Attachment 1 - Witnesses who appeared before the committee

Attachment 1 - Witnesses who appeared before the committee

Canberra, Monday 6 December 2004

Internet Industry Association
Ms Carolyn Hough - Representative
Mr David McCulloch - Representative

Australian Digital Alliance
Ms Sarah Waladan, Executive Office (also representing the Australian Libraries Copyright Committee)

Australian Film and Industry Coalition

Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia
Mr Geoff Brennan, Advisor (with Gavin Anderson Consulting)

Attorney General's Department
Ms Helen Daniels, Assistant Secretary, Copyright Law Branch, Information Law and Human Rights Division
Ms Gabrielle Mackey, Principal Legal Officer, Copyright Law Branch, Information Law and Human Rights Division
Mr Barton Hoyle, Acting Senior Legal Officer

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Mr Bruce Gosper, First Assistant Secretary, Office of Trade Negotiation
Ms Virginia Greville, Assistant Secretary, Trade Commitments Branch
Mr Paul Myler, Director, FTA Commitments and Implementation Section