Members of the Legislation Committee

Human Rights Bill

Members of the Legislation Committee


Senator E Abetz, Tasmania, Chair
Senator J McKiernan, Western Australia, Deputy Chair
Senator the Hon N Bolkus, South Australia
Senator H Coonan, New South Wales
Senator A Murray, Western Australia
Senator W O'Chee, Queensland

Participating Members

Senator B Brown, Tasmania
Senator B Childs, New South Wales
Senator the Hon B Collins, Northern Territory
Senator M Colston, Queensland
Senator B Cooney, Victoria
Senator J Ferris, South Australia
Senator B Gibbs, Queensland
Senator B Harradine, Tasmania
Senator K Lundy, Australian Capital Territory
Senator S Mackay, Tasmania
Senator D Margetts, Western Australia
Senator J McGauran, Victoria
Senator the Hon N Minchin, South Australia
Senator S Murphy, Tasmania
Senator B Neal, New South Wales
Senator the Hon G Tambling, Northern Territory


Mr Neil Bessell (Secretary to the Committee)
Mr Simon Taylor (Inquiry Officer)
The Senate
Parliament House

Tel: (06) 277 3560
Fax: (06) 277 5794