Recommendation 1

2.48    The committee recommends that the Senate should not pass the Assisting Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill 2012.

Recommendation 2

2.55    The committee recommends that the Attorney-General's Department issue a revised Explanatory Memorandum to the Social Security Amendment (Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas) Bill 2011, which outlines in more detail examples of the types of events which are likely to be 'declared overseas terrorist acts' under the Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Payment scheme, and criteria by which the Prime Minister may make determinations for payments under the scheme. 

Recommendation 3

2.57    The committee recommends that the Attorney-General's Department issue a revised Explanatory Memorandum to the Social Security Amendment (Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas) Bill 2011, clarifying whether Australian Government employees working overseas will be eligible for payment under the Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Payment scheme in the event they are injured in a declared overseas terrorist act.

Recommendation 4

2.62    The committee recommends that proposed new subsection 1061PAD(3) of the Social Security Amendment (Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas) Bill 2011 be amended to provide that the amount paid to a primary victim of a declared overseas terrorist act under the Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Payment scheme must not exceed $150,000.

Recommendation 5

2.65    The committee recommends that the Attorney-General's Department issue a revised Explanatory Memorandum to the Social Security Amendment (Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas) Bill 2011, outlining in greater detail how forms of financial assistance made to victims of overseas terrorism outside the Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Payment scheme may affect the amount they receive under the Australian Victims of Overseas Terrorism Payment scheme.

Recommendation 6

2.68    The committee recommends that the Australian Government should establish a central contact point for Australians affected by terrorist acts, to provide information and coordination of the various support services offered to victims and their families.

Recommendation 7

2.69    Subject to Recommendations 2-5, the committee recommends that the Senate pass the Social Security Amendment (Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas) Bill 2011.

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