (PDF format)
149 Australian Dairy Industry Council Inc (PDF format)
150 Mr K Harris (PDF format)
151 School of International Business (PDF format)
152 Arts Industry Council (Vic) (PDF format)
153 National Farmers Federation (PDF format)
154 Australian Vinyls Corporation (PDF format)
155 Melkonian & Company (PDF format)
156 Australian Food and Grocery Council (PDF format)
157 Australian Services Union (PDF format)
158 United Trades and Labour Council (PDF format)
159 Dr Thomas Faunce (PDF format)
159(a) Dr Thomas Faunce (PDF format)
160 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF format)
161 Minister for Trade (PDF format)
161a Minister for Trade (PDF format)
161b Minister for Trade - Response to Dr Dee's Report (PDF format)
162 Australian Seafood Council (PDF format)
163 Screen Producers Association of Australia (PDF format)
163a Screen Producers Association of Australia (PDF format)
164 Linux Australia (PDF format)
165 Mr R Russell (PDF format) Attachment1 (PDF format) Attachment 2 (PDF format)
165a Mr R Russell (PDF format)
166 Ms A Goddard (PDF format)
167 Dr Anthony Place (PDF format)
168 CPSU-SPSF (PDF format)
169 Edmund Rice Centre (PDF format)
170 picoSpace Pty Ltd (PDF format)
171 The Australia Institute (PDF format)
171a The Australia Institute (PDF format)
171b The Australia Institute (PDF format)
171c The Australia Institute (PDF format)
172 Mr Denis Bright (PDF format)
173 Mrs G O'Connor (PDF format)
174 ACT Government (PDF format)
174a ACT Government (PDF format)
175 NAPWA and AFAO (PDF format) Attachment 1 (PDF format)
176 Newcastle Greens (PDF format)
177 Mr Jason Weathered (PDF format)
178 Business Software Association of Australia (BSAA) (PDF format)
179 FES Firton (PDF format)
180 Mr Paul Gardner-Stephen (PDF format)
181 Ms Megan Booker (PDF format)
182 The Committee to Re-plan Australia (PDF format)
183 Dr Matthew Rimmer (PDF format)
184 Mr & Ms Ormerod and signatures (PDF format)
185 Dr Genevieve Mortiss (PDF format)
186 Qenos (PDF format)
187 Mr David Bruderlin (PDF format)
188 SEARCH Foundation (PDF format)
189 Rail Tram & Bus Union National Office (PDF format)
190 Greek Workers Educational Association of SA "Platon" Inc (PDF format)
191 Dr Derek Walter (PDF format)
192 Mr Barry Payne (PDF format)
193 Mr Oliver and Mrs Theresa Baudert
194 Ms Frances Meredith (PDF format)
195 Mr Keith Luhrs (PDF format)
196 Mr Ben Hughes (PDF format)
197 Ms Luci Temple (PDF format)
198 Mr Reginald J Wilding (PDF format)
199 Mr Bruce and Mrs Pat Toms (PDF format)
200 AWD Aboriginal Justice Support Group (PDF format)
201 Mrs Betty Murphy (PDF format)
202 Mr Tim Nelson (PDF format)
203 Ms Jane Seymour (PDF format)
204 Mr Gerry Kitchner (PDF format)
205 Mr Graham J Brammer, OAM (PDF format)
206 Mr Mark Enders (PDF format)
207 Mr James L O Tedder (PDF format)
208 Ms Bette Guy (PDF format)
209 Mr John Biggs (PDF format)
210 Confidential
211 Mr Jock Given (PDF format)
212 Ms Rosie Wagstaff (PDF format)
213 Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Co Limited (PDF format)
214 Mr Rex Kinder (PDF format)
215 Mr Peter Stratford (PDF format)
216 Ms Jane O'Sullivan (PDF format)
217 Mr Darren Collins (PDF format)
218 Ms Deborah Pickett (PDF format)
219 Ms Nizza Siano (PDF format)
220 Music Council of Australia (PDF format)
221 Ms June Wilson (PDF format)
222 Ms June Owen (PDF format)
223 Mr Vic Brill (PDF format)
224 Mr Joseph Tan (PDF format)
225 Ms Jessica Morrison (PDF format)
226 Ms Carol J Elliott (PDF format)
227 Mr Kenneth D Ritchie (PDF format)
228 Ms Ellen Hill (PDF format)
229 Marschall Acoustics Instruments Pty Limited (PDF format)
230 Mr Thomas Moyniham (PDF format)
231 Mr Harry Johnson (PDF format)
232 Gymea Sub-Branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Retired  Members (PDF format)
233 Claire Mortimer (PDF format)
234 Jon and Gillian White (PDF format)
235 Mr Douglas Brook (PDF format)
236 Mr Charlie Aarons (PDF format)
237 Mr Jordan Nanni (PDF format)
238 Mr Andrea Heinrichs (PDF format)
239 Ms Jane O'Grady (PDF format)
240 Virginia, Mark and Wren (PDF format)
241 Ms Sandy Curtis (PDF format)
242 Mr Peter Hannan (PDF format)
243 Mr Rob Smetak (PDF format)
244 Ms Zena Kells (PDF format)
245 Mr Ross Mortimer (PDF format)
246 Mr Norm Barnwell (PDF format)
247 Mr & Mrs N Wilson (PDF format)
248 Mrs Hemi Hill (PDF format)
249 Mr Alan Stanford (PDF format)
250 Mr Patrick Hansen (PDF format)
251 Australian Pensioners and Superannuants League Qld Inc (PDF format)
252 Mr Mark Westcott (PDF format)
253 Mr Michael Hall (PDF format)
254 Mr Alan Griffiths (PDF format)
255 Ms Cheryl Mainard (PDF format)
256 Mr Lorien Vecellio (PDF format)
257 Mr Nicolas Rasmussen (PDF format)
258 Sr Valda Finlay  (PDF format)
259 Ms Margaret Henry (PDF format)
260 Mr Ray Humphriss (PDF format)
261 Mr Selwyn Johnston (PDF format)
262 Mr Ken Goodwin (PDF format)
263 Ms Susan McMichael (PDF format)
264 Mr Peter Cook (PDF format)
265 Ms Lisa Yeates (PDF format)
266 Mr Luis Araya (PDF format)
267 Mr Dorin Hart (PDF format)
268 Mr Bill McClurg (PDF format)
269 Mr John Rutherford (PDF format)
270 Ms Audrey Tremain (PDF format)
271 Mr Andrew Lenart (PDF format)
272 Uniting Care NSW.ACT (PDF format)
273 Mr Ben Briedis (PDF format)
274 Mr and Mrs Morrison (PDF format)
275 Mr Arnold and Mavis Rowlands (PDF format)
276 Mr Bob Phillips (PDF format)
277 Mr Darryl Nelson (PDF format)
278 Ms Morag Hollway, Mr Alan Miller, Mr Andrew Miller (PDF format)
279 Doctors for the Environment of Australia (PDF format)
280 Mr John Dalton (PDF format)
281 Ms Fiona Harris (PDF format)
282 Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc (PDF format)                                
283 Australian Political Ministry Network Ltd (PolMin ) (PDF format)
284 Ms Sherryl Williams (PDF format)
285 Victorian Committee Australian Screen Editor's Guild (PDF format)           
286 Ms Sally Kingsland (PDF format)
287 Mr Gerhard Weissmann (PDF format)
288 Ms Gail Podberscek (PDF format)
289 R C Brown (PDF format)
290 Mr Michael Davies (PDF format)
291 Australian Pork Limited (PDF format)
292 WTOwatchACT (PDF format)
293 Mr Roger Clarke (PDF format)
294 Kimberlee Weatherall (PDF format)  
294a Kimberlee Weatherall (PDF format) Attachment 1 (PDF format)
295 Australian Library and Information Association (PDF format)
296 Council of Australian University Librarians (PDF format)
297 Mr Brendan Scott (PDF format)
298 Australian Libraries' Copyright Committee (PDF format)
299 Australian Digital Alliance (PDF format)
300 Australian Film Industry Coalition (PDF format)
301 IEAA (PDF format)  
302 AIIA (PDF format)
303 Mr Greg Standen (PDF format)
304 Mr Anthony McIntosh (PDF format)
305 Music Managers' Forum (Aust) (PDF format)
306 Screen Services Association of Victoria (PDF format)
307 Prof. Linda Weiss & Dr Elizabeth Thurbon (PDF format)
308 Ms Gwen Arger (PDF format)
309 Copyright Agency Limited (PDF format)
309a Copyright Agency Limited (PDF format)
310 Mr Michael Bentley and Ms Christine Caleidin (PDF format)
311 Ms Vesselin Kastadinov (PDF format)
312 Jens Porup (PDF format)
313 Mr Nathan Bailey (PDF format)
314 Colin and Julie Imrie (PDF format)
315 Ms Judy Hardy-Holden (PDF format)
316 Ms Glenys North (PDF format)
317 Ms Erica Jolly (PDF format)
318 Ms Rosemary Davies (PDF format)
319 Ms Whillhemina Wahlin (PDF format)
320 Ms Diana Rickard (PDF format)
321 Ms Diana Beaumont (PDF format)
322 Mr Clive Williams (PDF format)
323 Ms Betty Russell (PDF format)
324 Ms Meredith Dart (PDF format)
325 Mr Warwick John Saunders  (PDF format)
326 Mr David Winderlich (PDF format)
327 Ms Hedda Ransan-Elliott (PDF format)
328 Ms Samantha Sowerwine (PDF format)
329 Mr David Clayfield (PDF format)
330 Retired Union Members' Association of SA Inc (PDF format)
331 Mr Philip Crouch (PDF format)
332 Mr Peter Youll (PDF format)
333 Professor Peter Lloyd (PDF format)
334 Mr Martin Pool (PDF format)
335 Ms Julia Osborne (PDF format)
336 Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (PDF format)
337 Mr Dick Clifford (PDF format)
338 Mr Corr Piccone (PDF format)
339 Chris Pudney (PDF format)
340 Allen and Mary Dorste (PDF format)
341 Select Audio-Visual Distribution Company Pty Ltd (PDF format)
342 ALP Gulgong Branch (PDF format)
343 Dr Brian T Carey (PDF format)
344 Mrs J Tendys (PDF format)
345 Ms Jenni Salkavich (PDF format)
346 Mr John Adam (PDF format)
347 Mr Paul Schulz (PDF format)
348 Baxter Healthcare Pty Ltd (PDF format)
349 Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (PDF format)
350 CPSA/NSW (PDF format)
351 Mr Yahya Abdal-Aziz (PDF format)
352 ASU/TAS (PDF format)
353 ASU/VIC (PDF format)
354 Mr Alex Serrurier (PDF format)
355 ASU/NT (PDF format)
356 ASU/NQ (PDF format)
357 ASU/ACT (PDF format)
358 ASU/QLD (PDF format)
359 USU/NSW (PDF format)
360 Mrs Betty Trinick (PDF format)
361 Name Withheld (PDF format)
362 Ms Heather Graham (PDF format)
363 Mr J R Short (PDF format)
364 Mrs M Gluyas (PDF format)
365 Gippslanders Against Gatts (PDF format)
366 Professor Peter Drysdale (PDF format)
367 Ms Susan Meredith (PDF format)
368 Australian Music Industry Network (PDF format)
369 Public Health Association of Australia Inc (PDF format)
370 Aboriginal Heritage Support Group (PDF format)
371 Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (PDF format)
372 ABC (PDF format)
373 Post Office Agents Association Limited (PDF format)
374 Glenda Gartell (PDF format)
375 Fluffy Spider Technologies (PDF format)
376 Friends of the ABC (ACT & Region) Inc (PDF format)
377 SA & MA Ward (PDF format)
378 Mr Dean Kelly (PDF format)
379 J Wood & I Fina (PDF format)
380 Muriel Milne (PDF format)
381 Central Australian Aboriginal Congress Inc (PDF format)
382 Australian Coalition for Economic Justice (PDF format)
383 R Wilkinson (PDF format)
384 Mr Jack Harriss (PDF format)
385 Adelaide Justice Coalition (PDF format)
386 Australian Stock Exchange (PDF format)
387 Tremayne Consulting Group Pty Ltd (PDF format)
388 The Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons Inc (PDF format)
389 Chey Policies (PDF format)
390 Mr Daniel Connell (PDF format)
391 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG (PDF format)
391a Open Interchange Consortium XZIG (PDF format)
392 Australian Council for Trade Unions (PDF format)
393 Mr Andrew Oliver (PDF format)
394 Australian Society of Authors (PDF format)
395 Leanne Perdriau (PDF format)
396 Dr Grant McBurnie & Mr Christopher Ziguras (PDF format)
397 Jonathan Schultz (PDF format)
398 AUSTA Business Group (PDF format)
399 AusTradeUS Pty Ltd FTA (PDF format)
400 Mr Joe Bryant (PDF format)
401 Dr Daphne Elliott (PDF format)
402 Jequerity Pty Ltd (PDF format)
403 AWU (PDF format)
404 Additional Information

Catholic Health Australia (PDF format)

406 Cattle Council of Australia (PDF format)
407 Doctors Reform Society (PDF format)
408 Tony Healy (PDF format)
408a Tony Healy (PDF format)
409 Bruce Miller & Meg Paul (PDF format)

Linda Brainwood and Jeannine Baker (PDF format)


Sven Svenson (PDF format)


Michelle Lord (PDF format)

413 Stephen D'Aprano (PDF format)
414 Victorian Film and Television Industry Working Party (PDF format)
415 Consumer Association of WA (PDF format)
416 AFTINET (PDF format)
417 Friends of the Earth (PDF format)

Terrence Mackaness (PDF format)

419 Barbara Mummery (PDF format)
420 Michael Fensom and family (PDF format)
421 Michael James McNally (PDF format)

Catherine Raffaele (PDF format)


Catherine Errey (PDF format)

424 Martyn Goddard: Professor Peter Drahos: Dr Thomas Faunce: Professor David Henry (PDF format)

Geeta Kumria (PDF format)

426 The Newcastle University Students Association (PDF format)

Brett Mansfield (PDF format)


The Institute for Open Systems Technologies (PDF format)


Slobodan Nikic (PDF format)


Hinkler Burnett Greens (PDF format)


Daniel Milne (PDF format)


Murray Black (PDF format)

433 Holden Ltd (PDF format)

Chris Foote (PDF format)


Andrew Pam (PDF format)


Rodd Clarkson (PDF format)

437 Barbara Little (PDF format)
438 Andrew Braund (PDF format)

Gustav Lanyi (PDF format)

440 Minerals Council of Australia (PDF format)
441 Greg Chapman (PDF format)
442 Jennifer Herron (PDF format)
443 Mrs Mary Grieve (PDF format)
444 Aust Red Meat Industry (PDF format)
445 National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (PDF format)
446 Glen Turner (PDF format)
447 Professor Sinclair Davidson and Jonathan Boymal (PDF format)

Dr. Brett G Williams (PDF format)


Geoff Edwards (PDF format)


Brian Marr (PDF format)


James Kilby (PDF format)

451(a) James Kilby (PDF format)
452 Brenten Ireland (PDF format)
453 Victorian  Greens (PDF format)

WTO Watch Qld (PDF format)


Andrew Mark Johnston (PDF format)


R.R.Traill (PDF format)


Richard Kinder (PDF format)


Mr Kevin Bracken (PDF format)

459 CREATE Australia (PDF format)
460 Inquit Pty Ltd (PDF format)
461 The Hills Greens (PDF format)

Australian Copyright Council (PDF format)

462(a) Australian Copyright Council (PDF format)
463 AMWU (PDF format) Attachment 1 (PDF format) Attachment 2 (PDF format)

Nishan Disanayake (PDF format)

465 QLD Government (PDF format)
466 Terrie Wells (PDF format)

Healthy Skepticism Inc (PDF format)


Engineers Australia (PDF format)

469 Dr Chris Kang AccOT (PDF format)

Colin Lewis (PDF format)

471 Mr Chris Waters (PDF format)
472 Dr Bill Lloyd-Smith (PDF format)
473 Cybersource Pty Ltd (PDF format)
474 Margaret Opie (PDF format)
475 Peter Martin (PDF format)
476 Craig John Matthew Turner (PDF format)
477 Gillian Blair (PDF format)
478 Australian Milk Producers Association Ltd (PDF format)
479 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (PDF format)
480 Julie Short (PDF format)
481 RMIT Business RMIT University of Technology (PDF format)
482 MURDOCH University (PDF format)

South West Trades & Labour Council of Victoria (PDF format)

484 Peter Youll (PDF format)

Geoffrey D.Bennett (PDF format)


Dr James Sherring (PDF format)

487 Peter Eckersley (PDF format))


489 Geoffrey Heard (PDF format)
490 Pauline Stirzaker (PDF format)

Michael Frankel & Company Solicitors (PDF format)

492 Global Justice Network of The Grail in Australia (PDF format)
493 University of Melbourne (PDF format)
494 Confidential

Anna Smith (PDF format)

496 NSW Teachers Federation (PDF format)
497 Professor Chris Nyland (PDF format)
498 J M Shannon (PDF format)
499 ASU/NSW (PDF format)
500 Ms Rosemary Langford and Signatories (PDF format)
501 Alex Sansom (PDF format)
502 Mrs B Errey (PDF format)
503 Mr M Houston (PDF format)
504 ATSIC (PDF format)
505 Geoff (PDF format)
506 Ana Penteado (PDF format)
507 Elizabeth Ann Thompson (PDF format)
508 Queensland Government (PDF format)
509 Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia Inc (PDF format)
510 Willoughby/Castlecrag Branch of the Australian Labor Party (PDF format)
511 Liberty Victoria Victorian Council for Civil Liberties Inc (PDF format)
512 Ms Margaret Paul (PDF format)
513 Northern Territory Government (PDF format)
514 Ms Juliette McAleer (PDF format)
515 STOPMAI  (WA) Coalition (PDF format)
516 L.M. & P.C. Webb (PDF format)
517 Mr Stephen West (PDF format)
518 Mr Andrew Buckeridge (PDF format)
519 Business Council of Australia (PDF format)
520 Viscopy (PDF format)
521 Constellation Wines (PDF format)
522 Australian Consumers' Association (PDF format)
523 Mr Neil Russell-Taylor (PDF format)
524 Dr Waseem Kamleh (PDF format)
525 Internet Industry Association (PDF format)
526 Mr Michael Baume AO (PDF format)
527 Community and Public Sector Union , Civil Service Association of WA Inc (PDF format)
528 Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (PDF format)
529 Mr Paul Reid (PDF format)
530 Sierra Club (PDF format)
531 The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) (PDF format)
532 Consumers' Health Forum of Australia (PDF format)
533 Pastoralists and Graziers Association of WA (Inc)  and  Generic Agricultural Chemical Association (PDF format)
534 Tuna Boat Owners Association (PDF format)
535 Screenrights (PDF format)
536 ALP - New Lambton South Branch (PDF format)
537 Mr Keith McKenna (PDF format)
538 UNIONSWA (PDF format)
539 Ms Daina Reid (PDF format)
540 Daniel & Michele Vieira (PDF format)
541 Leichhardt Council (PDF format)
542 Dylan D'silva (PDF format)
543 Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (PDF format)
544 Mr Geoff Taylor (PDF format)
544(a) Mr Geoff Taylor (PDF format)
545 APRA/AMCOS (PDF format)
546 Name withheld (PDF format)
547 Mr & Mrs Sheridan-Smith (PDF format)
548 Mr Ray Birch (PDF format)