Additional information received

Inquiry into the Personal Property Securities Bill 2008 [Exposure Draft]

Additional information received

Add No.
1 PPS Reform Newsletter – November 2008. Provided by Attorney-General's Department 22 January 2009 (PDF 76KB)
2 Personal Property Securities Reform Discussion Paper 'Regulations to be made under the Personal Property Securities Act' August 2008. Provided by Attorney-General's Department 22 January 2009 (PDF 448KB)
3 PPS Consultative Group (as at 14 October 2008) Provided by Attorney-General's Department 22 January 2009 (PDF 12KB)
4 Review of the law on Personal Property Securities "An International Comparison" July 2006. Provided by Attorney-General's Department 22 January 2009 (PDF 503KB)
5 "The Cost and Benefits of Personal Property Securities (PPS) Reform" Report by Access Economics Pty Ltd for the Australian Attorney-General's Department. Provided by Attorney-General's Department 22 January 2009 (PDF 234KB)
6 Banking and Finance Update November 2008. Provided by DLA Phillips Fox 23 January 2009 (PDF 204KB
7 Letter to Committee Secretary. Provided by DLA Phillips Fox 23 January 2009 (PDF 98KB)
8 Guidelines for the use of Data-Matching in Commonwealth Administration (February 1998) provided by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (Cth) 23 January 2009 (PDF 290KB)
9 Hansard transcript 11 November 2002 (Page 8746) regarding public record indicating the Governments proposals to implement the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities Held with an Intermediary in Australia. Provided by the House of Representatives Hansard (PDF 1472KB)
10 Hansard transcript 3 November 2003 (Page 21896-21897) regarding public record indicating the Governments proposals to implement the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities Held with an Intermediary in Australia. Provided by the House of Representatives Hansard. (PDF 1482KB)
11 Report by the Law Commission of Canada titled Leveraging Knowledge Assets - Reducing Uncertainty for Security Interests in Intellectual Property. Provided by Professor Anthony Duggan 27 January 2009 (PDF 464KB)
12 Personal Property Security Law Reform in Canada. Provided by Professor Anthony Duggan 27 January 2009 (PDF 189KB)
13 Note on the proposed conflict of laws provisions in Appendix A to the Revised Commentary. Provided by Professor Anthony Duggan 27 January 2009 (PDF 22KB)
14 Equipment Finance Overview. Provided by Australian Finance Conference 27 January 2009. (PDF 32KB)
15 Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines.  Provided by Office of the Privacy Commissioner (Cth) 23 January 2009 (PDF 296KB)
16 Effective Matching graph. Provided by Veda Advantage 22 January 2009  (PDF 183KB)
17 Independent Film and Television Alliance correspondence received 2 February 2009  (PDF 261KB)
18 Australian Bankers Association correspondence received 2 February 2009  (PDF 11KB)
19 Personal Property Securities Law Reform - Security and Title Registers.  Mr Simon Begg -  received 4 February 2009  (PDF 8806KB)
20 Answer to Question on Notice - Office of the Privacy Commissioner received 6 February 2009  (PDF 242KB)
21 Answer to Question on Notice - Attorney-General's Department received 12 February 2009  (PDF 322KB)
22 Answer to Question on Notice - Attorney-General's Department received 2 March 2009  (PDF 113KB)

For further information, contact:

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Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
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