Appendix 2

Human Rights Bill

Appendix 2


11 March 1997

Canberra Attorney-General's Department

Mr Richard Moss, Deputy Secretary
Mr Stephen Bourke, Acting Assistant Secretary, Legal Aid Branch
Mrs Maggie Jackson, Deputy Government Counsel, Civil Law
Ms Annie McLean, Principal Counsel, Human Rights Branch
Ms Joan Sheedy, Senior Government Counsel, Human Rights Branch
Mr Kym Duggan, Acting Senior Government Council, Human Rights Branch
Mr Greg Heesom, Legal Counsel, Human Rights Branch

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Mr Christopher Sidoti, Human Rights Commissioner
Ms Zita Antonios, Race Discrimination Commissioner
Mr Mark Nicholls, Director Legal Services
Ms Susan Roberts, Senior Legal Officer

Mr John Basten QC

Federation of Community Legal Centres (Victoria) and National Law Reform Network of National Association of Community Legal Centres

Ms Liz Curran, Law Reform Worker

Disability Discrimination Law Advocacy Service

Ms Noeline Gration, Community Educator

7 April 1997

Canberra Attorney-General's Department

Mr Richard Moss, Deputy Secretary
Ms Renee Leon, Acting Deputy Government Counsel
Ms Joan Sheedy, Senior Government Counsel, Human Rights Branch
Mr Stephen Bourke, Acting Assistant Secretary, Legal Aid Branch
Ms Sandra Power, Acting Senior General Counsel

Federal Court of Australia

Mr Warwick Soden, Registrar, Federal Court of Australia
Mr Alan Dawson, Deputy Registrar

Women's Electoral Lobby

Dr Marian Sawer

Women for Workplace Justice Coalition

Dr Jocelynne Scutt

National Pay Equity Coalition and National Children's and Youth Law Centre

Ms Chris Ronalds.

Australian National University

Mr Peter Bailey