Submissions received by the Committee as at 26 Aug 2009

Inquiry into the Exposure Draft of the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008

Submissions received by the Committee as at 26 Aug 2009

Sub No.

1Professor Anthony Duggan (PDF 113KB) 
2DLA Phillips Fox (PDF 420KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 1735KB) 
3Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 1608KB) 
4Institute for Factors and Discounters (PDF 47KB) 
5Mr James Kimpton (PDF 19KB) 
6Computershare (PDF 38KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 1720KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 70KB) 
7Veda Advantage (PDF 196KB) 
8Attorney-General's Department (PDF 900KB) 
9Australian Finance Conference (PDF 75KB) 
10Law Society of New South Wales (PDF 164KB) 
11Mr Simon Begg (PDF 34KB) 
12Piper Alderman (PDF 758KB) 
13Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (PDF 517KB) 
14Australian Institite of Credit Management (PDF 462KB) 
15Legal Aid Queensland (PDF 314KB) 
16Women's Legal Service Victoria on Behalf of Women's Legal Service Australia (PDF 126KB) 
17Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 153KB) 
18Motor Trades Association of Australia (PDF 481KB) 
19Queensland Law Society (PDF 201KB) 
20Consumer Action Law Centre (PDF 141KB) 
21International Trademark Association (PDF 54KB) 
22Independent Film and Television Alliance (PDF 86KB) 
23Australian Financial Markets Association (PDF 75KB) 
24Australian Bankers' Association (PDF 96KB) 
25Office of the Privacy Commissioner (PDF 401KB) 
26Australian Securitisation Forum (PDF 128KB) 
27Clayton Utz (PDF 3853KB) 
28Baycorp (PDF 1342KB) 
29Ms Lang Thai (PDF 44KB) 
30Allens Arthur Robinson, Blakes Dawson, Freehills and Mallesons Stephen Jaques (PDF 348KB) 
31Insolvency Practitioners Association (PDF 962KB) 
32Intellectual Property Committee of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia (PDF 961KB) 
33David Turner (PDF 361KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794