Submissions received by the committee as at 20/04/2005

Inquiry into the provisions of the Criminal Code Amendment (Suicide Related Material Offences) Bill 2005

Submissions received by the committee as at 20/04/2005

Sub No.  
1 Mr Marshall Perron (PDF 18KB)
2 Right to Life Australia (PDF 65KB)
3 Ms Gillian Walker (PDF 48KB)
4 West Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society Inc (PDF 24KB)
5 Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New South Wales (PDF 19KB)
5A Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New South Wales (PDF 17KB)
6 Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Tasmania Inc (PDF 190KB)
6A Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Tasmania Inc (PDF 14KB)
7 Mr KR and Mrs LM Ray (PDF 20KB)
8 Mr Anthony L. and Mrs Beryl M. Saclier (PDF 22KB)
9 Coalition for the Defence of Human Life (PDF 28KB)
10 South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society (PDF 16KB)
11 Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Victoria (PDF 91KB)
12 Dr David M Gawler (PDF 52KB)
13 Australian Christian Lobby (PDF 51KB)
14 Ms Sandra Milne (PDF 20KB)
15 Voluntary Euthanasia Society of Queensland (PDF 20KB)
16 Exit International (PDF 29KB)
16A Exit International (PDF 12KB)
17 Dr Fiona Stewart (PDF 86KB)
18 The Law Society of New South Wales (PDF 84KB)
19 Ms Dorothy Trezise (PDF 55KB)
20 Australian Broadcasting Authority (PDF 153KB)
21 Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law (PDF 139KB)
22 Mr Neil D. Cook (PDF 19KB)
23 Atheist Foundation of Australian Inc (PDF 20KB)
24 Australian Civil Liberties Union (PDF 19KB)
24A Australian Civil Liberties Union (PDF 11KB)
25 Ms Julianne Smith (PDF 57KB)
26 Salt Shakers, Christian Ethics, Research and Action (PDF 43KB)
27 New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties (PDF 45KB)
28 Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. (PDF 106KB)
29 Festival of Light Australia (PDF 81KB)
30 Catholic Women's League Australia Inc. (PDF 27KB)
31 Confidential
32 Attorney-General's Department (PDF 57KB)

For further information or to obtain hard copies, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794