Public hearing - Adelaide, 2 May 2007

Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Bill 2007

Public hearing - Adelaide, 2 May 2007

Prince Alfred Room
Adelaide Town Hall
King William Street

1.30pm -2.00pm

National Native Title Council (submission 5)
Mr Martin Dore (by teleconference)

2.00pm -2.30pm

Ergon Energy (submission 3)
Mr Neil Webley, Property Acquisition Manager
(by teleconference)

2:30pm -3:00pm

Northern Land Council
Mr Ron Levy, Principal Legal Advisor

3.00pm -3.30pm

National Native Title Tribunal (submission 4)
Mr Graeme Neate, President
Mr Christopher Doepel, Registrar

3.30pm -4.30pm

Attorney General's Department (submission 6)
Mr Iain Anderson, First Assistant Secretary, Legal Services and Native Title Division
Ms Tamsyn Harvey, A/Assistant Secretary,

Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (submission 6)
Mr Greg Roche, Branch Manager, Land Branch
Rebecca Bigg-Wither, Senior Legal Officer, Land Branch

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3560
Fax: +61 2 6277 5794