Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Annual Reports of Departments

1.1        The annual reports for the financial year 2007-08 of the following departments were referred to the committee for examination and report:

Attorney-General's Department

1.2        The annual report of the Attorney-General's Department outlines the changes to the Attorney-General's portfolio structure following the federal election in November 2007, which involved the transfer of freedom of information and privacy to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the acquisition of responsibility for Territories and natural disaster mitigation and relief from the former Department of Transport and Regional Services.[1]  A useful summary of the new government's significant initiatives within the portfolio was also provided.[2]

1.3        The department's 2007-08 operating result was reported as a deficit of $11.692 million which compared to an approved budgeted deficit of $13.272 million.  This was due primarily to the changes in the timing of implementing programs and a write-down of assets.[3]

1.4        Staffing numbers for the department rose in the reporting period. The total workforce for the department at 30 June 2008 was 1544, an increase of 16.2 per cent from the previous year.[4]  The department's growth was attributed to an increase in size of existing divisions and the acquiring of new divisions and functions.[5]  Notably, the machinery of government changes which resulted in the department taking on the Territory and natural disasters functions, involved the integration and induction of 150 employees.[6]

1.5        The department reported an employee-initiated turnover rate[7] for 2007-08 of 19.4 per cent, slightly lower than last year's rate of 21.3 per cent. The committee notes the department has developed a number of options to improve both the attraction and retention of employees and will continue to monitor this figure in the future.

1.6        The committee previously remarked on the department's progress on the implementation of changes to the family law system[8] and notes that during 2007-08 the three-year plan for roll-out of family law reforms was completed.  This included a further 25 new Family Relationship Centres, eight new Parenting Orders Programs and nine Children's Contact Services opening during the year.[9]

1.7        This is the second year in which the department has reported under a revised performance framework allowing for comparative data from the previous year to be presented with the results for 2007-08.[10]  The department reported a high level of achievement against qualitative performance indicators.  The committee commends the department in terms of the overall presentation of performance information.

1.8        The prompt tabling of the annual report this year by the department was noted by the committee.  The report was tabled on 14 October 2008, making it available to Senators for use during the supplementary budget estimates hearings which took place on 20 and 21 October 2008.

1.9        The committee notes the resignation of Mr Robert Cornall AO as Secretary on 31 August 2008 after eight years of service in that role.  The committee acknowledges Mr Cornall's assistance to the committee during this time.

1.10      The department has produced a comprehensive and informative report which provides the Parliament with a detailed account of the department's achievements and performance for the year in review.  The committee considers the report to be 'apparently satisfactory'.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

1.11      The secretary's review section of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's annual report provides a thorough account of operations, activities and highlights of the department for 2007-08.

1.12      The committee found most useful the inclusion of a summary of activity for the year under review entitled 'The year at a glance' at the front of the report.[11]  Presented in a table format, it provides a snapshot of the main activities of the department and staffing numbers, and is a useful inclusion to aid access to information which is of perennial interest to the Parliament and the public.

1.13      The department updated progress on Systems for People which is now at the halfway mark of the four year program.  This is the department's business transformation program which commenced in July 2006 in response to the Palmer Report.  The department reported on the introduction of new business processes which aim to improve consistency and quality of decision making and records management.  Other areas of reform under this program included the implementation of case management for all people in immigration detention and other vulnerable clients, improvements to border security processes, and the implementation of substantial changes to the department's technology platform.[12]

1.14      Improvement to financial management skills, processes and systems within the department was a key focus during the year.[13]  The Financial Health Review initiated under the former government was completed and resulted in a review of every function in the department to generate efficiencies.[14]

1.15      The department delivered an operating surplus of $35,399,000 for 2007-08.  This compares to operating losses of approximately $40 million for the two previous financial years.[15]  The surplus was attributed to the implementation of a number of internal measures aimed to minimise expenditure during year.[16]

1.16      The report provides comprehensive performance information, including presentation of performance against service standards.  The department has also made ample use of a range of visual aids, such as charts, graphs and tables to aid presentation and access to information.  The inclusion of trend data over several years for a number of departmental programs provides useful contextual information.

1.17      The committee notes that the department tabled corrections to its annual report on 24 November 2008 (received out of session on 14 November 2008), which included a correction to an omission of a consultancy contract valued at $155,807.

1.18      The committee commends the department on producing an annual report which is well presented and closely adheres to the annual reporting requirements.  The committee considers the annual report to be 'apparently satisfactory'.

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