Exposure draft of the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008

Exposure draft of the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008

19 March 2009

© Commonwealth of Australia 2009
ISBN 978- 1-74229-015-7

View the report as a single document - (PDF 387KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Members of the Committee (PDF 16KB)
Recommendations (PDF 11KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 11KB)

Outline of the reform
Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the report
Note on references

Chapter 2 - Overview of the exposure draft bill (PDF 55KB)

Purpose and objectives of the exposure draft bill
Support for the reform
The reform process
International approaches to PPS
Key concepts
Structure of the proposed draft bill

Chapter 3 - What reform is needed? (PDF 36KB)

Divergent views
Options for reform

Chapter 4 - Consideration of broad issues (PDF 37KB)

Drafting issues
Process for amending the Act

Chapter 5 - Consideration of more technical issues (PDF 73KB)

PPS national online register
New requirement to act in a commercially reasonable manner
International conflict of laws provisions
Impact on the leasing industry – especially the position of an unregistered lessor
Intellectual property
Chattel paper

Chapter 6 - Other technical matters (PDF 10KB)

Suggestions for technical amendments to be made to the bill

Liberal Senators' Dissenting Report (PDF 29KB)

The majority report
More effective consultation and education
Review of the reform
Privacy protections
Privacy Impact Assessment
Commercially reasonable manner test - an unnecessary burden on business
International conflict of laws provisions
Intellectual Property
Education campaign

Appendix 1 - Submissions received (PDF 12KB)
Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee (PDF 9KB)
Appendix 3 Consolidated table of some of the suggestions made to the committee for amendments to the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008 [Exposure Draft] (PDF 157KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794
Email: legcon.sen@aph.gov.au