Submissions received by the Committee

Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2010

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Australian Federal Police Association (PDF 142KB) 
2Communications Alliance, Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association and Internet Industry Association (PDF 79KB) 
3Attorney-General's Department (PDF 1314KB) 
4Law Council of Australia (PDF 96KB) 
5New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 25KB) 
6NSW Police  (PDF 240KB) 
7Australian Law Reform Commission (PDF 136KB) 
8Commonwealth Ombudsman (PDF 98KB) 
9Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 213KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 117KB) 
10Queensland Council of Civil Liberties (PDF 93KB) 
11Northern Territory Government (PDF 772KB) 
12Victoria Police (PDF 39KB) 
13Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (PDF 472KB) 
14Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 65KB) 
15Tasmanian Commissioner of Police (PDF 1311KB) 
16Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity  (PDF 58KB) 
17Queensland Government (PDF 1570KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Australian Privacy Foundation on 14 November 2010(PDF 92KB) 
2Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Communications Alliance on 17 November 2010(PDF 80KB) 
3Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 17 November 2010(PDF 73KB) 
4Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Attorney-General's Department on 19 November 2010(PDF 118KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794