Inquiry into the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No. 2) 2004

Inquiry into the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No. 2) 2004

6 August 2004

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

ISBN 0 642 71428 2

Download this report as a single document - (PDF format - 558 Kb)

Download this report in individual parts:

Preface (PDF format - 119 Kb) (HTML format)
Table of Contents
Members of the legislation committee
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF format - 100 Kb) (HTML format)
Conduct of the inquiry
Note on references
Chapter 2 - Background to the bill (PDF format - 143 Kb) (HTML format)
Key provisions of the Bill
Amendments to the Passports Act 1938
Amendments to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
Amendments to Division 102 of the Criminal Code Act 1995
Amendments to the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983 and the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
Amendments to the Crimes Act 1914
Chapter 3 - Key issues (PDF format - 272 Kb) (HTML format)
Schedule 1 – Foreign travel documents
The need for a confiscation power
Matters underpinning the Minister's power
Offences and the availability and scope of the 'reasonable excuse' defence
Scope for review of orders
The Committee's views
Schedule 2 – Persons in relation to whom ASIO questioning warrants are being sought
Background to the provisions
Accountability measures
Restriction on the right to freedom of movement
The Committee's view
Schedule 3 – Associating with terrorist organisations
The breadth of the offence
Effect of exemptions to the offence
Interaction with existing legislation
The Committee's view
Schedule 4 - Transfer of Prisoners
The Committee's view
Schedule 5 – Forensic procedures
The Committee's view
Dissenting report by the Australian Democrats (PDF format - 109 Kb) (HTML format)
Amendments to the Passports Act 1938
Amendments to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979
Amendments to the Criminal Code 1995
Amendments to the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983 and the Administrative
Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977
Amendments to the Crimes Act 1914
Appendix 1 (PDF format - 86 Kb) (HTML format)
Submissions received
Appendix 2 (PDF format - 81 Kb) (HTML format)
Witnesses who appeared before the committee
Sydney, Monday 26 July 2004