Appendix 2

Trick or Treaty? Commonwealth Power to Make and Implement Treaties

Appendix 2

Details of Meetings and Witnesses


Venue: Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 9.40am

Adjourned: 4.05pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney and Abetz


Senator Vicki Bourne

Department of the Senate

Mr Harry Evans

Clerk of the Senate

Mr Peter Bayne

National Farmers' Federation

Mr Ian Booth

Research Officer

Mr Robert Hadler


International Affairs

Attorney-General's Department

Mr Henry Burmester

Principal International Law Counsel

Office of International Law

Mr William Campbell

Senior Government Counsel

Office of International Law

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr Robert Davis


Trade and Policy Research

Australian Mining Industry Council

Mr Geoffrey Ewing

Assistant Director

Greenpeace Australia

Mr Ian Fry

National Liaison Officer

Australian National University

Professor Donald Greig

Faculty of Law

Dr David Kinley

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Law

Humane Society International

Mr Michael Kennedy


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr Christopher Lamb

Legal Adviser

Ms Jan Linehan

Deputy Legal Adviser

Mr Brian Slee

Executive Officer

Treaties Support Unit

Department of the Environment Sport and Territories

Mr Phillip Toyne

Executive Director

Environmental Strategies Directorate


Venue: 525 Collins St, Melbourne

Commenced: 9.15am

Adjourned: 4.20pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney and Spindler


Law Council of Australia

Mr David Bailey

Constitutional Law Committee

Mr Jacob Fajgenbaum


Constitutional Law Committee

Department of Premier and Cabinet

Ms Fiona Hanlon

Assistant Secretary

Legal Branch

Ms Judith Tyers

Assistant Secretary

Commonwealth-State Relations Branch

Mr John Daley

Senior Adviser

Commonwealth State Relations Branch

Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies

Mr Stephen Donaghue

Research Assistant

United Nations Association of Australia

Mr Michael Gorton

Vice President

Mr Roger Shipton

National President

University of Melbourne

Ms Penelope Mathew

Lecturer in Law

Law School

Mr Wayne Morgan

Lecturer in Law

Law School

Ms Kristen Walker

Lecturer in Law

Law School

Monash University

Ms Jeannie Paterson

Assistant Lecturer in Law

Constitutional and Contract Law

Australian Education Union

Mr Richard Walsham

Deputy Federal Secretary

PUBLIC HEARING - 15 May 1995

Venue: Commonwealth Parliament Officers, Perth

Commenced: 8.40am

Adjourned: 3.30pm

Present: Senators Ellison and Cooney


Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia Inc.

Mr Henry Esbenshade

Pastoral and Sand Use Director

Mrs Valmai Kopke

Executive Committee Member

Mr Raymond Ward

Executive Member

Western Australian Farmers Federation

Mr Jack Flanigan

Legal Officer

Council for the National Interest

Mr Stephen Gethin

Member, Western Australian Committee

Cedar Woods Properties Limited

Mr William Hames


Mr Nicholas Perrignon

Development Manager

Georgist Education Association

Mr Stanley Johnston


Ministry of the Premier and Cabinet

Mr William Marmion

Principal Policy Officer

Mr Jeremy Buxton

Dr Tim Meagher

Professor Martyn Webb

Western Australian Parliament

Hon. Phillip Pendal

Member for South Perth


WA Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation

and Inter-Governmental Agreements

Western Australian Government

Dr James Thomson

Senior Assistant Crown Solicitor

Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

Mr William Ryan


Mr Craig Readhead


Mr George Savell

Chief Executive Officer

Western Australian Law Society

Dr Johannes Schoombee


PUBLIC HEARING - 16 May 1995

Venue: NSW State Parliament, Sydney

Commenced: 9.05am

Adjourned: 2.10pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Neal, O'Chee and Spindler


Mr David Bennett, QC

Sir Maurice Byers, QC

Hon Edward Gough Whitlam

Hon. Elizabeth Evatt

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Mr Kevin O'Connor

Acting Human Rights Commissioner

University of Sydney

Dr Donald Rothwell

Faculty of Law

University of New South Wales

Professor George Winterton

Faculty of Law

New South Wales Cabinet Office

Mr Roger Wilkins


PUBLIC HEARING - 22 May 1995

Venue: Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Hobart

Commenced: 10.05am

Adjourned: 1.40pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, Neal and Spindler


Liberal Lawyers Association of Tasmania

Mr Guy Barnett


Dr David Mitchell

Dr Gerry Bates

Mr Michael Stokes

Miss Wendy Lacey

Professor Richard Herr

Biodiversity Coalition

Mr Alistair Graham

Business Council of Australia

Mr Anthony Soutter

Assistant Director

The Wilderness Society

Mr Alec Marr

Campaign Coordinator

Mr Geoffrey Law

Campaign Officer

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group

Mr Rodney Croome

Campaign Coordinator

Mr Nicholas Toonen



Venue: Qld Parliament House, Brisbane

Commenced: 10.00am

Adjourned: 4.22pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Neal and McKiernan


Mr Peter Connolly

Mr Hugh Downey

Mr Anthony Morris QC

Professor Kenneth Wiltshire

Argus Australia Pty Ltd

Mr Cec Clark

Managing Director

Griffith University

Mr Brian Fitzgerald

Law School

Queenslanders for Constitutional Monarchy (Inc.)

Mr John Gierke

Committee Member

National Recovery Council

Mrs Glenda Grining

Associate Member

Australian Defence Association Brisbane Branch

Mr Thomas King


Mr John Pickering

Publicity Officer

Bar Association of Queensland

Mr Douglas McGill

Senior Counsel


Venue: Committee Room 1S4, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 9.12am

Adjourned: 4.07pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan and Kemp


Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet

Ms Fiona Hanlon

Assistant Secretary

Legal Branch

Mr John Daley

Senior Adviser

Mr Anthony Thomas

Senior Adviser

Commonwealth State Relations Branch

Attorney-General's Department

Mr Henry Burmester

Acting Chief General Counsel

Mr William Campbell

Acting Principal International Law Counsel


Mr John Cairns

Industrial Officer

Mr Tim Pallas

Assistant Secretary

Department of Industrial Relations

Mr David Dick

Assistant Secretary

International Branch

Ms Jean Ffrench

Acting Director

International Organisations Section

Mr Robin Stewart-Crompton

Acting Deputy Secretary

NSW Farmers Association

Mr Fred Gulson


Conservation and Resource Management

Mr David Hodgkinson


Conservation and Resource Management Committee

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr Christopher Lamb

Legal Adviser

Ms Jan Linehan

Deputy Legal Adviser

Mr Brian Slee

Executive Officer

Treaties Support Unit

PUBLIC HEARING - 25 July 1995

Venue: Commonwealth Centre, Adelaide

Commenced: 9.15am

Adjourned: 12.54pm

Present: Senators Ellison and Cooney


University of Adelaide

Professor Hilary Charlesworth

Law School

Professor Michael Detmold

Law School

Mr David Craig

Mr Bruce Hannaford

Mr Graeme Watts

Grey Power SA (Inc.)

Mr John Gratton Darbishire


Brighton Branch

Attorney-General's Department (South Australia)

Ms Margaret Doyle


Policy and Research

Department of Premier and Cabinet (South Australia)

Ms Pamela Martin


Intergovernment Relations Unit

Australian Law Reform Commission

Mr Alan Rose


Private meeting - 21 August 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S5, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 5.40pm

Adjourned: 6.40pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz and McKiernan

Private meeting - 23 August 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S3

Commenced: 5.15pm

Adjourned: 5.55pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Neal, Spindler, Cooney

Private meeting - 24 August 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S5

Commenced: 5.10pm

Adjourned: 6.50pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan, Neal and Spindler]

Private meeting - 14 September 1995

Venue: Department of Finance, Kent St, Sydney

Commenced: 2.30pm

Adjourned: 4.30pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan, Neal and Spindler

Private meeting - 20 September 1995

Venue: Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 5.24pm

Adjourned: 5.43pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan, Neal and Spindler

Private meeting - 29 September 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S3, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 11.50am

Adjourned: 12.05pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan and Spindler

Private meeting - 23 October 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S6, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 8.20pm

Adjourned: 10.15pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan Neal and Spindler

Private meeting - 25 October 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S5, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 11.10am

Adjourned: 12.05pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, and McKiernan

Private meeting - 25 October 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S3, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 4.20pm

Adjourned: 5.07pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan, Neal, O'Chee and Spindler

Private meeting - 26 October 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1R2, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 9.15am

Adjourned: 9.55am

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, and McKiernan

Private meeting - 8 November 1995

Venue: 89 Aberdeen St, Northbridge, Perth

Commenced: 10.00am

Adjourned: 3.30pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan and Spindler

Private meeting - 13 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S4, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 11.15am

Adjourned: 12.05pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz and Margetts

Private meeting - 14 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S2, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 4.09pm

Adjourned: 6.00pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, and McKiernan

Private meeting - 15 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 2S2, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 8.04pm

Adjourned: 8.26pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan Neal, and Spindler

Private meeting - 16 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S4, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 11.12am

Adjourned: 12.02pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan and Spindler

Private meeting - 16 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S4, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 4.15pm

Adjourned: 5.10pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, Neal and Spindler

Private meeting - 20 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 7.04pm

Adjourned: 7.09pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, McKiernan and Spindler

Private meeting - 21 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1S6, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 5.10pm

Adjourned: 7.01pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, Abetz, Neal and McKiernan

Private meeting - 23 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 2.10pm

Adjourned: 5.55pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney, McKiernan and Spindler

Private meeting - 27 November 1995

Venue: Committee Room 2S3, Parliament House, Canberra

Commenced: 11.30am

Adjourned: 12.00pm

Present: Senators Ellison, Cooney and McKiernan