Inquiry into Sexuality Discrimination


Witnesses who appeared before the Committee and date of Transcript of Evidence

6 August 1996, Canberra

Council for Equal Opportunity in Employment

Ms Rohan Squirchuk, Executive Director

Attorney-General's Department

Mr Henry Burmester, Chief General Counsel

Mr William Campbell

Ms J Sheedy, Senior Government Counsel, Human Rights Branch

Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Ms M Carseldine, Family Residence Section

Mr G Fleming, Director, Citizenship Policy Section

Mr P Vardos, Assistant Secretary, Protection and

Family Residence Branch

Australian Sports Commission

Miss Andrea Coss, Women and Sport Unit

Ms D Simms, Manager, Women and Sport Unit

Department of Social Security

Mr A Denholm

Mr M Sassella, First Assistant Secretary, Legal Services Division

Office of International Law

Ms A Devereux, Counsel

Ms Sandy Hinson, private citizen

Australian Law Reform Commission

Mr A Rose, President

Dr David Kinley

Department of Defence

Mr C Neumann, Acting First Assistant Secretary,

Human Resources and Management

Australian Defence Force

Commodore RAN J O'Hara, Director General

Personnel Policy and Plans

Womensport Australia

Ms H Reid, Executive Officer

Uniting Church in Australia

Reverend R Stringer, Secretary for Social Justice

7 August 1996, Sydney

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia

Dr M Anderson, Policy and Research

Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW

Mr C Puplick, President

Ms C Brown, Acting Legal Officer

Ms N Hennessy, Legal and Policy Branch

AIDS Council of New South Wales

Mr N Carrington

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby

Ms S Clayton, Co-Convenor

Women in Sport Foundation

Mrs Katherine de Bry, President

Mrs J Jones

2010 Lesbian and Gay Youth Services

Ms J Wade, Secretary and Public Officer

Ms J Golding

NSW Council for Civil Liberties

Mr K O'Rourke, Vice-President

Ms L Goodsell, Committee Member

Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project

Mr B Grant, Coordinator

Ms J Millbank, private citizen

Ms C Ronalds, private citizen

Australian Human Rights and Equal

Mr C Sidoti, Commissioner

Metropolitan Community Church

Reverend G Smith, Pastor and Australian Coordinator

Mr S Spindler, private citizen

8 August 1996, Melbourne

Ms A Chapman, private citizen

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Ms L Connor

Gay Men and Lesbians Against Discrimination

Mr D Cooper

Mr J Davey

Mr A Shaw

Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria

Mr M Gorton, Commissioner

Ms Debbie Kiper

Mr T Keenan, private citizen

Mr R Kelsey, private citizen

Gender Dysphoria Clinic, Monash Medical Centre

Dr T Kennedy

Transgender Law Reform Association

Ms Jane Langley

Ms J Peters

North Melbourne Legal Service and

Federation of Community Legal Centres

Ms Kate Lawrence

Mr W Morgan, private citizen

Focus on the Family Australia

Mr B Muehlenberg, National Research Coordinator

The ALSO Foundation

Mr D Ray

Ms C Ryan, private citizen

Mr S Spindler, private citizen

Mr P Stevens, private citizen

Salt Shakers

Mr P Stokes

Ms K Walker, private citizen

Mr J Way, private citizen

9 August 1996, Hobart

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Mr R Henderson

Baptist Churches of Tasmania

Reverend H Pell, Superintendent

Mr G Barnett

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group

Mr R Croome, Campaign Coordinator

Mr J Rostant, Community Education Coordinator

Ms L Savell

Dr Henry Finlay, private citizen

The Community and Family Rights Council

Mr R Gibbs, Secretary

16 August 1996, Adelaide

Equal Opportunity Commission

Ms Linda Matthews, Commissioner

Mr M Ahern, Assistant Commissioner

Lesbian and Gay Community Action

Ms B Baird

Mr J Robertson

Festival of Light (SA)

Mr David d'Lima

Mrs R Phillips

Dr D Phillips

The Chameleons

Ms M D'Orsay-Lawrence

Ms E Gauntlett, private citizen

Temple Christian College

Mr B Hagger, Headmaster

SA Branch of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian Section)

Ms M Heath

Miss J Thomson

AIDS Council of South Australia

Ms Mahamah

Mr K Miller, Gay Men's Health

Ms M Rogers, private citizen

Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of SA Inc.

Ms J Scott

23 September 1996, Perth

Australian Family Association

Mr J Barich, President

Mr R Egan, Executive Member

Dr V Cass, private citizen

Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of Western Australia Inc.

Dr K Franklin, Assistant Director

Ms J Froome, Director and Chair of Board

Mr S Gethin, private citizen

Australian Council for Lesbian and Gay Rights (WA)

Mr B Greig

Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission

Canon G Harvey

Mr A Hosken, private citizen

Mr C Kendall, private citizen

Equal Opportunity Commission

Ms J Williams, Commissioner

24 September 1996, Perth

Calvinistic Political and Social Association

Mr P Dekker

Mr F Den Boer, Secretary

Mr H Pitlo

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

Ms L Garmony

Mrs M Pugh

Mr J Pugh

Mrs N Schwind, Secretary

Miss A Shepherd

Mrs J Smythe

1 October 1996, Brisbane

Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia in Queensland

Reverend Peter Breen

Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission

Mr John Briton

Ms Margo Couldrey

Queensland Association of Gay and Lesbian Rights

Mr Michael Carden

Ms Merran Lawler

Mr Adrian Lovney

Ms Shayne Wilde

Christian Outreach Centre

Mr Peter Earle

Pastor Brian Mulheran

Association of Catholic Parents

Mr Peter Howard

Mr Michael O'Dowd

Australian Transgender Support Association Inc.

Ms Kristine Johnson

Ms Gina Mather

Queensland AIDS Council

Mr Adrian Lovney

Dr Albert Reece, private citizen

Australian Bisexual Network

Mr Wayne Roberts

Gay and Lesbian Health Service

Dr Wendall Rosevear

Mr Alec Spencer, private citizen

22 October 1996, Canberra

Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade

Mr Robert Browne, Australian Passport Service

Mr Robert Hamilton, Consular & Passports Branch

Mr Graeme Middleweek, Passport Operations

Australian Association of Christian Schools

Mr Peter Crimmins

Victorian Council for Civil Liberties

Mr Joseph O'Reilly

Health Insurance Commission

Mr Geoffrey Gillett, Medicare Eligibility

Department of Health and Family Services

Mr Ian McNeil, Health Benefits Division