Additional comments by Liberal Senators

Additional comments by Liberal Senators

1.1        Liberal senators do not disagree with the committee's recommendation that the bill be passed, but are nonetheless concerned about the issues raised in the submission of the Aboriginal Legal Rights Concerns of the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM) about aspects of the cross border justice proposal.

1.2        The majority of the ALRM's submission focussed on the proposed South Australian legislation rather than the Bill before the committee. In that submission, the ALRM drew to the committee's attention a number of concerns that the organisation held about the South Australian legislation, and about the Cross Border Justice scheme in general.

1.3        The ALRM was highly critical of the SA legislation, describing it as 'extraordinarily complex' and 'a sledgehammer to crack a walnut'. The submission identified a number of points of concern, some of which included:

1.4        Liberal Senators agree that the South Australian legislation is out of scope of the committee's inquiry into the Bill, and that the detail and operation of that legislation is a matter for the South Australian Parliament.

1.5        However, Liberal Senators wish to emphasise that in supporting the bill, they do not condone aspects of the cross border laws contained in the South Australian and other State and Territory legislation, such as the retrospective application of the laws.

1.6        Liberal senators urge the States and Territories to give consideration to the issues raised by the ALRM in its submission to this committee.


Senator Guy Barnett
Deputy Chair

Senator Russell Trood

Senator Mary Jo Fisher

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