Appendix 1 - Submissions received

Appendix 1 - Submissions received

Number                      Submittor

  1. Mrs B K Daly-King
  2. Mr John Amadio
  3. Reconciliation for Western Sydney
  4. Social Action Office
  5. Ricky Guivarra
  6. Reconciliation Victoria
  7. David Hall
  8. Council for the National Interest, WA Committee
  9. Peter Gerry
  10. Lynette Noble
  11. Bonnie Hagen
  12. Standard letter in support of the submission made by the Bringing Them Home Committee WA
  13. Bringing Them Home Committee WA
  14. Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Incorporated
  15. Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre
  16. Roy Smith
  17. Mr David Hollinsworth
  18. Gail Wyatt
  19. Helen Anne Moran
  20. Robert Roy Smith
  21. Jean Bartley
  22. Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
  23. The Social Responsibilities Commission
  24. Uniting Church Western Australian Synod
  25. Stolen Generations Alliance
  26. Perth WA Women in Black
  27. Presentation Congregation Queensland
  28. Julian Burnside QC
  29. Ms Tjannarra Dyuwula-Morris
  30. Katherine Hoare
  31. Standard letter in support of the submission made by the Bringing Them Home Committee WA
  33. Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
  34. Stolen Generation Victoria
  35. Yearly Meeting Indigenous Concerns Committee
  36. Maurie Ryan and Tania Gaston
  37. Croker Island Stolen Generation People
  38. NSW Council for Civil Liberties
  39. Dr Ian Robinson
  40. Blue Mountains Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation
  41. Mr Fred Penny
  42. Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
  43. National Sorry Day Committee
  44. Stolen Generations Alliance South Australia
  45. Robert Stuurman
  46. NSW Sorry Day Committee
  47. Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (SA)
  48. Australian Aboriginal Fund
  49. Dr Christine Gillies
  50. Northern Territory Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation
  51. Dr Susan Greer
  52. Ms Lisa Delanoue
  53. Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (SA)
  54. Central Australian Stolen Generation and Families Aboriginal Corporation
  55. Australian Council of Social Service
  56. Faculty of Law (University of Sydney)
  57. Sydney Centre for International Law
  58. Journey of Healing (ACT)
  59. Fitzpatrick, Greer & Jackson Pulver
  60. Public Interest Law Clearing House
  61. Ms Kate Greenwood
  62. Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (NSW)
  63. Kingsford Legal Centres (UNSW)
  64. European Network of Indigenous Australian Rights
  65. Anglicare Australia
  66. Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Legal Services (QLD South)
  67. Australian Lawyers Alliance
  68. Edmund Rice Institute for Social Justice
  69. Public Interest Advocacy Centre & Australian Human Rights Centre
  70. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
  71. Danila Dilba Butji Binnilutlum Health Service
  72. The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
  73. Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation
  74. Monique Bond
  75. Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative
  76. Reconciliation Australia
  77. Northern Territory Government
  78. ACT Government
  79. The Law Society of NSW
  80. Tasmanian Government
  81. Western Australian Government
  82. Queensland Government     
  83. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
  84. Department of Health and Ageing
  85. Allan N Hall AM



  1. Answers to questions on notice received from the Sydney Centre for International Law on 28 April 2008
  2. Answers to questions on notice received from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on 30 April 2008
  3. Answers to questions on notice received from the Attorney-General's Department on 9 May 2008
  4. Answers to questions on notice received from the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission on 13 May 2008
  5. Document from Claire Henty-Gebert tabled at public hearing in Darwin on 15 April 2008
  6. Answers to questions on notice received from the Department of Family, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs on 14 May 2008
  7. Documents from Eileen Cummings, Croker Island Stolen Generation Group, tabled at public hearing in Darwin on 15 April 2008
  8. Confidential documents tabled at public hearing in Darwin on 15 April 2008

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