Submissions received by the Committee

Exposure Draft of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012

Submissions received by the Committee

The committee received over 3,000 submissions and form letters for this inquiry. Due to the large number of submissions and form letters, along with resource constraints, the committee decided not to publish on its website every submission and form letter it received from individuals. That decision is final. The committee decided to publish a selection of individual submissions, which were indicative of the types of views expressed, and has also published examples of each type of form letter received. Further information about submissions is provided in Chapter 1 of the committee's report, which was presented on 21 February 2013 and is available on this website. All submissions were considered by the committee during the course of the inquiry.

Sub No.

1Mr Paul Hobson (PDF 129KB) Attachment 1(PDF 203KB) 
2Mr Allan Choveaux (PDF 31KB) 
3Dr Tiffany Jones (PDF 846KB) 
4Mr Matthew Gee Kwun Chan (PDF 184KB) 
5Name Withheld (PDF 103KB) 
6Mrs Ruth Allison (PDF 95KB) 
7Mr Tristan Pyke (PDF 41KB) 
8Ms Elena Jeffreys (PDF 8KB) 
9Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 332KB) 
10Dr Arthur Hartwig (PDF 84KB) 
11Mr Chris Hamill (PDF 74KB) 
12Organisation Intersex International Australia (PDF 221KB) 
13Fellowship of Congregational Churches (PDF 253KB) 
14Jodine (PDF 184KB) 
15Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
16Canon Dr David Claydon (PDF 348KB) 
17Ms Nola Drum (PDF 214KB) 
18Michael and Denise Corbin and Penelope Butler (PDF 205KB) 
19Dr Mansel Rogerson (PDF 91KB) 
20Ms Tina Vartis (PDF 52KB) 
21Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales (PDF 2287KB) 
22Name Withheld (PDF 38KB) 
23Wauchope Presbyterian Church (PDF 125KB) 
24Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse (PDF 450KB) Attachment 1(PDF 268KB) Attachment 2(PDF 109KB) 
25Rainbow Communities Tasmania (PDF 457KB) 
26Working Women's Centre South Australia (PDF 84KB) 
27Australian Family Association Western Australia (PDF 140KB) 
28Queensland Working Women's Service (PDF 295KB) 
29Mr Dirk Jackson (PDF 101KB) 
30Department of Finance and Deregulation (PDF 676KB) 
31Mrs Anne O'Dwyer (PDF 95KB) 
32Hendrik and Belinda Terpstra (PDF 96KB) 
33The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (PDF 214KB) 
34Terry and Cheryl Young (PDF 100KB) 
35Nick and Natalie Blismas  (PDF 100KB) 
36Women's Health Victoria (PDF 232KB) 
37Mr Joel van der Horst (PDF 105KB) 
38Jeremy and Rachel Hopwood (PDF 97KB) 
39Mr Matthew Grinter (PDF 97KB) 
40Mr Kenneth Lewis (PDF 101KB) 
41Mr David Forster (PDF 104KB) 
42Christopher and Katharina Hopwood  (PDF 99KB) 
43Mr Fred Bramich (PDF 96KB) 
44Mr Michael Clark (PDF 90KB) 
45Name Withheld (PDF 38KB) 
46Mrs Helen Drew (PDF 21KB) 
47Mr Graham McDonald (PDF 94KB) 
48Ms Gabrielle Lord (PDF 6KB) 
49Ms Dorothy Long (PDF 95KB) 
50Name Withheld (PDF 40KB) 
51Name Withheld (PDF 22KB) 
53Name Withheld (PDF 40KB) 
54Reverend Lance Lawton (PDF 46KB) 
55Mr Ted Skuse (PDF 92KB) 
56Name Withheld (PDF 48KB) 
57Name Withheld (PDF 51KB) 
58Australasian Railway Association (PDF 309KB) Attachment 1(PDF 7684KB) 
59Mr Michael Cox (PDF 91KB) 
60Mr Ian Hore-Lacy (PDF 47KB) 
61Reverend Steve Davis (PDF 74KB) 
62Name Withheld (PDF 33KB) 
63Name Withheld (PDF 22KB) 
64Ms Catherine Robertson (PDF 4KB) 
65Mr Andrew Vallance (PDF 34KB) 
66Mr Gordon Kappelhoff (PDF 68KB) 
67Mrs Jennie Pakula (PDF 22KB) 
68Ms Rachel Driver (PDF 4KB) 
70Mr Terry King (PDF 74KB) 
71Ms Evelyn Castelletti (PDF 139KB) 
72Mr Robert Combs (PDF 75KB) 
73Ms Renai Ahlatis (PDF 89KB) 
74Ms Nastasha Park (PDF 89KB) 
75Mr Lance Eccles (PDF 151KB) 
76Ms Ruth Zanetti (PDF 92KB) 
77Name Withheld (PDF 28KB) 
78Mr Trevor Adams (PDF 83KB) 
79Mr Chris Reibel (PDF 95KB) 
80Mr Mark Vegar (PDF 90KB) 
81Mr Luigi Rosolin (PDF 43KB) 
82Name Withheld (PDF 32KB) 
83Name Withheld (PDF 56KB) 
84Mr Dean McPherson (PDF 114KB) 
85Mr Michael Fisher-White (PDF 21KB) 
86Dr Martin Rice (PDF 105KB) 
87Mr David Stone (PDF 28KB) 
88H Bohn (PDF 5KB) 
89Mr John Wall (PDF 113KB) 
90Pastor Chris Ganter (PDF 126KB) 
91Mr James Warland (PDF 382KB) 
92Apostolic Church Australia (PDF 1064KB) 
93Mr Richard Jones (PDF 65KB) 
94Mrs Heather Juniper (PDF 40KB) 
95Name Withheld (PDF 31KB) 
96Name Withheld (PDF 27KB) 
97Mr Randell Greem (PDF 52KB) 
98Name Withheld (PDF 30KB) 
99Mr Luke Howard (PDF 117KB) 
100Ms Raewyn Borlase (PDF 92KB) 
101Mr Michael Ord (PDF 19KB) 
102Brian and Judith Magree (PDF 148KB) 
103Dalby Christian Outreach Centre (PDF 21KB) 
104Victorian Trades Hall Council (PDF 181KB) 
105Mr Geoff Dyer (PDF 91KB) 
106Mr Joseph Stephen (PDF 73KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 157KB) 
107Mr Allan Wilkinson (PDF 87KB) 
108Ms Natasha Burfield (PDF 123KB) 
109Mr John O'Regan (PDF 93KB) 
110Name Withheld (PDF 19KB) 
111Mr Ken Fraser (PDF 85KB) 
112Mr Trevor Warmsley (PDF 73KB) 
113Ms Gay Hartley (PDF 91KB) 
114Mr Clinton Le Page (PDF 47KB) 
115Mr Peter Dolan (PDF 222KB) 
116Linda and John Patey (PDF 92KB) 
117Mr Julian Oosterloo (PDF 85KB) 
118Name Withheld (PDF 30KB) 
119Mr Chris Broomhead (PDF 91KB) 
120Dr Stephen Ridge (PDF 65KB) 
121Mr Adrian Gallagher (PDF 83KB) 
122Name Withheld (PDF 38KB) 
123Brian and Robyn Pickering (PDF 68KB) 
124Mr Les Ormrod (PDF 4KB) 
125Mr Barry Mulquin (PDF 60KB) 
126Mr Alastair Wilson (PDF 50KB) 
127Mr John Angelico (PDF 94KB) 
128Dr Jereth Kok (PDF 4KB) 
129Mr John Craig (PDF 68KB) 
130Attorney-General's Department (PDF 29KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 85KB) 
131Endeavour Forum (PDF 120KB) 
132Joint submission from the Hon Nick Goiran MLC, Mr Michael Sutherland MLA and Mr Peter Abetz MLA (PDF 1169KB) 
133Mr Michael Weeks (PDF 106KB) 
134Mr Ian Collett (PDF 24KB) 
135Mr Alan Barnard (PDF 96KB) 
136Mr Paul McCormack (PDF 47KB) 
137Mr Andy Semple (PDF 99KB) 
138Mr Chris Field (PDF 160KB) 
139Mr Marcel Smith (PDF 77KB) 
140Name Withheld (PDF 26KB) 
141Ms Gabrielle Walsh (PDF 82KB) 
142Mr Tim Tunbridge (PDF 313KB) 
143Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry (PDF 85KB) 
144Mr Andrew Batts (PDF 60KB) 
145Mr Alexander Cornell Stewart (PDF 236KB) Attachment 1(PDF 89KB) 
146David and Elizabeth Cronin (PDF 285KB) 
147Mr Matthew Sakaris (PDF 176KB) 
148Mr Peter Magee (PDF 254KB) 
149Mr William Grant (PDF 83KB) 
150Mr James Milner (PDF 109KB) 
151Benedictine Community of Christ the King (PDF 23KB) 
152Mr David Perrin (PDF 19KB) 
153The Humanist Society of Victoria (PDF 153KB) 
154Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PDF 299KB) 
155Dyslexia Parent Network Victoria (PDF 108KB) 
156JOY Melbourne (PDF 107KB) 
157Mr Kenneth Higgs (PDF 633KB) 
158Mr Senthorun Raj (PDF 139KB) 
159Mr Ron Thiele (PDF 72KB) 
160Mr Jeremy Gordon (PDF 143KB) 
161Ms Cathy Brennan (PDF 62KB) 
162Dr Philomena Horsley (PDF 298KB) 
163Ms Carli Lewis (PDF 4KB) 
164Mr Jai Wright (PDF 89KB) 
165Mr Russell Vernon (PDF 3KB) 
166Ms Dianne Murphy (PDF 87KB) 
167Ms Lianna Sliw (PDF 4KB) 
168Mr Damian Wilson (PDF 93KB) 
169Mr Robert Starky (PDF 230KB) 
170Mr David Jackson (PDF 91KB) 
171Ms Pia Cerveri (PDF 7KB) 
172Gwen and Bryan Hardman (PDF 89KB) 
173Mr Brian Brady (PDF 4KB) 
174Mr Paul Sampson (PDF 64KB) 
175Graham and Lois Mitchell (PDF 98KB) 
176Ms Beryl Jobe (PDF 3KB) 
177Ms Julie Hagedorn (PDF 106KB) 
178Mr Peter Kriewaldt (PDF 90KB) 
179Mrs Colleen Blacket (PDF 4KB) 
180Mr Paul Russell (PDF 55KB) 
181Jeff and Karen Lawson (PDF 5KB) 
182Mr Lynton Phillips (PDF 4KB) 
183George and Margaret Gourlay (PDF 67KB) 
184Mrs Harriet Remy-Maillet (PDF 70KB) 
185Mr Ken Burt (PDF 88KB) 
186Ms Doreen Western (PDF 31KB) 
187Mr Stuart Clarke (PDF 3KB) 
188Mr Peter Kentley (PDF 14KB) 
189Ben and Kate Murphy (PDF 6KB) 
190Mr David Drew (PDF 102KB) 
191Menno and Marlene Bokma (PDF 92KB) 
192Ms Patricia Horneman (PDF 22KB) 
193Mr Allan Cleanthous (PDF 88KB) 
194Mr Roji Chacko (PDF 88KB) 
195Mr Edwin Holt (PDF 3KB) 
196Mr Willem Roodt (PDF 3KB) 
197Mr Ken Grundy (PDF 5KB) 
198Mr Amit Khaira (PDF 94KB) 
199Ms Sibon Apile (PDF 4KB) 
200Mr Ian Kilminster (PDF 5KB) 
201Family Council of Victoria (PDF 82KB) 
202Dr Janet Berry (PDF 104KB) 
203Councillor Tony Briffa (PDF 5386KB) 
204Ms Anne Hewitt, Professor Andrew Stewart, Professor Rosemary Owens, Ms Gabrielle Appleby and Ms Beth Nosworthy (PDF 472KB) 
205Dr Rosemary Mann (PDF 96KB) 
206Ms Anita Downes (PDF 82KB) 
207Discrimination Law Experts Group (PDF 867KB) 
208Mr Rowan Payne (PDF 55KB) 
209Mr Samuel Brand (PDF 32KB) 
210Ms Leslie Jones (PDF 3KB) 
211FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 164KB) 
212Dr John Davies (PDF 105KB) 
213Ms Christine Elam (PDF 94KB) 
214Ms Jan Sanders (PDF 3KB) 
215Mr Barry Lock (PDF 94KB) 
217beyondblue (PDF 954KB) 
218Shop Distributive and Allied Employees' Association (PDF 373KB) 
219Ms Lorraine Harrison (PDF 98KB) 
220Mr Craig Wallace (PDF 168KB) 
221Ms Aileen Benger (PDF 5KB) 
222Reverend Matthew James (PDF 55KB) 
223Ms Patricia Heazlewood (PDF 92KB) 
224Ms Rosamund Riley (PDF 88KB) 
225Ms Judith Patterson (PDF 27KB) 
226Rainbow Families Council (PDF 103KB) 
227Australian Association of Social Workers (PDF 231KB) 
228Mr Rod Bevan (PDF 91KB) 
229Mr Ken Brunjes (PDF 102KB) 
230Mr Terry Udy (PDF 88KB) 
231Dr Peter Couttie (PDF 100KB) 
232Peter and Margaret Dormer (PDF 94KB) 
233Pastor Brian Kempson (PDF 78KB) 
234Rick and Lynn Bristow (PDF 98KB) 
235Name Withheld (PDF 42KB) 
236Mr Barry Bell (PDF 4KB) 
237Christian Schools Australia (PDF 478KB) 
238National Congress of Australia's First Peoples (PDF 213KB) 
239Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (PDF 458KB) 
240Salt Shakers (PDF 36KB) 
241Doctors for the Family (PDF 244KB) 
242Executive Council of Australian Jewry (PDF 229KB) 
243Melbourne Savage Club (PDF 880KB) 
244ACON (PDF 172KB) 
245NT Working Women's Centre (PDF 193KB) 
246Australian Baha'i Community (PDF 118KB) 
247Catholic Prison Ministry (PDF 162KB) 
248The Law Society of South Australia (PDF 2713KB) 
249Castan Centre for Human Rights Law (PDF 111KB) 
250Ms Tamara Britza (PDF 24KB) 
251Mr Chris Gill (PDF 16KB) 
252Ms Jan Thwaites (PDF 64KB) 
253Mr Stephen Kinkead (PDF 17KB) 
254Name Withheld (PDF 53KB) 
255National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (PDF 546KB) 
256Mr Paul Rogerson (PDF 1720KB) 
257National Farmers' Federation (PDF 447KB) 
258Mr Robert Claxton (PDF 35KB) 
259Ms June Laws (PDF 8KB) 
260Mr John Smith (PDF 32KB) 
261Ms Pippa Boyd (PDF 61KB) 
262Ms Louis Stevenson (PDF 3KB) 
263Willoughby, Margaret and Dorothy Summerson  (PDF 11KB) 
264Mr Graham Rule (PDF 7KB) 
265Mr Allan Wilson (PDF 12KB) 
266Mr Nolan Murphy (PDF 20KB) 
267Ms Bronwyn Molloy (PDF 8KB) 
268Ms Mary Allison (PDF 10KB) 
269Mr Owen Allison (PDF 9KB) 
270Mr Grant Lock (PDF 53KB) 
271Mrs Diane Newland  (PDF 37KB) 
272Ms Jill McKay (PDF 9KB) 
273Mr Alex McCulloch  (PDF 31KB) 
274Mr Richard Pratt (PDF 8KB) 
275Job Watch (PDF 479KB) 
276Mr Ian Holford (PDF 37KB) 
277Ms Mieke Walker (PDF 116KB) 
278Ms Anne Rolfe (PDF 8KB) 
279Suncorp Group (PDF 375KB) 
280Ms Celia McCoy (PDF 13KB) 
281Mr Robert Hoerisch  (PDF 49KB) 
282Ms Mary Whitta (PDF 32KB) 
283Ms Lyn Gargan (PDF 9KB) 
284Dr KF Leong (PDF 8KB) 
285Ms Rebeka Diamondstar (PDF 27KB) 
286Name Withheld (PDF 53KB) 
287Mr Geoffrey Brent (PDF 94KB) 
288Father David J Smith (PDF 27KB) 
289Mr Brendan Cameron (PDF 97KB) 
290Ms Carlene Strauss (PDF 8KB) 
291Ms Anne Symmonds (PDF 129KB) 
292Mr Cal Pritchard (PDF 215KB) 
293Mr Leigh Cowan (PDF 61KB) 
294Ms Jessica Lancaster (PDF 94KB) 
295Ms Elizabeth King (PDF 7KB) 
296Mr Jed Gilbert (PDF 90KB) 
297Ms Maddalena Torre (PDF 88KB) 
298Androgen Insensitivity Support Group Australia (PDF 238KB) 
299Mr Bayne MacGregor (PDF 89KB) 
300Mr Jeffrey Gill (PDF 94KB) 
301Mr Michael Yates (PDF 220KB) 
302Ms Jessica Sutton (PDF 130KB) 
303Mr David Hollingworth (PDF 90KB) 
304Ms Sianon Daley (PDF 131KB) 
305Ms Deborah Hoad (PDF 92KB) 
306Mr Justin Johnson (PDF 150KB) 
307Civil Contractors Federation (PDF 208KB) 
308Australian Psychological Society (PDF 320KB) 
309Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (PDF 114KB) 
310Australian Council of Trade Unions (PDF 347KB) 
311White Ribbon Australia (PDF 534KB) 
312Catholic Women's League Australia  (PDF 870KB) 
313Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (PDF 505KB) 
314Clubs Australia Industrial (PDF 379KB) 
315United Voice (PDF 265KB) 
316Domestic Violence Victoria (PDF 236KB) 
317National Tertiary Education Union (PDF 201KB) 
318Prisoners' Legal Service (PDF 178KB) 
319Business Council of Australia (PDF 1360KB) 
320National LGBTI Health Alliance (PDF 473KB) 
321Chartered Secretaries Australia (PDF 124KB) 
322A Gender Agenda (PDF 364KB) 
323National Disability Services (PDF 98KB) 
324Vision Australia (PDF 241KB) 
325Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group (PDF 102KB) 
326UnitingCare Community (PDF 310KB) 
327North Melbourne Legal Service (PDF 145KB) 
328New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 365KB) 
329Anglicare Sydney (PDF 173KB) 
330Free TV Australia (PDF 277KB) 
331Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 417KB) 
332Mr Aram Hosie (PDF 94KB) 
333Australian Unity (PDF 3030KB) 
334National Association of Community Legal Centres and Kingsford Legal Centre (PDF 631KB) 
335Inner City Legal Centre (PDF 468KB) 
336Women's Legal Services Australia (PDF 225KB) 
337Living Positive Victoria (PDF 136KB) 
338Caxton Legal Centre (PDF 412KB) 
339Women's Legal Services New South Wales (PDF 597KB) 
340Women's Legal Centre (ACT and Region) (PDF 165KB) 
341Mr Steven Munchenberg (PDF 223KB) 
342Queensland Independent Education Union (PDF 192KB) Attachment 1(PDF 101KB) 
343Australian Education Union (PDF 44KB) 
344Q Society of Australia (PDF 76KB) 
345The Hon Diana Bryant AO, Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia  (PDF 59KB) 
346Victoria Legal Aid (PDF 2400KB) 
347Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (PDF 472KB) 
348Financial Services Council (PDF 296KB) 
349Tenants' Union of New South Wales (PDF 145KB) Attachment 1(PDF 1326KB) 
350Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies (PDF 390KB) 
351Australian Services Union (PDF 52KB) 
352Equality Rights Alliance (PDF 534KB) 
353Master Builders Australia (PDF 232KB) 
354Women's Law Centre of Western Australia (PDF 1175KB) 
355Victorian Government (PDF 4487KB) 
356Independent Education Union of Australia (PDF 306KB) 
357Australian Family Association (PDF 366KB) 
358Australian Council of Human Rights Agencies (PDF 279KB) 
359Australian Association of Christian Schools (PDF 533KB) 
360Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (PDF 164KB) 
361Australian Institute of Company Directors (PDF 3272KB) 
362Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland (PDF 115KB) 
363National Retail Association (PDF 327KB) 
364Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre (PDF 182KB) 
365Right to Life Association Western Australia  (PDF 556KB) 
366Disability Discrimination Legal Service and Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service (PDF 120KB) 
367The Equal Rights Trust (PDF 699KB) 
368LGBTI Legal Service (PDF 148KB) 
369Arts Law Centre of Australia  (PDF 565KB) 
370South Australian Wine Industry Association (PDF 27KB) 
371Val's Cafe (PDF 202KB) 
372Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria, La Trobe University (PDF 346KB) 
373Mr Dale Reardon (PDF 167KB) 
374Maurice Blackburn Lawyers  (PDF 591KB) 
375Hotham Mission  (PDF 562KB) 
376The Australian Sex Party (PDF 1119KB) 
377Wilberforce Foundation (PDF 329KB) 
378Diversity Council Australia (PDF 126KB) 
379Liberty Victoria (PDF 178KB) 
380Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney (PDF 107KB) 
381Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 462KB) 
382Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (PDF 1037KB) 
383Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council (PDF 219KB) 
384Coalition of Activist Lesbians Australia (PDF 588KB) 
385Cairns Community Legal Centre  (PDF 416KB) 
386Catholic Health Australia  (PDF 525KB) 
387NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby  (PDF 807KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 267KB) 
388HammondCare  (PDF 682KB) 
389New South Wales Reconciliation Council (PDF 1025KB) 
390Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Legal Service (PDF 115KB) 
391Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney (PDF 4261KB) 
392Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (PDF 623KB) 
393Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (PDF 656KB) 
394Seventh-day Adventist Church Western Australia (PDF 429KB) 
395All Out (PDF 178KB) 
396Darebin Sexuality, Sex and Gender Diversity Advisory Committee  (PDF 118KB) 
397Respect (PDF 708KB) 
398Scarlet Alliance  (PDF 912KB) 
399Victorian Women Lawyers  (PDF 294KB) 
400Seventh-day Adventist Church Victorian Conference (PDF 621KB) 
401Stanley River Valley Community Church  (PDF 156KB) 
402Human Rights Law Centre (PDF 428KB) 
403National Seniors Australia  (PDF 821KB) 
404Saint Mary MacKillop College Albury  (PDF 425KB) 
405Healthy Communities (PDF 80KB) 
406Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 1092KB) 
407Civil Liberties Australia (PDF 105KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 668KB) 
408Professor Sheila Jeffreys (PDF 62KB) 
409Ambrose Centre of Religious Liberty  (PDF 522KB) 
410Dr Augusto Zimmermann and Mrs Lorraine Finlay (PDF 297KB) 
411Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PDF 1934KB) Attachment 1(PDF 2037KB) 
412Queensland Advocacy Incorporated  (PDF 233KB) 
413Dr Jo Harrison (PDF 31KB) Attachment 1(PDF 73KB) 
414Youth Advocacy Centre  (PDF 342KB) 
415Australian Industry Group (PDF 122KB) 
416Australian Business Industrial  (PDF 188KB) 
417Dads4Kids Fatherhood Foundation (PDF 639KB) 
418Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (PDF 504KB) 
419Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 330KB) 
420Insurance Council of Australia (PDF 242KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 96KB) 
421Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF 1896KB) 
422Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia (PDF 170KB) 
423ACT Human Rights Commission (PDF 625KB) 
424Australian Finance Conference (PDF 46KB) 
425Public Interest Law Clearing House (PDF 322KB) 
426Mr Spencer Gear (PDF 67KB) 
427Mr Bill Lloyd-Smith (PDF 41KB) 
428Dr Mark Hughes (PDF 13KB) 
429Anti-Discrimination Commissioner of Tasmania (PDF 476KB) 
430COTA Australia (PDF 302KB) 
431Reformation Ministries (PDF 153KB) 
432Matrix Guild of Victoria (PDF 13KB) 
433Defence Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Information Service (DEFGLIS) (PDF 60KB) 
434Ms Helen Stitt (PDF 25KB) 
435Law Council of Australia (PDF 478KB) 
436Lesbian and Gay Solidarity (Melbourne) (PDF 64KB) 
Supplementary Submission(PDF 13KB) 
437Ethos (PDF 32KB) 
438Mr Alton Bowen (PDF 9KB) 
439Ms Gayle Foster (PDF 36KB) 
440Mr John Pfeiffer (PDF 34KB) 
442Ms Vi Maidment (PDF 37KB) 
443Michael and Meryl Stathis  (PDF 8KB) 
444Dr Raymond Jones (PDF 9KB) 
445Mr Tony Fisher  (PDF 12KB) 
446ANU College of Law "Equality Project" (PDF 66KB) 
447Freedom 4 Faith (PDF 596KB) 
448National Council on Intellectual Disability (PDF 126KB) Attachment 1(PDF 389KB) 
449Ms Gail Instance (PDF 183KB) 
450Mr Spero Katos (PDF 95KB) 
451Name Withheld (PDF 615KB) 
452Ms Kate Eastman SC (PDF 394KB) 
453Name Withheld (PDF 39KB) 
454Mr Robert Jones (PDF 78KB) 
455Council of Small Business of Australia (PDF 97KB) 
456Tasmanian Baptist Churches (PDF 274KB) 
457Reverend Narelle Oliver (PDF 145KB) 
460John and Dorothy Wheeler (PDF 131KB) 
462Mr Paul Smithers (PDF 212KB) 
463Mr Roy Ford (PDF 121KB) 
464Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PDF 722KB) 
465Presbyterian Church of Australia's General Assembly (PDF 214KB) 
466UnitingJustice Australia  (PDF 300KB) 
467New South Wales Government (PDF 170KB) 
468CANdo (PDF 156KB) 
469Ms Chelle Destefano (PDF 100KB) 
470Ms Jo Daniels (PDF 92KB) 
471Mr Malcolm Eglinton (PDF 118KB) 
472Mrs Louise Brady (PDF 47KB) 
473Name Withheld (PDF 83KB) 
474Ms Beverley Demopoulos  (PDF 37KB) 
475The Human Rights Council of Australia (PDF 251KB) 
476Ad Hoc Interfaith Committee (PDF 694KB) 
477Mr Douglas McDonald (PDF 326KB) 
478Mr George Kokonis (PDF 65KB) 
479Australian Baptist Ministries (PDF 135KB) 
480Catholic Women's League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga (PDF 116KB) 
481Reverend Les Percy (PDF 14KB) 
482TransGender Victoria (PDF 115KB) 
483Men's Australian Network (PDF 110KB) 
484Joint Media Organisations (PDF 534KB) 
485Mr Colin Johnston (PDF 154KB) 
486Mr John Szilard (PDF 192KB) 
488Ms Amanda Williamson (PDF 37KB) 
489Ms Merle Ross (PDF 47KB) 
490Doug and Jean Holmes (PDF 13KB) 
491Name Withheld (PDF 77KB) 
492Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
493Name Withheld (PDF 48KB) 
494Ms Christine Hodges (PDF 9KB) 
495Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, the Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP (PDF 3032KB) 
496Seventh-day Adventist Church Australia (PDF 200KB) 
497Redfern Legal Centre and the Australian Human Rights Centre (PDF 277KB) 
498Legal Aid New South Wales (PDF 157KB) 
499The Salvation Army Australia (PDF 182KB) 
500Women With Disabilities ACT (PDF 254KB) 
501Ms Lynda Neasbey (PDF 40KB) 
502Mr Roy Everett (PDF 19KB) 
503Ms Cheryl Harrold (PDF 44KB) 
504Mr Peter Dixon (PDF 120KB) 
505Ms Anne Kirkwood (PDF 121KB) 
506Bible Believers' Church  (PDF 665KB) 
507Dr Kameel Majdali (PDF 15KB) 
508Name Withheld (PDF 22KB) 
509Graham and Eulalie Holman (PDF 98KB) 
510Ms Chris Sitka (PDF 16KB) 
511Mr Andrew Stagg (PDF 17KB) 
512Reverend Peter Rose (PDF 13KB) 
513Dr John Leach (PDF 18KB) 
514The Perth Sisters and Brothers of the Order of Perpetual Indulgence and OPI Sisters Perth Abbey of the Black Swan (PDF 137KB) 
515Anglican Diocese of Tasmania (PDF 881KB) 
516Mr Alastair Lawrie (PDF 109KB) 
517Mr Alan Mitter (PDF 2084KB) 
518Mr Bob Densley (PDF 70KB) 
519Mr Peter Gelding (PDF 10KB) 
520Name Withheld (PDF 29KB) 
521Mr Peter Torlach (PDF 108KB) 
522Pastor Neil Hampel (PDF 856KB) 
523Mrs M Cottrell (PDF 664KB) 
524Ms Marilyn Kulpinski (PDF 18KB) 
525Mr C Bennett (PDF 1389KB) 
526Mr Edward Yee (PDF 771KB) 
527Mr David Glasgow (PDF 1005KB) 
528Dr D Gaffney (PDF 1019KB) 
529Mr Lyle Hutchinson (PDF 183KB) 
530Mr Patrick Cole (PDF 22KB) 
531Mr Ken Francis (PDF 22KB) 
532Mr Jason Stehn (PDF 59KB) 
533Reverend Angus McLeay (PDF 318KB) 
534Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby  (PDF 498KB) 
535Mr Daniel Scot (PDF 493KB) 
536Name Withheld (PDF 68KB) 
537Mr Alex Greenwich MP (PDF 150KB) 
538Mr Graham Douglas-Meyer (PDF 219KB) 
539Mr Adrian Gunton (PDF 34KB) 
540Mr Corey Irlam (PDF 182KB) Attachment 1(PDF 999KB) 
541Mr Matthew Vermeulen (PDF 45KB) 
542Mrs Yvonne Pratt (PDF 32KB) 
543Name Withheld (PDF 49KB) 
544Simone Tippett and Karen Magee (PDF 42KB) 
545Mr Greg Walsh (PDF 3215KB) 
546Name Withheld (PDF 52KB) 
547Ms Rita Joseph (PDF 64KB) 
548Name Withheld (PDF 62KB) 
549Name Withheld (PDF 78KB) 
550Mr Graeme Scott (PDF 40KB) 
551Kerry and Karen Bos (PDF 123KB) 
552Name Withheld (PDF 22KB) 
553Mr Drew Koppe (PDF 31KB) 
554Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 193KB) 
555Mr Duane Sewell (PDF 23KB) 
556Australian Centre for Disability Law  (PDF 573KB) 
557Tasmanian Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, the Hon Brian Wightman MP (PDF 1407KB) 
558Professor Nicholas Aroney and Professor Patrick Parkinson AM  (PDF 339KB) Attachment 1(PDF 131KB) 
559Name Withheld (PDF 130KB) 
561Mrs Mary Clare Meney (PDF 404KB) 
562Ms Michele Dickinson (PDF 44KB) 
563Reverend Richard Armour (PDF 53KB) 
564Mr James Newburrie (PDF 232KB) 
565Name Withheld (PDF 43KB) 
566Mr Alan Manson (PDF 113KB) 
567Name Withheld (PDF 125KB) 
568Ms Heidi Forrest (PDF 60KB) 
569Mrs Judy Wilyman (PDF 151KB) 
570Tamsin White (PDF 43KB) 
571Mr Matt Brazier (PDF 18KB) 
572Mr Philip Rabl (PDF 190KB) 
573Mr Bob Buckley (PDF 96KB) 
574Jack and Nanette Blair (PDF 230KB) 
575Associate Professor Guy Hall (PDF 91KB) 
576Mr Damian Capp (PDF 39KB) 
577Mr Eric Jones (PDF 228KB) 
578Mr Steve Lick (PDF 114KB) 
579Name Withheld (PDF 57KB) 
580Ms Zoe Brain (PDF 62KB) 
581Mr Phillip Douglass (PDF 18KB) 
582Ms Jo Lillicot (PDF 159KB) 
583Ms Jacquie Seemann (PDF 123KB) 
584Mr R Brennan (PDF 126KB) 
585Rationalist Society of Australia (PDF 164KB) 
586Mental Health Council of Australia and beyondblue (PDF 789KB) 
588Gender Vie (PDF 277KB) 
589Gerard and Andrea Calilhanna (PDF 266KB) 
590Australian Federation of Employers and Industries (PDF 224KB) 
591Victorian Women's Trust (PDF 457KB) 
592Police Federation of Australia (PDF 436KB) 
593Accommodation Association of Australia (PDF 106KB) 
594Jewish Australian Community (PDF 958KB) 
595Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (PDF 4010KB) 

Form Letters Received

1Example of form letter 1, received from 1102 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 162KB) 
2Example of form letter 2, received from 90 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 58KB) 
3Example of form letter 3, received from 12 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 53KB) 
4Example of form letter 4, received from 16 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 108KB) 
5Example of form letter 5, received from 71 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 19KB) 
6Example of form letter 6, received from 27 individuals (this number includes variations of the form letter).(PDF 94KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Article tabled by Liberty Victoria at public hearing on 23 January 2013 - 'If we believe all people are equal we must live this'(PDF 758KB) 
2Article tabled by Liberty Victoria at public hearing on 23 January 2013 - 'Shutting out the 'sinners' feeds bigotry'(PDF 612KB) 
3Document tabled by beyondblue at public hearing on 23 January 2013 - 'Summary of proposed amendments to the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012'(PDF 236KB) 
4Report tabled by beyondblue at public hearing on 23 January 2013 - 'Mental Health, Discrimination and Insurance: A Survey of Consumer Experiences 2011' (cover only - report not attached)(PDF 227KB) 
5Report tabled by Organisation Intersex International at public hearing on 24 January 2013 - 'On the management of differences of sexual development: Ethical issues relating to "intersexuality"'(PDF 5638KB) 
6Opening statement tabled by the Australian Human Rights Commission at public hearing on 24 January 2013(PDF 1127KB) 
7Document tabled by the Attorney-General's Department at public hearing on 4 February 2013 - 'Options in response to concerns raised in respect of paragraph 19(2)(b)'(PDF 966KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Response to a question on notice provided by Mr Mark Sneddon, Crown Counsel (Advisings) on behalf of the Victorian Government on 31 January 2013.(PDF 144KB) 
2Response to a question on notice provided by Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 31 January 2013.(PDF 121KB) 
3Responses to questions on notice provided by Australian Council of Trade Unions on 31 January 2013.(PDF 301KB) 
4Response to a question on notice provided by Australian Human Rights Commission on 4 February 2013.(PDF 301KB) 
5Response to a question on notice provided by Public Interest Advocacy Centre on 4 February 2013.(PDF 282KB) 
6Responses to questions on notice provided by the Attorney-General's Department on 8 February 2013.(PDF 88KB) 
7Response to a question on notice provided by Australian Federation of Disability Organisations on 18 February 2013.(PDF 189KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794