

CHAPTER 2 - Background and overview of the Commonwealth proceeds of crime regime

[1]        Australian States and Territories also operate proceeds of crime laws in those jurisdictions. See: Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Act 1989 (NSW), Confiscation Act 1997 (VIC), Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act 2002 (Qld), Criminal Assets Confiscation Act 2005 (SA), Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA), Crime (Confiscation of Profits) Act 1993 (TAS), Criminal Property Forfeiture Act 2002 (NT), Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003 (ACT).

[2]        Freezing orders can be made by a magistrate, and limit withdrawals from accounts with financial institutions before courts decide applications for restraining orders to cover the accounts. Restraining orders may be issued by a court, and prohibit disposal of or dealing with property.

[3]        Forfeiture orders, pecuniary penalty orders, literary proceeds orders and unexplained wealth orders are collectively referred to as confiscation orders.

[4]        Submission 6, p. 3.

[5]        For the purposes of the POC Act, an indictable offence is any offence against a law of the Commonwealth that is punishable by more than 12 months imprisonment. A foreign indictable offence is defined in section 337A of the POC Act as conduct that constituted an offence against a law of a foreign country, and would have constituted an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a state or a territory punishable by at least 12 months imprisonment, had the conduct occurred in Australia.

[6]        Submission 6, p. 2.

[7]        Submission 4, p. 12.

[8]        Submission 6, p. 7.

[9]        Submission 6.1, pp 3-4.

[10]      Submission 6.1, p. 3.

[11]      Submission 6, p. 8.

[12]      Submission 6.1, p. 3.

[13]      Australian Federal Police (AFP), Submission 6, p. 2.

[14]      AFP, Submission 6, p. 3.

[15]      The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee is currently inquiring into a Bill that seeks to amend the POC Act in relation to unexplained wealth orders, the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Unexplained Wealth and Other Measures) Bill 2014.

[16]      Submission 6, p. 3.

[17]      AFP, Submission 6, p. 15.

[18]      Submission 6, p. 15.

[19]      CDPP, Criminal Confiscation, (accessed 1 April 2014).

[20]      For detailed information on the chronology of events and correspondence, see: Seven West Media, Submission 4, pp 4-6; AFP, Submission 6.1, pp 13-14 and Attachment A; Responses to questions on notice, provided by the AFP on 2 May 2014; Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 9-10 and  pp 25-28.

[21]      Document tabled by the Australian Federal Police at public hearing held on 7 April 2014, 'Letter from the AFP to Ms Justine Munsie dated 17 February 2014', p. 2.

CHAPTER 3 - Use of investigative powers by the AFP under the POC Act

[1]        POC Act, subsection 5(e).

[2]        For a summary of the other information gathering powers in Chapter 3 (in relation to examinations, notices to financial institutions and monitoring orders), see: AFP, Submission 6, pp 5-6.

[3]        The other element in section 225, 'tainted property', is defined as: the proceeds of an indictable offence, foreign indictable offence, or indictable offence of Commonwealth concern; or an instrument of an indictable offence.

[4]        Submission 6, p. 8.

[5]        Submission 6, p. 9.

[6]        See: Seven West, Submission 4, pp 14 and 17; Rule of Law Institute of Australia, Submission 1, pp 6 and 11.

[7]        Submission 4, p. 14.

[8]        Submission 4, pp 14 and 77.

[9]        Section 25.20, Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW).

[10]      Submission 6, p. 10.

[11]      Submission 6, p. 10.

[12]      Submission 6.1, p. 4.

[13]      Submission 6.1, p. 4.

[14]      Submission 6.1, p. 4.

[15]      Submission 4, p. 14.

[16]      Submission 1, p. 4.

[17]      Submission 1, pp 6 and 11.

[18]      Law Council of Australia, Correspondence to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, received 30 April 2014.

[19]      Submission 6, p. 11.

[20]      Submission 6.1, p. 6.

[21]      Submission 6.1, p. 6. See also: Responses to questions on notice, provided by the Attorney‑General's Department on 12 May 2014, pp 1-2.

[22]      Submission 6, pp 11-12.

[23]      Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 30‑31.

[24]      Responses to questions on notice, provided by the Australian Federal Police on 2 May 2014, p. 5.

[25]      Responses to questions on notice, provided by the Australian Federal Police on 2 May 2014, p. 5.

[26]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 14.

[27]      Mr Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 12.

[28]      Acting Commissioner Andrew Colvin, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 12.

[29]      Mr Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 9.

[30]      Mr Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 35.

[31]      See: Seven West, Submission 4, p. 24 (Attachment 2), AFP Letter to Seven West Media dated 21 February 2014.

[32]      Seven West Media Limited v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, [61].

[33]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 21.

[34]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 21.

[35]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 21.

[36]      Seven West Media Limited v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, [66].

[37]      Seven West Media Limited v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, [72].

[38]      Seven West Media Limited v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, [84].

[39]      Submission 4, p. 13.

[40]      Acting Commissioner Andrew Colvin, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 31.

[41]      Submission 6.1, p. 9.

[42]      Copies of the text of the production order and search warrants were tabled by the AFP at the committee's public hearing, and are accessible from the committee's webpage, at:

[43]      Mr Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 6

[44]      For the full schedule of documents contained in the production order, see: Additional information, Document tabled by the Australian Federal Police at public hearing held 7 April 2014 – 'Production Order issued 11 February 2014', available at:

[45]      For the full terms of the search warrant, see: Additional information, Document tabled by the Australian Federal Police at public hearing held 7 April 2014 – 'Search Warrant issued 17 February 2014', available at:

[46]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 36.

[47]      Responses to questions on notice, provided by the Australian Federal Police on 2 May 2014, p. 1.

[48]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 36.

[49]      Supplementary Submission 4.1, p. 4.

[50]      Supplementary Submission 4.1, p. 5.

[51]      Response to a question on notice, provided by the Rule of Law Institute of Australia on 17 April 2014.

[52]      Submission 4, p. 10.

[53]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, and Acting Commissioner Andrew Colvin, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 43 and 44.

[54]      Submission 6.1, p. 7.

[55]      Submission 6.1, p. 7.

[56]      Submission 4, p. 2.

[57]      Response to a question on notice, provided by Seven West Media on 16 April 2014: 'Correspondence between Seven West Media and the AFP in relation to an AFP Professional Standards Complaint'.

[58]      Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 22.

[59]      Submission 4, p. 7.

[60]      Acting Commissioner Andrew Colvin, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 22.

[61]      Submission 6.1, p. 13.

[62]      Deputy Commissioner Michael Phelan, AFP, Committee Hansard, pp 28-29.

[63]      Submission 6.1, p. 9.

[64]      Submission 6.1, p. 9.

CHAPTER 4 - Literary proceeds matters and safeguards for freedom of speech and of the press

[1]        Submission 6, p. 12.

[2]        Submission 6, p. 12.

[3]        Submission 7, p. 5.

[4]        Submission 2, p. 4.

[5]        Submission 6, p. 12. The list of factors to be taken into account by a court when deciding whether to make a literary proceeds order are found in section 154 of the POC Act.

[6]        Submission 4, p. 16.

[7]        Submission 4, p. 16.

[8]        Submission 6.1, p. 8.

[9]        Mr Alan Sunderland, ABC, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 58.

[10]      Mr Ross Coulthart, Seven West Media, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 48 and 55; Mr Bruce McWilliam, Seven West Media, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 51.

[11]      Mr Ross Coulthart, Seven West Media, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 55.

[12]      Submission 3, pp 2-3.

[13]      Submission 4, p. 7.

[14]      Mr Ross Coulthart, Seven West Media, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 48.

[15]      Submission 4, p. 9.

[16]      Submission 4, p. 16.

[17]      Submission 6, p. 13.

[18]      Submission 6, p. 13.

[19]      Assistant Commissioner Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 19.

[20]      Supplementary Submission 4.1, p. 6.

[21]      Law Council of Australia, General Guidelines between the Australian Federal Police and the Law Council of Australia as to the Execution of Search Warrants on Lawyers' Premises, Law Societies and Like Institutions in Circumstances where a Claim of Legal Professional Privilege is Made, p. 2, (accessed 17 April 2014).

[22]      Law Council of Australia, General Guidelines between the Australian Federal Police and the Law Council of Australia as to the Execution of Search Warrants on Lawyers' Premises, Law Societies and Like Institutions in Circumstances where a Claim of Legal Professional Privilege is Made, p. 2, (accessed 17 April 2014).

[23]      Submission 6, p. 14.

[24]      Submission 3, p. 3.

[25]      Submission 3, p. 3.

[26]      Submission 3, p. 3. See: Federal Register, §50.10 'Policy regarding obtaining information from, or records of, members of the news media; and regarding questioning, arresting, or charging members of the news media', 79 FR 10989, (accessed 22 April 2014).

[27]      Mr Alan Sunderland, ABC, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 58.

[28]      Submission 4, p. 16.

[29]      Mr Jabbour, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 39 and 40.

[30]      Submission 6.1, p. 10.

[31]      Submission 6.1, p. 10.

[32]      Submission 6.1, p. 10.

[33]      Submission 6.1, pp 10-11.

[34]      Submission 6.1, p. 11.

CHAPTER 5 - Committee views and recommendations

[1]        Seven West Media Limited v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, para 110.

[2]        Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, pp 19-20.

[3]        Submission 6.1, p. 6.

[4]        See: Supplementary Submission 6.1, p. 7.

[5]        Mr Ramzi Jabbour, AFP, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 19.

Additional Comments - Nick Xenophon, Independent Senator for South Australia

[1]        Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 50.

[2]        Mr G M Watson SC, Seven West Media v Commissioner, Australian Federal Police [2014] FCA 263, transcript p. 80.

[3]        Acting Commissioner Andrew Colvin, Committee Hansard, 7 April 2014, p. 44.

[4]        Michael Bodey, ‘AFP clears Ten over Bali Nine claims about Corby’, The Australian, 21 April 2014, p. 22.