Appendix 1 - Submissions received and Tabled Documents

Appendix 1 - Submissions received and Tabled Documents

Sub No.  
1 Mr David G. Pennington
2 Mr Hani Eljamal
3 Mejda Edan
4 Mejed El-Dan
5 Mr Sam Adie
6 A Rashid Samnakay
7 Mrs Candice Trevor
7A Mrs Candice Trevor
8 Dr Greg Carne
9 Ms Lisa Farrall
10 Mr Adam Parker
11 Reyhan Yilmaz
12 Australian Section of the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women
13 Dr Andrew G. Christy
14 Ms Christine Banks
15 Mr Paul Lickorish
16 Bob Phelps and Marsha Emerman
17 Australian Council for Civil Liberties
18 Ms D. Beryl Phillips
18A Ms D. Beryl Phillips
19 Name Withheld
20 Ms Kristi Street
21 Mr Russell Langfield
22 Dr Sue Bettison
23 Jothi Kalna
24 Mr Adam Bonner
24A Mr Adam Bonner
25 Name and Submission Withheld from Publication
26 Australian Bankers Association Inc.
26A Confidential
26B Australian Bankers Association Inc.
27 Mr Ray Bergmann
28 Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples
29 Not yet available
30 Mr Tim Mackney
31 Mr Adrian Pellas-Rice
32 Mr Geoff Taylor
32A Mr Geoff Taylor
32B Mr Geoff Taylor
32C Confidential
33 Mr G. Dale Hess and Ms Marion H. Arnold
34 Mr Loris Erik Kent Hemlof
35 Mr David and Mrs Trish Johnson
36 Glenn, Nicola and Danielle Bradbury
37 Ingolf Eide
37A Ingolf Eide
38 Professor Joseph A. Camilleri
39 Ms Judy Bamberger
39A Ms Judy Bamberger
40 Mr Jeff Burman
41 Dr J. Keith Atkinson
42 Mr Jim South
43 Earle Orenstein
44 Dr Neil Allen
45 Standard Form Letter 1 Received by various individuals and organisations
46 Standard Form Letter 2 Received by various individuals and organisations
47 Standard Form Letter 3 Received by various individuals and organisations
48 Standard Form Letter 4 Received by various individuals and organisations
49 Standard Form Letter 5 Received by various individuals and organisations
50 Standard Form Letter 6 Received by various individuals and organisations
51 Mr David Spacey
52 Emeritus Professor Robert White
53 Mr Murray Rosenberg
54 Frayne Dyke-Walker
55 Ms Joanne Scicluna
56 Mr Chris Connolly
57 Mr Grant Niemann
58 Mr John Cumming
59 Civil Liberties Australia (ACT) Inc.
60  Mr Andy Jackson
61 Not yet available
62 International PEN, Melbourne Centre
63 Mr Robert Pembroke
65 Ms Beth Hatton
66 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Peace and Social Justice Committee
67 Mr Kriston Terbutt
68 Mr Harold Taskis
69 Mr John Somerville
70 Dr Justin Clemens
71 Mr Oliver Lawrance
72 Ms Kathryn Pollard
72A Ms Kathryn Pollard
73 Mr Sacha Blumen
74 Dr John Tomlinson
75 Mr Chris Shaw
76 Ms Susan Margaret
77 Ms Heather Morton
78 Mr Frank Chesworth
79 Ms Nathalie Haymann
80 Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law
80A Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law
81 Mr Joo-Cheong Tham & Others
82 Mr Christopher Michaelsen
83 Mr Charles Rowland
84 Dr Stephen Morey
85 Mr Sid Spindler
85A Mr Sid Spindler
86 Ms Pamela A Sidney
87 Australian Lawyers Alliance
88 Fairfax
89 Emeritus Professor Basil Johnson
90 Ms Gayle Reynolds
91 Mr David Cooper
92 Friends of the Earth Australia
93 Ms Diana Simmons
94 Mr Francis James Cross
95 Ms Margaret Dingle
96 Mr Greg Burgess
97 Mr Clive Monty
98 Mr Herbert Rhead & Ms Sadie Ursula Stevens
99 Ms Shirley Ferguson
100 Mrs Gwen Lee
101 Mr Dean Jefferys
102 Mr David Hall
103 Mr Herbert Thomas Hodges
104 Mr Paul Robb
105 Mr Ron Morris
106 Adelaide Institute
107 Ms Deanna Borland
108 Mr Roger Clarke
109 Ms Madeline Fountain
110 Mr Trevor and Mrs Lerida Harrison
111 Al Ray
112 Dr Gideon Polya
113 Professor Ian North & Ms Mirna Heruc
114 Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
114A Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
114B Castan Centre for Human Rights Law
115 Free Speech Australia
116 Mr Dale Mills
117 Ms Lisa Walker
118 Ms Emma King
119 Asif Zaman
120 Valerie & Eric Gargett
121 Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Canberra
122 Mr Ian Russell
123 Mr Kurt Duval
124 Ms Gisela Stieglitz
125 Ms Kylie Dearston
126 Mr Geoffrey Shaw
127 Helen & Peter Curtis
128 Ms Julia DesBrosses
129 Mr Kirk McKenzie
130 Dr Ali Alizadeh & Others
131 Dr Philip G Claxton
132 The Tasmanian Council of Civil Liberties (Inc).
133 Name Withheld
134 Mr Michael Cordover
135 Columban Mission Institute
136 M F McAuliffe
137 Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales
138 Platinum Assets Management
139 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
140 Law Council of Australia
140A Law Council of Australia
141 Amnesty International Australia
141A Amnesty International Australia
142 Public Interest Advocacy Centre
142A Public Interest Advocacy Centre
143 Australian Press Council
144 Ethnic Communities Council of WA
145 National Association of Community Legal Centres
146 Australian Screen Directors Association Ltd
147 New South Wales Teachers Federation
148 Centre for Human Rights Education
149 Free TV Australia
150 Islamic Women's Welfare Council of Victoria Inc
151 Australian Publishers Association
152 Mr Patrick Emerton & Mr Joo-Cheong Tham
153 Representative of the Arts and Creative Industries of Australia
154 Human Rights Office
154A Human Rights Office
155 Combined Community Legal Centres' Group (NSW) Inc
156 Chief Minister Jon Stanhope MLA
157 Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network
157A Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network
158 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
158A Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
158B Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
159 National Tertiary Education Union
160 Tasmanian Bar Association
161 NSW Council for Civil Liberties
161A NSW Council for Civil Liberties
162 Australian Political Ministry Network (PolMin)
163 Commonwealth Ombudsman and Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
163A Commonwealth Ombudsman and Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
164 Special Broadcasting Services (SBS)
165 Australian Privacy Foundation
166 National Association for the Visual Arts Ltd
167 Federation of Community Legal Centres (Vic)
168 Division of Law, Macquarie University
169 Ms Georgina Fitzpatrick
170 Name Withheld
171 Bayside Reconciliation Group
172 Ms Jan Jackson
173 Mr Tony Kevin
174 Ms Mary Sweetapple
175 Professor Marcus Wigan
176 Professor Michael Coper
177 Mr Patrick O'Leary
178 Mr Tony Moran
179 Ms Rosslyn Ives
180 Mr Francis Taylor
181 WA Social Justice Network
182 Mr Christian O'Brien
183 Quaker Peace and Justice NSW Committee
184 Australian Centre for Independent Journalism
185 Dr Martin Wesley-Smith
186 Professor Richard Hill and Rev. Chris Lockley
187 Dr Penelope Matthew
188 Sydney Centre for International and Global Law
189 Lesbian & Gay Solidarity Melbourne
190 Fitzroy Legal Service
191 Northern Beaches Civil Rights Forum
192 Uniting Church in Australia
193 Mr Allan Behm
194 Mr Bret Walker
194A Mr Bret Walker
195 Australian Federal Police
195A Australian Federal Police
196 Australian Broadcasting Corporations (ABC)
197 Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
198 The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
199 Mr David Winderlich
200 Armidale Community Network
201 Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA)
202 James White and Meredith Hope
203 National Legal Aid Secretariat
204 Ms Shelley Frawley
205 International Commission of Jurists Tasmania Branch
206 Professor Andrew Byrnes, Professor Hilary Charlesworth and Ms Gabriele McKinnon
207 Ms Martine Moran
208 Tasmania Government
209 National Australia Bank
210 Professor Simon Bronitt, Miriam Gani, Dr Mark Nolan and Dr John Williams
211 The National Children's and Youth Law Centre
212 Ms Irma Lachmund
213 Leichhardt Peace Group
214 Mr Robert Fox
215 Ms Tora Blackman
216 Veronica and Ray Cox
217 Ms Ruth Kell
218 Mr Mark Kernich
219 Ms Katrina Budrickis
220 Mary MacKillop Institute for East Timor
221 Liberty Victoria
222 Queensland Law Society and Bar Association of Queensland
223 Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
224 Ms Tracie Carvin
225 Devasia Family
226 Islamic Council of Victoria
227 Confidential
228 Dr Deryn Alpers
229 Ms Emma Jack
230 Associate Professor Steven Bellman
231 Mr David Langsam
232 Friends of the Earth Kuranda
233 Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes (NSW)
234 Mr Nicholas Miller
235 Not yet available
236 Ms Georgia King-Siem
237 The Hon Alastair Nicholson, Mr John Tobin, Mr Danny Sandor, Ms Paula Grogran and Ms Carmel Guerra
237A The Hon Alastair Nicholson, Mr John Tobin, Mr Danny Sandor, Ms Paula Grogran and Ms Carmel Guerra
237B The Hon Alastair Nicholson, Mr John Tobin, Mr Danny Sandor, Ms Paula Grogran and Ms Carmel Guerra
238 Mr Kenneth Kuhlmann
239 Ms Wendy Alpers
240 Ms Michelle Pratley and Ms Kate Parlett
241 Mr Alex Reisner
242 Mr Steven Hopley
243 Not yet available
244 Mr Tom Dawkins
245 Ms Rosaline Costa
246 Mr Martin Bibby
247 Dr David Neal
248 Ms Marion May Campbell
249 Artlink Australia
250 Not yet available
251 Ms Allison Riding
252 Timothy Collier and Bruce Hancock
253 Ms Margaret Waspe
254 Ms Catrine Warner
256 Ms Sandy Edwards
257 Ms Catherine Errey
258 Mr Peter Gillies
259 The Uniting Church in Australia Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
260 Mr Matthew Zagor
261 Public Interest Law Clearing House (Vic) Inc.
262 Administrative Review Council
263 Mr Lucas Robson
264 Associate Professor Jenny Hocking
265 Ms Naomi Mawson
266 Jen Jewel Brown
266A Jen Jewel Brown
267 Mr Adam Johnston
268 Ms Nicole Hodgson
269 Ms Susan Armer
270 Mr Fred Hollis
271 Mr Peter Smiley
272 Mr Justin Tutty
273 Ms Helen Needs
274 Ms Kim Wainwright
275 Mr Laurence Maher
275A Mr Laurence Maher
276 Office of the Privacy Commissioner
277 The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) WA Inc
278 Dr Helen B. Wiles
279 Humanist Society of Victoria Inc
280 Mr David Owen
280A Mr David Owen
281 Mr William J.A. Ryan
282 Ms Shirley Hodges
283 Dr Chrissy Sharp
284 ACT Bar Association
285 Mr John McLaren
286 Mr Sebastian Clark
287 Not yet available
288 La Trobe Law and West Heidelberg Community Legal Service
289 Ms Joan Coxsedge
290 Attorney-General's Department
290A Attorney-General's Department
290B Attorney-General's Department
291 Not yet available
291A Confidential
292 Ms Marilyn Shepherd
293 Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner
294 Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

Tabled Documents

14 November 2005 – Attorney-General's Department

  • Draft South Australia Terrorism (Preventative Detention) Bill 2005

17/11/2005 Mr Ian Carnell, Inspector General

  • Detention Safeguards: Some Procedural Comparisons

17/11/2005 Mr Chris Connolly, Law Faculty, University of NSW

  • Proposed Offences for Sedition in the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005, Five Key Facts on Sedition

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