

Chapter 2 - Overview of the Bill

[1]        Senator Bob Brown, Second Reading Speech, Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008, Senate Hansard, 14 February 2008, p. 8.

[2]        Senator Bob Brown, Second Reading Speech, Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008, Senate Hansard, 14 February 2008, p. 8.

[3]        Senator Bob Brown, Second Reading Speech, Rights of the Terminally Ill (Euthanasia Laws Repeal) Bill 2008, Senate Hansard, 14 February 2008, p. 8.

[4]        For a more detail examination of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT) and its enactment, see Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee, Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996, March 1997 (1997 Euthanasia Inquiry), Chapter 2, pp 5-11.

[5]        Rights of the Terminally Act 1995 (NT), subsection 7(1).

[6]        1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 10-11.

[7]        Wake v Northern Territory (1996) 124 FLR 298.

[8]        Wake v Northern Territory, High Court of Australia, No. D10 of 1996, transcript of proceedings, 15 November 1996, p. 4.

[9]        Wake v Northern Territory (1996) 124 FLR 298; see also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 8-10; Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Submission 443, pp 2-3.

[10]      At the same time, it also amended the self-government legislation of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Norfolk Island: see discussion of the Euthanasia Act below.

[11]      1997 Euthanasia Inquiry.

[12]      See further 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, especially p. 114 and Appendix 1.

[13]      Euthanasia Act, Schedules 1-3; and the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978, subsection 50A(1); the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988, subsection 23(1A) and the Norfolk Island Act 1979, paragraph 19(2)(d).

[14]      Euthanasia Act, Schedules 1-3; and the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978, subsection 50A(2); the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988, subsection 23(1B) and the Norfolk Island Act 1979, subsection 19(2)(2A).

[15]      Item 2 of Schedule 1 of the Euthanasia Act.

[16]      See also AMA, Submission 375, p. 3.

[17]      1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, p. xi; also Natasha Cica, Euthanasia – the Australian Law in an International Context: Part 1: Passive Voluntary Euthanasia, Research Paper No. 3 1996-97, Parliamentary Research Service, p. iv; and AMA, Submission 375, p. 3; and NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, pp 9-10.

[18]      Some submissions to this inquiry made a distinction based on intention: that is, if there is no intention to kill, then it is not euthanasia: see, for example, Dr David van Gend, Submission 413, p. 8; also Australian Family Association (WA), Submission 380, p. 4; Christian Democratic Party, Submission 1001, p. 6.

[19]      Non-voluntary euthanasia can be defined as the killing of a patient who does not have the capacity to understand what euthanasia means and cannot therefore form a request or withhold consent (for example, where a patient is unconscious); involuntary euthanasia refers to a situation where the patient is competent to make a request, but does not do so – so effectively something is done (or not done) in spite of the person's wish to stay alive: see 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp xi-xii.

[20]      Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995 (NT), s. 3 (definition of assist); see also Australian Medial Association, Submission 375, p. 3.

[21]      1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, p. xii; see also Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 16-17.

[22]      For a useful summary and analysis of the Australian law in this area, see Associate Professor Cameron Stewart, Submission 729. Note that suicide in itself is no longer a crime in Australia.

[23]      See, for example, Ben White and Lindy Willmott, "Private thoughts of public representatives: assisted death, voluntary euthanasia and politicians", Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol. 11(1), August 2003, pp 77-92; also, Parliament of Tasmania, Community Development Committee, Report on the Need for Legalisation of Voluntary Euthanasia, Report No. 6, 1998; Parliament of South Australia, Social Development Committee, Inquiry into the Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 1996, 20 October 1999, pp 33-49, available at: (accessed 19 May 2008).

[24]      It was introduced into the Victorian Parliament on 28 May 2008: see (accessed 12 June 2008); see also Nader, C., "Euthanasia Bill to Bar Death Tourists", The Age, 18 March 2008, p. 7; Dying with Dignity Victoria, (accessed 19 May 2008).

[25]      'Advanced directives' are discussed further in Chapter 4 of this report.

Chapter 3 - Legal and Constitutional policy issues

[1]        1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, especially Chapter 3 and pp 111-112.

[2]        p. 13l.

[3]        Natasha Cica, "Constitutional Arguments in Favour of Removing the Territories' Power to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 32 1996-97, available at:; and "Constitutional Arguments Against Removing the Territories' Powers to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 33 1996-97; available at: (accessed 2 April 2008).

[4]        Submission 443, p. 2.

[5]        Submission 442, p. 2; see also NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, p. 5.

[6]        Submission 442, p. 2.

[7]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 46.

[8]        Submission 46, p. 1.

[9]        Submission 46, p. 1; see also Professor George Williams, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 2.

[10]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 22.

[11]      Submission 446, p. 4.

[12]      South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 74, p. 1; see also, for example, Voluntary Euthanasia Society of NSW, Submission 216, p. 1; ALP (ACT Branch), Submission 415, pp 1-2; Western Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 370, p. 1; Civil Liberties Australia, Submission 365, p. 1.

[13]      Submission 446, p. 4; see also The Hon Daryl Manzie, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 17; and Mr John Bailey, former member of the NT Legislative Assembly, Submission 430, p. 1.

[14]      Submission 451¸ p. 2.

[15]      The Hon Daryl Manzie, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 20; Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Submission 400, p. 1.

[16]      Submission 393, p. 1; see also The Hon Daryl Manzie, Submission 411¸ pp 1-7; Mr Terry Mills MLA, Submission 451, p. 2; and Journals of the Senate No. 46, 28 October 1996, p. 765.

[17]      Submission 393, p. 1; see also South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 74, p. 1.

[18]      Wake v Northern Territory (1996) 124 FLR 298.

[19]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 46; see also Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Submission 443, pp 2-3; and discussion in Chapter 2 of this report.

[20]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 20; see also Submission 471, p. 1.

[21]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 20; see also Submission 471, p. 2.

[22]      Submission 442, p. 5.

[23]      Submission 74, p. 1.

[24]      For example, Atheist Foundation of Australia, Submission 55, p. 1; South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 74, p. 1; Voluntary Euthanasia Society of NSW, Submission 216, p. 1; West Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 370, p. 1; Council on the Ageing NT, Submission 373, p. 1; Darwin Senior Citizens, Submission 377, p. 1; ALP (ACT Branch), Submission 415, pp 1-2; Civil Liberties Australia, Submission 365, p. 1; Gilbert and Tobin Centre, Submission 46, p. 1 and Professor George Williams, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 2; Mr Terry Mills MLA, Submission 451, p. 1.

[25]      Submission 365, p. 1.

[26]      Submission 377, p. 1.

[27]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 23; see also Submission 393, pp 1-2.

[28]      Submission 390, pp 1-2.

[29]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 24.

[30]      Submission 442, p. 6.

[31]      Submission 442, p. 7.

[32]      Submission 442, p. 7.

[33]      Submission 442, p. 8.

[34]      Submission 442, p. 8.

[35]      Submission 443, p. 2.

[36]      Submission 428, p. 1; see also Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 10.

[37]      See, for example, Christian Democratic Party, Submission 1001, p. 1; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 9.

[38]      See Natasha Cica, "Constitutional Arguments in Favour of Removing the Territories' Power to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 32 1996-97, available at: (accessed 17 March 2008).

[39]      Submission 366, p. 1.

[40]      Submission 1001, p. 1.

[41]      Submission 409, p. 1.

[42]      Natasha Cica, "Constitutional Arguments in Favour of Removing the Territories' Power to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 32 1996-97, available at: (accessed 17 March 2008); see also Father Frank Brennan, Submission 428, p. 1 and Attorney-General's Department, Answer to Question on Notice, received 9 May 2008, pp 1-2.

[43]      See Natasha Cica, "Constitutional Arguments in Favour of Removing the Territories' Power to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 32 1996-97, available at: (accessed 17 March 2008).

[44]      Submission 442, p. 4; see also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, p. 19.

[45]      Submission 442, p. 4.

[46]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 22; see also Attorney-General's Department, Answer to Question on Notice, received 9 May 2008, p. 2.

[47]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 23.

[48]      Submission 443, p. 2.

[49]      Law Council of Australia, Submission 442, p. 3; and see, for example, s.9 of the Northern Territory Self-Government Act 1978 (Cth).

[50]      Submission 393, p. 1.

[51]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 19.

[52]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 21.

[53]      See, for example, Mrs Nita Woodward, Submission 117, p. 1; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 9; Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 3; ACL, Submission 422, p. 4; Right to Life Australia, Submission 441, p. 3; Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 5 and Mr Christopher Meney, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 30-31; Dr David van Gend, Submission 413, p. 2.

[54]      Submission 422, p. 4; see also Mrs Lois Fong, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 8.

[55]      Also a member of the Medical Advisory Board, Toowoomba Regional Hospice and Queensland secretary for “TRUST: Palliative Care, not Euthanasia”.

[56]      Submission 413, p. 2.

[57]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 13.

[58]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 10 and pp 12-13; see also Mr Christopher Meney, Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 31.

[59]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 12.

[60]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 23.

[61]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 23.

[62]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 4-5.

[63]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 47.

[64]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 5; see also The Hon Austin Asche, Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 49 and Law Council, Submission 442, p. 5.

[65]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 46; see also Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Submission 443, pp 2-3; and discussion in Chapter 2 of this report.

[66]      Submission 428, Attachment, p. 2.

[67]      See further 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, p. 14; The Hon Daryl Manzie, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 21; Dr David van Gend, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 13; National Civic Council, Submission 417, p. 3.

[68]      Submission 413, p. 2.

[69]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 19.

[70]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 21.

[71]      Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 3; see also, for example, Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 9; ACL, Submission 422, p. 4; Dr David van Gend, Submission 413, p. 2; Father Frank Brennan, Submission 428, p. 1.

[72]      See, for example, Dr Philip Nitschke, Submission 390, pp 2-3.

[73]      See, for example, Mr Geoff Bolton, Submission 101, p. 1; ALP (ACT Branch), Submission 415¸ p. 2; Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 4; Mr Gerry Wood MLA, Submission 453, p. 2.

[74]      Submission 442, p. 5; see also Professor George Williams, Gilbert and Tobin Centre, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 6.

[75]      Submission 453, p. 2.

[76]      This issue was also canvassed during the 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry: see pp 22-24.

[77]      Law Council of Australia, Submission 442, p. 5; Professor George Williams, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 6; Sydney Centre for International Law, Submission 421, p. 4. See also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry at paragraph 3.45; and Natasha Cica, "Constitutional Arguments Against Removing the Territories' Powers to Make Laws Permitting Euthanasia", Parliamentary Library Research Note 33 1996‑97, Argument 6.

[78]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 6.

[79]      Submission 446, p. 3.

[80]      Submission 46, p. 2.

[81]      Submission 46, p. 2.

[82]      Submission 443, p. 3.

[83]      Submission 443, p. 3; see also Mr Nikolai Christrup, NT Law Reform Committee, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 49.

[84]      Submission 446, p. 4; see also Professor George Williams, Gilbert and Tobin Centre, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 2-4; and NT Government, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 2.

[85]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 2; see also Gilbert and Tobin Centre, Answer to Question on Notice, received 6 May 2008, p. 2 for a suggested amended version of the Bill.

[86]      Submission 443, p. 3; see also Law Council, Submission 442, pp 8-9.

[87]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 2.

[88]      Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978, s.50A; Australian Capital Territory (Self‑Government) Act 1988, s.23; and Norfolk Island Act 1979, s.19.

[89]      Submission 446, p. 3.

[90]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 2.

[91]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 46.

[92]      Answer to Question on Notice, received 6 May 2008, p. 1.

[93]      Answer to Question on Notice, received 6 May 2008, p. 2.

[94]      Submission 446, pp 3 and 4; see also Professor George Williams, Gilbert and Tobin Centre, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 4.

[95]      Submission 422, p. 6; see also Rita Joseph, Submission 371, p. 2; Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 3.

[96]      Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978, paragraph 50A(2)(a).

[97]      Natural Death Act 1988, sections 4 and 6; see also, for example, Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 3; Dr Mark Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 42; Associate Professor Cameron Stewart, Submission 729, p. 6.

[98]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 9; see, for example, subsection 22(1) of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Cth).

[99]      Despite an unsuccessful referendum on statehood held in the NT in October 1998, proposals are still on foot. In 2004 a NT Statehood Steering Committee was established to assist with the 'development of a new Territory constitution and with promoting statehood education and awareness': see further Dr Nicholas Horne, "Northern Territory statehood: major constitutional issues", Parliamentary Library Research Paper, 15 February 2008, no. 21 2007-08.

[100]    Submission 446, p. 4.

[101]    Submission 46, p. 1 cf Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 9.

[102]    Submission 471, p. 2.

[103]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 11; see also Katrina George, University of Western Sydney, Submission 398, pp 1-24; Mr John Ryan, Submission 409, pp 4-7.

[104]    In this context, many witnesses and submissions referred to the following study: D.W. Kissane, A. Street, P. Nitschke, "Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia", The Lancet, Vol. 352, October 3 1998, pp 1097-1102. See also Dr Philip Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 28-29 and Submission 390A; Dr David van Gend, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 14-15; Professor David Kissane, Submission 589; Dr Brian Pollard, Submission 47 and Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 26-27; ACL, Submission 422, p. 5; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, pp 2‑4; Dr Mark Boughey, Submission 592, pp 1-3 and Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 38; Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 3-4.

[105]    Submission 47, p. 10; see also the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, who supported the Bill and the RTI Act, but made several suggestions for improvements to the RTI Act, which it believed 'might help to allay the fears of some of the RTI Act's critics': Submission 418, pp 5-6.

[106]    See, for example, Dr David van Gend, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 13; National Civic Council, Submission 417, p. 3; Father Frank Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 13.

[107]    See, for example, Associate Professor Cameron Stewart, Submission 729, p. 14; Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Submission 400, pp 2-3; Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Queensland, Submission 431, p. 1.

[108]    See, for example, ACL, Submission 422, p. 6; also Dr Brian Pollard, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 24-25; Rita Joseph, Submission 371, pp 4-12; Mrs Lois Fong, Submission 907, pp 1-2 and Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 8; cf NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, pp 2, 9; Sydney Centre for International Law, Submission 421. See also Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), Submission 436 and their paper referred to in that submission: "Human Rights and Euthanasia", Occasional Paper, December 1996, available at: (accessed 5 May 2008).

[109]    Submission 422, pp 6-7; see also Rita Joseph, Submission 371, pp 4-12.

[110]    Submission 421, p. 3; see also HREOC, Submission 436.

[111]    Submission 421, pp 3-4.

Chapter 4 - Euthanasia policy issues

[1]        Submission 74, p. 1.

[2]        Submission 422, p. 3; see also Mr Marshall Perron, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 17.

[3]        See, for example, the Federal Presbyterian Church of Australia, Submission 366, p. 1.

[4]        See 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, especially Chapters 5-8.

[5]        The committee notes that some witnesses and submitters expressed the view that little has changed since 1997, or that, if anything, the anti-euthanasia case has slightly strengthened and therefore the current Euthanasia Act should not be changed: see for example, Father Frank Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 9-10.

[6]        See, for example, Civil Liberties Australia, Submission 365, p. 1; NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, p. 3; West Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 370, p. 2; Council of Australian Humanist Societies, Submission 396, p. 1; Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Queensland, Submission 431, p. 1; also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 57‑61.

[7]        Submission 418, p. 3.

[8]        Submission 418, p. 2.

[9]        Submission 370, p. 2.

[10]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 15.

[11]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 20.

[12]      See, for example, Dr Mark Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 40; also Dr David van Gend, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 14 and Submission 413, p. 6.

[13]      Submission 410, p. 3; see also p. 5.

[14]      Australian Family Association (WA), Submission 380, p. 4; see also Christian Democratic Party, Submission 1001, p. 6.

[15]      See also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 61-62.

[16]      Submission 363, p. 3; see also Oregon Department of Human Services, at and "Summary of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act - 2007" at: (accessed 19 May 2008).

[17]      See, for example, NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, pp 4-5; Dr David Leaf, Submission 57, p. 2 and Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 15.

[18]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 16.

[19]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 17.

[20]      Submission 422, p. 16.

[21]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 28; see also p. 29.

[22]      See, for example, the National Alliance of Christian Leaders, Submission 359; Dr Ruth Powys, Submission 388, p. 3; Pro-Life Victoria, Submission 408, p. 2.

[23]      Submission 400, p. 3.

[24]      Mr Marshall Perron, Submission 393, p. 5; West Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Submission 370, p. 2; Humanist Society of South Australia, Submission 454, p. 1; Council of Australian Humanist Societies, Submission 396, p. 2. See also Chapter 7 of the 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, which canvasses the history of opinion polls on the issue of euthanasia.

[25]      Submission 216, p. 1; see also Humanist Society of Victoria, Submission 382, p. 2.

[26]      Submission 47, pp 8-9; see also the Committee on Bioethics of the Uniting Church in Australia (Victorian Synod), Submission 384, p 1.

[27]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 37.

[28]      Submission 399, p. 4.

[29]      Submission 375, pp 1-2.

[30]      Submission 375, p. 1.

[31]      For example, Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 4; Mr Marshall Perron, Submission 393, p. 4; see also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 62-63 and pp 87-89.

[32]      See, for example, Emeritus Professor Philip Ley, Submission 363, p. 2 and Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 17-18, referencing Kuhse, H., Singer, P., Baume, P., Clark, M. and Rickard, M. (1997) "End of Life decisions in Australian Medical practice", Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 166(4), 17 February 1997, pp 191-197. See also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 87-89.

[33]      Submission 382, p. 3; see also Council of Australian Humanist Societies, Submission 396, p. 2.

[34]      Submission 400, p. 2.

[35]      Submission 729, p. 14.

[36]      Submission 399, p. 6.

[37]      Submission 399, p. 7; see also Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 12-16.

[38]      Submission 390, pp 2-3.

[39]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 26.

[40]      Mrs Angelika Elliott, Submission 383.

[41]      Mr Don Flounders, Submission 110, p. 1; see also Submission 110A.

[42]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 25.

[43]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 25.

[44]      See, for example, Mrs Angelika Elliott, Submission 383, p. 2.

[45]      Submission 216, p. 1; see also Humanist Society of Victoria, Submission 382, p. 2; Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 2; Mr Marshall Perron, Submission 393, p. 3.

[46]      1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 8, pp 93-110.

[47]      See further: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Netherlands), (accessed 20 May 2008): also Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, p. 26. For the situation prior to 2002, see 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 96-106.

[48]      Note that this legislation was first approved in 1994 but subject to various court challenges: see further: Oregon Department of Human Services, "Death with Dignity Act", (accessed 15 May 2008).

[49]      See further: South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Fact Sheet 26, Voluntary Euthanasia in Belgium, available at: (accessed 15 May 2008).

[50]      Submission 399, p. 2; see also Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 4-5.

[51]      See, for example, Dr Brian Pollard, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 26; Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 4; ACL, Submission 422¸ pp 8-9; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 8.

[52]      See, for example, Dr David van Gend, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 9 and Submission 413, pp 3-5; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, pp 5-8; Dr Brian Pollard, Documents tabled at public hearing of 16 April 2008.

[53]      1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 8, pp 93-110.

[54]      Father Frank Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 13 and Submission 428, p. 2; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 5.

[55]      That is, care that provides coordinated nursing, medical and other allied services for people with a terminal illness: see Palliative Care Australia, Submission 424, p. 12. See also, for example, Catholic Health Australia, Submission 419, p. 4; Little Company of Mary Health Care, Submission 425, p. 5; Family Council of Victoria, Submission 263, pp 5-6; and 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 74-79.

[56]      Submission 424, p. 1.

[57]      Submission 422, p. 16.

[58]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 8.

[59]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 28; see also Medicine with Morality, Submission 242, pp 1-2.

[60]      Submission 422, p. 11.

[61]      Submission 418, p. 8.

[62]      Life, Marriage and Family Centre of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 4; see also Mr Christopher Meney, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 31-32.

[63]      See, for example, Australian Psychological Society, Submission 429, pp 1-2; Dr Dianne Grocott, Submission 387; Suicide: NO, Submission 395, p. 2; ACL, Submission 422, pp 12-13.

[64]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 28 and see also Submission 360, p. 4.

[65]      Submission 429, pp 1-2. In this context, the Australian Psychological Society was concerned that certain safeguards need to be included in euthanasia legislation, and that the NT RTI Act did not make adequate provision 'to address the psychological needs of close relatives of the patient through counselling'.

[66]      See, for example, the Australian Nursing Federation, Submission 591, p. 1; Palliative Care Australia, Submission 424, p. 3.

[67]      See, for example, Mr Mark Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 38; also Associate Professor Cameron Stewart, Submission 729, pp 4-5; Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Submission 400, p. 2.

[68]      Submission 729, pp 4-5. See especially the table in this submission summarising the regulation of advance directives in each state and territory under common law and legislation.

[69]      Submission 729, pp 4-5; see also AMA, Submission 375, p. 3.

[70]      Submission 375, p. 3.

[71]      Submission 375, p. 4.

[72]      Submission 424, p. 2.

[73]      See, for example, Professor David Kissane, Submission 589, p. 1; Mr Gerry Wood MLA, Submission 453, p. 1.

[74]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 38; see also Submission 592, p. 2.

[75]      Submission 453, p. 1.

[76]      Submission 452, p. 1.

[77]      Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 4; Dr David Gawler, Submission 445, p. 4.

[78]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 9-10.

[79]      See, for example, Medicine with Morality, Submission 242, p. 1; Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Submission 410, p. 6; Catholic Health Australia, Submission 419, pp 3-4; Mr Gerry Wood MLA, Submission 453, p. 1.

[80]      See, for example, ACT Committee of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of NSW, Submission 238, p. 1; Emeritus Professor Philip Ley, Submission 363, pp 5-6; Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 6; NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, p. 8.

[81]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 15.

[82]      Submission 412, p. 1.

[83]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 17.

[84]      Submission 375, p. 2.

[85]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 17-18.

[86]      Submission 424, p. 3.

[87]      Submission 424, p. 4.

[88]      See, for example, Dr David Gawler, Submission 445, p. 2; Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, pp 4-5.

[89]      Submission 422, p. 11; see also Mrs Lois Fong, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 8; Medicine with Morality, Submission 242, p. 2.

[90]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 27.

[91]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 29.

[92]      Submission 418, p. 8.

[93]      See, for example, the ACT Committee of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of NSW, Submission 238, pp 1-2; Emeritus Professor Philip Ley, Submission 363, pp 6-7; Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, pp 2-5; Mr Marshall Perron, Submission 393, p. 3.

[94]      Submission 452, p. 4 and see also p. 5; cf Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, pp 7-8; Right to Life Australia, Submission 441, p. 5.

[95]      See, for example, Darwin Christian Ministers' Association, Submission 376, p. 4; Committee on Bioethics of the Uniting Church in Australia (Victorian Synod), Submission 384, pp 3-4;  Katrina George, University of Western Sydney, Submission 398; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, p. 8.

[96]      See, for example, ACL, Submission 422¸ pp 8-9.

[97]      Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 4; see also, for example, Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, p. 22; and Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport in May 2007 at (accessed 20 May 2008).

[98]      ACL, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 8 May 2008, pp 1-2 and Dr David van Gend, Answers to Questions on Notice, received 6 May 2008.

[99]      In this context, many submissions referred to the following study: D.W. Kissane, A. Street, P. Nitschke, "Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia", The Lancet, Vol. 352, October 3 1998, pp 1097-1102. See also Dr Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 28-30 and Submission 390A; Dr David van Gend, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 14-15; Professor David Kissane, Submission 589; Dr Mark Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 38; ACL, Submission 422¸ p. 9; Festival of Light Australia, Submission 361, pp 2‑4.

[100]    See, for example, the Coalition of the Defence of Human Life, Submission 367, p. 3; Katrina George, University of Western Sydney, Submission 398, pp 1-24; Family Council of Victoria, Submission 263, p. 5. It was also noted that several other inquiries, such as House of Lords, Report of the Select Committee on Medical Ethics, 1994, and Parliament of Tasmania, Community Development Committee, Report on the Need for Legalisation of Voluntary Euthanasia, Report No. 6, 1998, had concluded that voluntary euthanasia legislation could not adequately provide the necessary safeguards against abuse.

[101]    Submission 47, p. 11.

[102]    Submission 422, p. 7.

[103]    See, for example, Medicine with Morality, Submission 242, p. 2; Father Frank Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 11; Dr David Gawler, Submission 445, p. 3 and Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 10; Dr John Murtagh, Submission 450, p. 2; Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 3; Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Submission 410, pp 6‑7; Dr Christopher Meney, Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 29; see also Dr Alan Rothschild, Submission 452, pp 19-20.

[104]    Submission 375, p. 2.

[105]    Submission 422, p. 7; see also Dr David van Gend, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 9.

[106]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 21; see also Submission 57, p. 2; and NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, pp 7-8.

[107]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 16; see also Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 4; NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Submission 418, pp 7-8.

[108]    See, for example, Emeritus Professor Philip Ley, Submission 363, p. 2, quoting from Kuhse, H., Singer, P., Baume, P., Clark, M. and Rickard, M. (1997) "End of Life decisions in Australian Medical practice", Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 166(4), 17 February 1997, pp 191-197; also Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, p. 4.

[109]    Humanist Society of Victoria, Submission 382, p. 3; Dying with Dignity Victoria, Submission 399, pp 4-5.

[110]    Submission 591, p. 3.

[111]    Medicine with Morality, Submission 242, p. 2; see also Dr David van Gend, Submission 413, p. 5; Rita Joseph, Submission 371, pp 12-13; Dr David Gawler, Submission 445, p. 3; Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, pp 3-4; Committee on Bioethics of the Uniting Church in Australia (Victorian Synod), Submission 384, p. 2; National Civic Council, Submission 417, p. 3.

[112]    Submission 422, pp 13-14.

[113]    Submission 422, p. 14; see also Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Submission 410, p. 6; and Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 6. See further the Women's Forum Australia, who opposed the Bill based on concerns about the particular impact of euthanasia on women: Submission 397.

[114]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 28; see also Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, pp 3-4.

[115]    See, for example, Dr David van Gend, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 9; also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 93-94.

[116]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 38; see also pp 39-40 and Submission 592, pp 2-3; and Dr Brian Pollard, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 25.

[117]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 42.

[118]    Submission 238, p. 2.

[119]    See, for example, Federal Presbyterian Church of Australia, Submission 366, p. 1; Life, Family and Marriage Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 6; Right to Life Australia, Submission 381, p. 1; Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Submission 410, pp 3-4.

[120]    Submission 410, p. 3.

[121]    Submission 360, p. 6.

[122]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 28 and 29.

[123]    Submission 395, p. 3; see also, for example, National Civic Council, Submission 417, p. 3; ACT Right to Life Association, Submission 434, p. 5; Dr David van Gend, ACL, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 9; Family Council of Victoria, Submission 263, p. 4.

[124]    Submission 363, p. 4.

[125]    Submission 418, p. 3; see also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, pp 59-60, para 6.13.

[126]    Submission 452, p. 5.

[127]    See, for example, AMA, Submission 375, p. 2; Mr Christopher Meney, Director, Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 28.

[128]    See, for example, Federal Presbyterian Church of Australia, Submission 366, p. 1; Life, Marriage and Family Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Submission 360, p. 2.

[129]    Submission 400, p. 2.

[130]    See also 1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 5; and Father Frank Brennan, document tabled at hearing on 16 April 2008: John Collins, Frank Brennan, "Euthanasia and the potential adverse effects for Northern Territory Aborigines", The Lancet, Vol. 349, June 28 1997, pp 1907-1908.

[131]    Submission 660, p. 2; see also Dr David Gawler, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 11.

[132]    Submission 660, p. 2; see also Dr Teem-Wing Yip, Submission 394, p. 2.

[133]    Dr David Gawler, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 11 and pp 9-10; Ms Isobel Gawler, Submission 432, p. 1.

[134]    Submission 414, p. 2.

[135]    Submission 447; see also Submission 449.

[136]    Mr Desmond McKenzie, AMSANT, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 32; see also Submission 660, pp 2-3.

[137]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 20.

[138]    Submission 660, p. 3.

[139]    Father Frank Brennan, Submission 418, p. 3; Dr Teem-Wing Yip, Submission 394, p. 2; Standard letter, Submission 447, p. 1; Ms Lorraine Erlandson, Submission 448, p. 1.

[140]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 13.

[141]    Submission 414, p. 3.

[142]    Submission 414, p. 2; see also Dr David Gawler, Submission 445, pp 1-2.

[143]    Submission 414, p. 6 and see also p. 4.

[144]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 10.

[145]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 10; see also Dr Mark Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 37 and p. 39; also Submission 592, p. 1.

[146]    Dr David Gawler, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 15; see also ARDS, Submission 414, p. 4.

[147]    Dr Teem-Wing Yip, Submission 394, pp 2-3.

[148]    Submission 660, p. 2; see also Mr Desmond McKenzie, AMSANT, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 32-33.

[149]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 33.

[150]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 21.

[151]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 21.

[152]    Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 21.

[153]    1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 5.

[154]    1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 5, pp 40-46.

[155]    1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Chapter 5, pp 52-52 and Appendix 3.

[156]    1997 Euthanasia Inquiry, Appendix 3, p. 198.

[157]    Submission 660, p. 3; see also Mr Desmond McKenzie, AMSANT, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 34-35.

[158]    Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 10.

[159]    Submission 394, p. 3.

Statement by the Chair and Senators Kirk and Marshall

[1]        Submission 446, p. 4.

Statement by Liberal Senators

[1]        NT Government, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 4.

[2]        "Brown's moves on NT euthanasia bill labelled arrogant", ABC News, 5 February 2008, at: (accessed 16 June 2008).

[3]        Kissane, D.W., Street, A., Nitschke, P. "Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia", The Lancet, Vol. 352, 3 October 1998, pp 1097-1102. See also Professor David Kissane, Submission 589.

[4]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 28-30.

[5]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 29.

[6]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, pp 14-15.

[7]        Submission 414, p. 2.

[8]        Submission 447.

[9]        Dr Philip Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 25.

[10]      Dr Philip Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 25.

[11]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 9-10.

[12]      Submission 361, pp 5 and 7.

[13]      Submission 361, p. 8.

[14]      Submission 361, pp 7-8.

[15]      See, for example, Rita Joseph, Submission 371, pp 4-12; ACL, Submission 422, p. 6; Dr Brian Pollard, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, pp 24-25; Sydney Centre for International Law, Submission 421; HREOC, Submission 436.

[16]      Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, p. 6.

Statement by Senator Andew Bartlett

[1]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 22.

[2]        Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, p. 28.

Statement by Family First

[1]        Kissane, D, Street, A and Nitschke, P (1998) Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia. The Lancet, Vol 352, page 1101

[2]        Professor Kissane, submission 589

[3]        Professor Kissane, submission 589

[4]        Professor Kissane, submission 589

[5]        Kissane, D, Street, A and Nitschke, P (1998) Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia. The Lancet, Vol 352, page 1101

[6]        Kissane, D (2000), The Challenge of Informed Consent. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol. 19(6), page 473

[7]        Professor Kissane, submission 589

[8]        Kissane, D, Street, A and Nitschke, P (1998) Seven deaths in Darwin: case studies under the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Northern Territory, Australia. The Lancet, Vol 352, page 1101

[9]        Dr Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 28

[10]      Dr Nitschke, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 29

[11]      ACT Right to Life Association Inc, submission 434

[12]      Ryan, C (1996) Depression, decisions and the desire to die. Medical Journal of Australia, Vol 165, page 411

[13]      Emanuel, E et al (2005) Depression, euthanasia, and improving end-of-life care. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 23(27) page 6456

[14]      Ganzini, L (2000) Commentary: Assessment of Clinical Depression in Patients Who Request Physician-Assisted Death. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol. 19(6), page 474

[15]      Professor David Kissane, submission 589

[16]      Dr Gawler, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 10-11

[17]      Mr McKenzie, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 32

[18]      Mr McKenzie, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 33

[19]      Dr Gawler, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 10

[20]      Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, submission 410

[21]      Professor Brennan, submission 428

[22]      Professor Kissane, submission 589

[23]      Dr Nicholas Tonti-Filippini, submission 1100

[24]      Dr Boughey, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 38-39

[25]      Australian Medical Association, submission 375

[26]      Dr Pollard, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, page 25

[27]      Professor Brennan, submission 428

[28]      ACT Right to Life Association Inc, submission 434

[29]      Dr John Fleming and Dr Gregory Pike, submission 444

[30]      Dr David van Gend, submission 413

[31]      Dr David van Gend, submission 413

[32]      Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 3

[33]      Mr Corbell, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, page 22

[34]      Professor Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, page 10

[35]      Professor Brennan, submission 428

[36]      Professor Brennan, submission 428

[37]      eg Gilbert and Tobin Centre of Public Law, submission 46; Northern Territory Government, submission 446

[38]      Professor Brennan, Committee Hansard, 16 April 2008, page 9

[39]      Mr Joyce, NT Government, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2008, page 2

[40]      Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, submission 443