BEHRENDT, Mr Jason, Co-Chair, Indigenous Issues Committee, Law Society of New South Wales

BOKELUND, Mr Hans, Chief Executive Officer, Goldfields Land and Sea Council

DONOVAN, Mr Mark, Head of External Affairs, BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Minerals Council of Australia

DUGGAN, Mr Kym, First Assistant Secretary, Social Inclusion Division, Attorney-General's Department

FLETCHER, Dr Debra, Manager, Land Access and Kimberley, Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

GOODA, Mr Mick, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission

GRACIK, Ms Lavinia, Acting Principal Legal Officer, Native Title Unit, Attorney-General's Department

LANGMEAD, Mr Tim, Group Manager of Corporate Affairs, Fortescue Metals Group, Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

POSTMA, Ms Therese, Assistant Director, Social Policy, Minerals Council of Australia

RAWLINGS, Mr Ian, Chief Executive Officer, Central Desert Native Title Services

RUMLER, Mr Mark, Principal Legal Officer, Goldfields Land and Sea Council

SEXTON-MOSS, Dr Sean, Native Title Special Counsel, Native Title Unit, Attorney-General's Department

SHORT, Mr Graham, National Policy Manager, Association of Mining and Exploration Companies

STOREY, Mr Matthew, Chief Executive Officer, Native Title Services Victoria

STUTSEL, Ms Melanie, Director, Health, Safety, Environment and Community Policy, Minerals Council of Australia

WEAVER, Mr Tom, Native Title Manager, Fortescue Metals Group, Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

YEATES, Dr John, Chair, Native Title and Aboriginal Heritage Working Group, Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia

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