Table of Contents

Inquiry into the provisions of the Fair Prices and Better Access for All (Petroleum) Bill 1999 and the practice of multi-site franchising by oil companies

Table of Contents

Member of the Committee (PDF Format) (Word format)
Executive Summary (PDF Format) (Word format)
The Bill
Preface (PDF Format) (Word format)
Terms of reference
The Inquiry
Chapter 1 (PDF Format) (Word format)
The Fair Prices And Better Access For All (Petroleum) Bill 1999
Historical context
The Bill
The Sites Act and multi-site franchising
Chapter 2 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Franchise Agreements And Tied Supply
Premise of the Bill
Structure of the industry
Franchise Agreements
Nature of current franchise arrangements
Impact of the Bill on Franchise Agreements
Chapter 3 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Economic Models Of The Petroleum Industry
Economic models of the petroleum industry
Price structure
Factors influencing country petrol prices
Chapter 4 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Competition And Petrol Prices
Price effects of franchising
ACCC concerns about tied supply arrangements
Perspective of the Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) and the oil majors on competition and prices
Pricing practices and franchisees
Impact of the Bill on the industry
Chapter 5 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Constitutional And Legal Issues
Acquisition of property
Effect of redrafting the Bill
Adulterated Fuel
Passing off
Corporations power
Amendments to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Consultation with the States)
Chapter 6 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Conclusions And Recommendations About The Bill
Committee's views
Chapter 7 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Multi-Site Franchising And The Sites Act
Terms of reference
The Petroleum Retail Marketing Sites Act 1980
Multi-site franchising
Relationship between the oil companies and multi-site franchisees
The impact of multi-site franchising on competition
Impacts on prices
Effects on small business
Other alleged evasions of the Sites Act
Conclusions and recommendations
Government Senators' Dissenting Report (PDF Format) (Word format)
Australian Democrats Supplementary Report (PDF Format) (Word format)
Senator Aden Ridgeway
Fitzgibbon Bill
Appendixes 1 and 2 (PDF Format) (Word format)
Submissions Received
Public Hearings And Witnesses