Appendix 2

Inquiry into the Australian Legal Aid System

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses since the first report


Australian Council of Social Service

Mr Michael Raper, Deputy President
Ms Jill Anderson, Policy Resource Coordinator

Combined Community Legal Centres Group - New South Wales

Ms Robin Banks, Member
Ms Judith Burgess, Representative
Mr James Johnson, Representative

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission

Mr Ray Robinson, Deputy Chairperson
Mr William Eldridge, General Manager, Social and Cultural Division
Mr Ray Kent, Assistant General Manager, Culture, Legal Aid and Family Policy

Law Society of New South Wales

Mr Patrick Vaughan Fair, President
Mr Mark Richardson, Chief Executive Officer

New South Wales Bar Association

Mr Timothy Game, Deputy Chair
Ms Babette Smith, Chief Executive
Ms Jane Needham, Member, Bar Council
Mr Stephen Norrish, Member, Legal Aid Commission
Mrs Judith Rees, Member, Legal Aid Liaison Committee

Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association

Mr Peter Semmler, National President
Ms Catherine Henry, NSW Branch President

Community Services Australia (Uniting Church)

Reverend Harry Herbert, Chairperson

Returned and Services League - Victoria

Mr Bruce Ruxton, State President
Mr Charles Reichman

Law Foundation of New South Wales

Mr Simon Rice, Director

Public Defenders (NSW)

Mr Martin Sides, QC, Senior Public Defender

Justice Research Centre

Professor Ted Wright, Director

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 Environmental Defender's Office

Mr Michael Bennett, Solicitor

Pilbara Community Legal Service

Mrs Delma Zimmermann, Chairperson, Committee
Ms Rebecca Hicks, Treasurer
Mrs June Councillor, Coordinator  

Women's Legal Services Inc.

Ms Trish Cowles, Principal Solicitor
Ms Alexis Wolfgramm, Coordinator  

Law Society of Western Australia

Ms Kate O'Brien, Senior Vice-President
Mr Richard Cullen, Member, Legal Aid Committee
Mr Gregory Mohen, Coordinator, Law Access  

North Perth Migrant Community Legal Centre

Miss Allison Currie, Principal Solicitor

Headwest (Head Injured Society of WA Inc.)

Mr Glyn Davies, Executive Officer

Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

Mr Gary Downes, Assistant Director (Planning and Corporate Development)  

Western Australian Government

Hon. Peter Foss, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice 

Federation of Community Legal Centres

Mr Stephen Hall, Member
Mr Andrew Moore
Ms Alexis Wolfgramm, Member  

Catholic Migrant Centre

Mr Sipho Khoza, Migration Agent

WA Association for Mental Health Inc.

Ms Helen Lynes, Executive Officer  

Welfare Rights and Advocacy Service

Ms Jann McFarlane, Coordinator

Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia

Ms Pendo Mwaiteleke, Senior Policy Officer  

People with Disabilities (WA) Inc.

Ms Kaye Regan, Manager  

Attorney-General's Department

Mr Leslie Smith, Consultant to the Public Sector Standards Commissioner  

Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre

Mr Sinisa Strbac, Advocacy Officer  

Society of Labor Lawyers (WA Branch)

Mr Philip Vincent, Member of Committee

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Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia

Ms Carol Bahemia, Director
Mr Robert Lindsay, Deputy Director
Mr Alexander Payne, Solicitor in Charge, Criminal Law

Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc.)

Ms Colleen Hayward, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Mr Tony Buti, Solicitor

Supreme Court of Western Australia

The Hon. Chief Justice David Malcolm, AC