Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions received


Number Submitter
1 Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Court of Australia
2 Joint submission by the Attorney-General's Department and FaHCSIA
3 National Native Title Tribunal
4 Law Council of Australia
5 Native Title Office, Torres Strait Regional Authority
6 National Native Title Council
7 Northern Territory Government
8 Australian Human Rights Commission

Additional information received

1 National Native Title Tribunal - covering letter re answers to questions on notice.  Received 22 April 2009
2 National Native Title Tribunal - list of former and present members of the tribunal.  Received 22 April 2009
3 National Native Title Tribunal - chart showing the number and categories of Tribunal members for each year from 1994 to 2009.  Received 22 April 2009
4 National Native Title Tribunal Report on native title dated March 2009.  Received 22 April 2009
5 Copy of judgement McLennan and others on behalf of the Jangga People v State of Queensland [2009] FCA 236.  Received 22 April 2009

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