Submissions received by the Committee

National Security Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 and Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Bill 2010

Submissions received by the Committee

Sub No.

1Dr Fergal Davis (PDF 305KB) 
2Executive Council of Australian Jewry Inc. (PDF 633KB) 
3Police Federation of Australia (PDF 629KB) 
4Commonwealth Ombudsman (PDF 4475KB) 
5Dr Katharine Gelber (PDF 178KB) 
6The Sydney Centre for International Law  (PDF 215KB) 
7Victoria Police (PDF 150KB) 
8Liberty Victoria (PDF 148KB) 
9Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University (PDF 133KB) 
10Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law and University of New South Wales (PDF 276KB) Attachment 1(PDF 177KB) Attachment 2(PDF 69KB) 
11Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (PDF 302KB) 
12Attorney-General's Department (PDF 2522KB) 
13National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) (PDF 597KB) Attachment 1(PDF 5922KB) Attachment 2(PDF 874KB) Attachment 3(PDF 509KB) 
14Civil Liberties Australia (PDF 32KB) 
15The Human Rights Law Resource Centre and Amnesty International  (PDF 391KB) 
16Australian Federal Police Association (PDF 589KB) 
Supplementary Submission (PDF 541KB) 
17Australian Law Reform Commission (PDF 132KB) 
18Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 414KB) 
19NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet (PDF 883KB) 
20Nicholas Petrie, Samuel Peirce, Samuel Flynn, Claire Bongiorno, Patrick Magee, Louise Brown and Grace Jennings-Edquist (PDF 55KB) 
21Australian Crime Commission (PDF 1871KB) 
22Law Council of Australia (PDF 309KB) 
23Law Society of NSW (PDF 2364KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Document tabled at public hearing by Australian Federal Police Association in Melbourne on Friday 21 May 2010(PDF 2065KB) 
2Document tabled at a public hearing by National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) in Melbourne on Friday 21 May 2010(PDF 5922KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Australian Crime Commission on 1 June 2010(PDF 16KB) 
2Answers to Questions on Notice provided by Attorney-General's Department on 3 June 2010(PDF 169KB) 
3Answers to Questions on Notice provided by the Australian Federal Police on 4 June 2010(PDF 30KB) 

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3560
Fax:+61 2 6277 5794