Recommendation 1

3.104  The committee recommends that the Attorney-General's Department revise and reissue the Explanatory Memorandum to the Bill to:

  • provide greater clarification to carriers and nominated carriage service providers about their reporting requirements under the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979;
  • specifically detail where privacy issues may arise within the context of these amendments to assist issuing authorities when considering factors under subsection 116(2) of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979; and
  • address what the existing legislation already provides for and explain why those existing provisions do not adequately meet the operational requirements of intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Recommendation 2

3.105  The committee recommends that, consistent with further clarification being provided in the Explanatory Memorandum as outlined in Recommendation 1, guidelines be developed by the Attorney-General's Department to provide further clarification to carriers and nominated carriage service providers about their reporting requirements under Schedule 2 of the Bill.

Recommendation 3

3.106  Subject to the above recommendations, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the Bill.

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