Additional comments by Senator Brian Greig on behalf of the Australian Democrats

Additional comments by Senator Brian Greig on behalf of the Australian Democrats

1.1 The Australian Democrats are not convinced that there is a strong need for this legislation, however we acknowledge the finding of the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), that there is a need for new legislation to deal specifically and solely with the protection of classified and sensitive national security information in court, tribunal and similar proceedings.

1.2 We welcome and support the constructive recommendations made by the Committee. However, in a number of instances, the Democrats believe the Committee could have gone further in its recommendations.

1.3 The Democrats are disappointed and that the Government has chosen not to address additional matters raised by the ALRC, including enhanced protection for whistleblowers. We believe these matters should be addressed as a matter of priority and that the Bill would benefit from being amended accordingly.

1.4 The Democrats will consider moving such amendments when the Bill is debated in the Senate.

Senator Brian Greig

Australian Democrats