
Inquiry into the Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws-Superannuation) Bill 2008

Submissions from organisations

Sub No.  
1 Community and Public Sector Union (PDF 129KB)

Community and Public Sector Union - supplementary submission (PDF 98KB)

2 Hawkesbury Nepean Community Legal Centre (PDF 724KB)
3 FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 82KB)
4 Lesbian and Gay Solidarity (LGS) Melbourne (PDF 7KB)
5 Lutheran Church of Australia - Commission on Social and Bioethical Questions (PDF 25KB)
6 Uniting Justice Australia (PDF 42KB)
7 Australian Federation of AIDS Organisation (AFAO) (PDF 34KB)
8 Professor Jenni Millbank, Faculty of Law, UTS (PDF 73KB)
9 Let's Get Equal Campaign (SA) (PDF 21KB)
10 Presbyterian Church of Australia Church and Nation Committee (PDF 11KB)
11 Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 56KB)
12 Australian Family Association (SA) (PDF 20KB)
13 Rainbow Labor NSW (PDF 5KB)
14 Professor Patrick Parkinson - University of Sydney (PDF 126KB)
14a Professor Patrick Parkinson - supplementary submission (PDF 26KB)
15 Lyndoch Lutheran Parish (PDF 244KB)
16 Member for Sydney - Clover Moore (PDF 283KB)
17 Australian Institute for Family Counselling (PDF 284KB)
18 Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW (PDF 719KB)
19 NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (PDF 250KB)
19a NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby - supplementary submission (PDF 67KB)
20 New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 49KB)
21 Human Rights Council of Australia (PDF 60KB)
22 Australian Family Association (PDF 30KB): attachment A (PDF 358KB): response to submission 22 (PDF 149KB)
23 Penny Sharp MLC (PDF 34KB)
24 Family Life International (PDF 47KB)
25 Comsuper Action Committee (PDF 2931KB): attachment A (JPEG 1349KB), attachment B (PDF 332KB), attachment C (PDF 118KB) attachment D (PDF 3967KB)
25a Comsuper Action Committee - supplementary submission (PDF 10KB)
26 Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide (PDF 121KB)
27 Superannuated Commonwealth Officers' Association Inc. (PDF 2339KB)
28 The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (PDF 54KB)
29 Gay and Lesbian Equality (WA) Inc (PDF 181KB)
30 Australian Coalition for Equality (PDF 111KB)
30a Australian Coalition for Equality (PDF 170KB)
31 Law Council of Australia (PDF 84KB)
32 Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group (PDF 61KB)
33 Kevin Boreham - ANU College of Law (PDF 30KB)
34 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 90KB)
35 UniSuper (PDF 95KB)
36 Western Australian Equal Opportunity Commission (PDF 589KB)

Associate Professor Miranda Stewart (PDF 63KB)

Attachment A - article from the Sydney Law Review (2006) (PDF 380KB)

38 Attorney-General's Department (PDF 21KB)
39 Fatherhood Foundation (PDF 12KB), attachment A (PDF 934KB), attachment B (PDF 649KB)
40 Victorian Attorney-General, Rob Hulls MP (PDF 692KB)
41 Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (PDF 22KB)
42 Industry Funds Forum (PDF 523KB)
43 The Law Society of Western Australia (PDF 1502KB)
44 Law Society of New South Wales (PDF 507KB)


Form letters and petitions

Sub No.  

Standard form letter received from 101 individuals:
example (PDF 13KB), list of submitters (PDF 8KB)

f1a Variations on standard form letter f1 received from 11 individuals:
examples (PDF 12KB) (PDF 7KB), list of submitters (PDF 5KB)
f2 Variations on a standard letter received from 7 individuals:
example (PDF 5KB), list of submitters (PDF 4KB)

Variation on a standard letter received from 13 individuals:

example (PDF 5KB), list of submitters (PDF 5KB)


Variation on a standard letter received from 80 individuals:

example (PDF 11KB), list of submitters (PDF 8KB)


Standard letter received from 44 individuals:

example (PDF 10KB), list of submitters (PDF 5KB)


Variations on a standard letter received from 62 individuals:

example (PDF 536KB), list of submitters (PDF 7KB)


Submissions from individuals

Sub No.  
m1 Mr Ross Beale (PDF 12KB)
m2 Mr Geff Townsend
m3 Name Withheld
m4 Neil Freestone  (PDF 4KB)
m5 M. Dayana
m6 Shirley Coombs
m7 Nathan Holmes
m8 Malcolm & Rosemary Pryor
m9 Merrilyn Billing
m10 Ted Skuse
m11 Frank Cowell
m12 Di Chapman (PDF 4KB)
m13 Darren Laudenbach
m14 Ross Naddei
m15 Gabrielle Priest
m16 Rowan du Boulay
m17 Dave Bugler
m18 Mrs Helen Louden (PDF 3KB)
m19 Mr & Mrs Bruce and Jenny McWilliam (PDF 8KB)
m20 Stephan Grobler
m21 Hinson Chan (PDF 4KB)
m22 Mr & Mrs John & Renee Dillon (PDF 6KB)
m23 Stephen Barnard
m24 Phillip W. Gunton
m25 Geoffrey Roy Earl (PDF 4KB)
m26 Matthew Loader (PDF 6KB)
m27 Dan Kalpakoff
m28 Name Withheld
m29 John Goldbaum
m30 Chris Broomhead
m31 Luidi Rosolin
m32 Daniel Fabiyanic
m33 Name Withheld
m34 Les Aldridge & Family
m35 James Howes
m36 Jennifer Agnew
m37 Collin Giddings
m38 Philip Robinson
m39 Annette Wotherspoon (PDF 6KB)
m40 Claire Leslie (PDF 4KB)
m41 Kate Small (PDF 5KB)
m42 Terry & Diane Harding
m43 Jannah Burgess (PDF 7KB)
m44 Paul Thompson
m45 Name Withheld
m46 Michael Smith & Waren Fuge (PDF 16KB)
m47 Ryan Black
m48 David Seeto
m49 Dr Ruth Nicholls
m50 David Skidmore (PDF 6KB)
m51 Mrs Jacqui Ratajczak
m52 Dianne Seeto
m53 Louise Barker
m54 Name Withheld
m55 Frances Bedford
m56 George Hansford
m57 Martin Sobey
m58 Warick Poole
m59 Jemma Tribe
m60 Emma Ellis
m61 Ian R. Wilby
m62 Pastor David Blair (PDF 5KB)
m63 Michelle Parker, Gemma Miscrachi, Pia Struwe, Roz Smart
m64 Cathy Brown (PDF 24KB)
m65 Colin Ellis
m66 Peter Crouch
m67 Helen Murray
m68 Kathryn Cooper
m69 Roger J Williamson
m70 Sonny Tuapola
m71 Guy Fitzpatrick
m72 Gillian Appleton (PDF 10KB)
m73 James Poland (PDF 9KB)
m74 Brian Paul  (PDF 17KB)
m75 Mary Perrett
m76 Pauline and Rod Coady
m77 Barry and Sue Cuthbertson
m78 Mr Jason Waszaj
m79 Robert Worner
m80 C. D. Parkin (PDF 30KB)
m81 Margaret and Dunstan Hartley
m82 Jan Wilson
m83 F. C. Brohier
m84 Confidential
m85 Gwenda Allan
m86 Confidential
m87 Bev Pattenden
m88 Martin Bleby
m89 Stuart Revill
m90 Nita and Bert Hyam
m91 Susan Cleary
m92 Dr Peter Arnold
m93 Mrs Rhonda Avasalu
m94 John de Jongh
m95 John F Schwerdt
m96 Dougal Pottie
m97 Mervyn R. Vose
m98 Darryl Allen
m99 Mrs Jennifer Hunt
m100 Peter Rive
m101 Mrs Norma Cayzer
m102 Greg Wyld
m103 Michael Nakhla
m104 Rev Gordon Boughton (PDF 7KB)
m105 Confidential
m106 Robert James Martin
m107 Wes Milton
m108 David Doery
m109 Margaret Baguley
m110 David Mander Brook
m111 William Schaefer (PDF 6KB)
m112 Jim Woulfe and Andreas Ohm (PDF 43KB)
m113 Bernard Hennessy (PDF 10KB)
m114 Patricia Bosel
m115 Rina Huber
m116 Rev J.E. and Mrs Studd
m117 Shirley Arnold
m118 Mary Rawlings (PDF 8KB)
m119 Eric Labonne
m120 Mrs Paticia Cherry
m121 Mrs D Purcell
m122 Rev. David O Paech
m123 Mrs Marion Smith
m124 Tony and Karen Fisher
m125 David Madill
m126 Ray and Del Moran
m127 Cheryl Mahinay
m128 Ben Carter
m129 Linda Sala
m130 Lise Rawlings
m131 Gerard Calilhanna (PDF 39KB)
m132 Mrs Catherine Crittenden
m133 Greg Chenhall
m134 John Gresser
m135 Mrs Nancy Paul
m136 Mr and Mrs N Watt
m137 Jillian Spring
m138 Adrian and Rhonda Shakespear
m139 Ian Jyner
m140 John J. Morrissey
m141 Dr D. Gaffney
m142 William Anthony Burnell
m143 David Dutton
m144 John Kingsmill
m145 Jude Lowe
m146 Mrs Jillian M Wehr
m147 Murray and Barbara Morton
m148 Melinda Berry
m149 Confidential
m150 Hon Ian Hunter MLC
m151 Mrs Anna E Vaatstra
m152 David Rogerson Major
m153 Robyn Lingard
m154 Paulina May
m155 Confidential  
m156 Bruce Heselwood
m157 Bevan Grady and Reinaldo Fernandes
m158 Dr Annette Shewan
m159 Christine Loundes
m160 Mr Neville and Mrs Jacqueline Halgren
m161 Confidential
m162 Mrs Merle Ross
m163 Andrea Fargnoli
m164 Vienie Birchley
m165 Julie-Anne Ford
m166 Wendy and Adrian Brown
m167 Roger Dalton
m168 The Rev H. Gordon Williams, OSJ. JP
m169 Robert and Hannah Craig
m170 Rod Spark
m171 Mrs Allison Bennett
m172 David Trchala
m173 Barbara Holland
m174 Chris Lukins
m175 Susan Laris
m176 Raymond G Coughlan
m177 Mrs Belinda Birch
m178 Andrew and Carolyn Ewers
m179 Mrs Betty Oldfield
m180 Confidential
m181 Dr Donald Hardgrave
m182 David and Ruth Clark
m183 Alexandra Gaffy
m184 C.J. and B.M. Scholar
m185 Glenice Vladich
m186 S R (Ron) Moulton
m187 Mr Matthew C. Scrimgeour
m188 Margaret J. Dickson
m189 Marie and Howard Hogan
m190 John and Valerie Flanagan
m191 Dr Matt Redding
m192 Owen and Bronya Mulder
m193 David Glen
m194 Margaret and Louis Ackerman
m195 Garry and Ursula Bennett
m196 Mark and Kaye McCrum
m197 Robert and Jill Lawrie
m198 Dr Jamie Mattner
m199 Steven Flanagan
m200 Logan and Kylie Timms
m201 Rick Martin
m202 Mrs Sharan Hall
m203 Andrew Murray
m204 David and Pat Williamson
m205 Ian Miller
m206 Gary Weston
m207 Rev. Christopher C Twinn
m208 Lizzie Simpson
m209 Andrew Soper
m210 Pieter Dikstal
m211 Preben Larsen and Gunnel Larsen
m212 Mr Robert and Mrs Dahlis Willocks
m213 Keith and Jean Hobson
m214 Phillip Gummerson
m215 Confidential
m216 John Ridley
m217 Mrs Gweneth McCallum
m218 Doreen and Ralph Draheim
m219 Dr B. Christina Naylor
m220 Jenny Thorburn
m221 Felicity and Chris Cocks
m222 Adam Overweel
m223 Patricia Clarke
m224 Noel Nicholls
m225 Rev J.E. and Mrs Studd
m226 Confidential
m227 Brendan Lloyd
m228 Bill Stranger
m229 Andrew and Anne Campbell
m230 Jason Alan
m231 Mrs W Scrimgeour
m232 Alison Heuchan
m233 Richard John Moore
m234 Geoff Lapthorne
m235 Confidential
m236 Ann Sinquesfield
m237 L and G Prentice
m238 Mr and Mrs Ralph Chesson
m239 Mrs B. J. Revill
m240 Anthony Willis
m241 John D C Studdert
m242 Mrs Sue Bond
m243 Robert Thompson
m244 John Santamaria
m245 Mrs Anna Shepherd
m246 Renalda Fuentes
m247 Arthur Gilmour
m248 Warren Woodley OAM
m249 Confidential
m250 Alice Beauchamp
m251 Patricia Orton
m252 Confidential
m253 Mrs T. Enders
m254 Sue Downing
m256 Confidential
m257 Dr Gretchen Poiner
m258 Confidential
m259 R. J. McPherson
m260 Mr Ben Blackburn
m261 Confidential
m262 Confidential
m263 Ms Pat McCahey
m264 Brian Clarke



Submissions addressing the committee's inquiries into Same-Sex Relationship (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws-Superannuation)
Bill 2008, Family law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Bill 2008 and Evidence Amendment Bill 2008

Sub No.  
j1 Variations on a standard form letter received from 85 individuals:
example (PDF 14KB), list of submitters (PDF 10KB)
j2 Andrew Elder
j3 Patrick Seedsman
j4 Name Withheld
j5 Brian Greig
j6 Queensland Association for Healthy Communities
j7 Tom Wise
j8 Mr D I Nicholson
j9 Keith and Shiela Thompson
j10 Melanie Vella
j11 Name withheld (PDF 10KB)
j12 E R Peel
j13 Adrian Gunton
j14 Rev. J.E. and Mrs Studd
j15 Mark Ford
j16 Arun
j17 Johannes Pors
j18 Martin and Fiona Cran
j19 Moreen and Max Clanfield
j20 Spencer Gear MA
j21 Peter Hibbert
j22 Alan Bailey
j23 Dallas Clarnette
j24 Reg and Patricia Brody
j25 Peter Jenkins
j26 Matthew Bowles
j27 Ken and Jean West
j28 Denis Colbourn
j29 Maxwell J Hilbig
j30 John Caldwell
j31 Andrew James Brumpton
j32 Lyn and Michael Lawson
j33 Nick Goumas
j34 Jonathan Fry
j35 Metro Church Melbourne - Pete Buckley
j36 Mr D.I. Nicholson
j37 Tom and Amanda McInnerney
j38 Robert Barden
j39 Confidential submittor
j40 Beryl Turnbull
j41 Michael Thorpe
j42 Raymond G Coughlan
j43 Simon Lambourne
j44 Mrs Jill M Wehr
j45 Elizabeth Ryan
j46 Dan and Adeline Keenan
j47 John Kingsmill
j48 Tom and Jenine Foster
j49 Mrs Karen Nelson
j50 Mrs J. A. Miller
j51 Gae Harris
j52 Lindsay and Lioubov Wright
j53 Margaret Laundy
j54 Frederik and Geraldena Bekker

Walter Lee - part A (PDF 43KB), part B (PDF 32KB), part C (PDF 27KB), part D (PDF 18KB)

attachment 1 (PDF 1767KB), attachment 2 (PDF 156KB), attachment 3 (PDF 78KB), attachment 4 (PDF 208KB), attachment 5 (PDF 75KB), attachment 6 (PDF 81KB), attachment 7 (PDF 109KB), attachment 8 (PDF 609KB), attachment 9 (PDF 165KB)

j56 Salt Shakers Inc (PDF 86KB)
j57 Christine Loundes
j58 Steve Landers
j59 Wayne Morgan, Senior Lecturer on Law, ANU College of Law (PDF 37KB)

Variations on a standard letter received from 16 individuals:

example (PDF 10KB), list of submitters (PDF 5KB)

j61 Name withheld
j62 Name withheld
j63 Greg Chenhall


Additional Information


Kate Whitehouse - Honours Thesis: 'A Political Trophy or an Essential Human Right?

The Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships' (PDF 244KB)

2 Comments received from John Challis (Comsuper Action Committee) regarding his appearance at a public hearing in Canberra on 7 August, 2008 (PDF 5KB)
3 Attorney-General's Department: answers to Questions on Notice received on 29 August 2008 (PDF 14KB)


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794