

[1] Explanatory memorandum, p. 2.

[2]     Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee, Provisions of the Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2002, June 2002 (2002 Report). Available at:

[3] 2002 Report, p. 2.

[4] 2002 Report, p. 2.

[5] EM, p. 5.

[6] EM, p. 5.

[7] EM, p. 5.

[8] S. Harris Rimmer, 'Migration Amendment (Visa Integrity) Bill 2006', Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No. 2, 26 July 2006 (Bills Digest), p. 7.

[9] EM, p. 6.

[10] EM, p. 6. Absolute liability as set out by section 6.2 of the Criminal Code means that (a) there are no fault elements for any of the physical elements of the offence; and (b) the defence of mistake of fact under section 9.2 is unavailable.

[11] EM, p. 6.

[12] Bills Digest, p. 8.

[13] Bills Digest, p. 9.

[14] EM, pp 9-10.

[15] EM, p. 14.

[16] EM, p. 14.

[17] EM, p. 14.

[18]   EM, p. 14.

[19] 2002 Report, pp. 12-13.

[20] Submission 3, p. 6.

[21] Submission 1, pp 1-2.

[22] Submission 2, p. 1.

[23] 2002 Report, p. 7.

[24] 2002 Report, p. 7.

[25] 2002 Report, p. 9.

[26] Submission 3, p. 4.

[27] Answers to Questions on Notice, 6 September 2006, Submission 3A, p. 1.

[28] Answers to Questions on Notice, 6 September 2006, Submission 3A, p. 1.

[29]   Answers to Questions on Notice, 6 September 2006, Submission 3A, p. 3.

[30] Excerpts taken from Ms Kaye Bernard's submission No 169, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committees Inquiry into the Operation and Administration of the Migration Act 1958.

[31] House of Representatives Hansard, 30 June, 1999 page 7992

[32]   SRBBBB and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2003] AATA 1066 (24 October 2003) and SRCCCC and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2004] AATA 315 (26 March 2004)