Submissions received by the committee as at 15 September 2008

Submissions received by the committee as at 15 September 2008

Sub No.  
1 Carol O'Donnell, NSW (PDF 151KB)
attachment A (PDF 73KB) attachment B (PDF 32KB) attachment C (PDF 149KB)
2 Auditor-General of Tasmania, TAS (PDF 897KB)
3 Shadow Treasurer of Victoria, VIC (PDF 241KB)
4 Commerce Queensland, QLD (PDF 4044KB)
attachment A (PDF 837KB) attachment B (PDF 527KB)
5 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia,  WA (PDF 235KB)
attachment A (PDF 1952KB) attachment B (PDF 341KB)
6 NSW Shadow Treasurer, NSW (PDF 98KB)
7 Professor JJ Pincus, SA (PDF 66KB)
8 South Australia Leader of the Opposition, SA (PDF 26KB)
attachment A (PDF 225KB) attachment B (PDF 99KB)
9 John Martin, VIC (PDF 37KB)
10 Insurance Australia Group, NSW (PDF 31KB)
11 Government of Western Australia, WA (PDF 100KB)
12 Alex Wadsley, TAS (PDF 44KB)
13 Business Coalition for Tax Reform, VIC (PDF 48KB)
14 Geoff Baker, VIC (PDF 25KB)
15 Western Australian Local Government Association, WA (PDF 1761KB)
attachment A (PDF 1128KB) attachment B (PDF 616KB)
16 Business Council of Australia, VIC (PDF 194KB)
attachment A (PDF 145KB) attachment B (PDF 2414KB) attachment C (PDF 1317KB) attachment D (PDF 676KB) attachment E (PDF 1728KB)
17 Associate Professor Graeme Wines, VIC (PDF 151KB)
18 Standard & Poor's, VIC (PDF 40KB),
attachment A (PDF 409KB) attachment B (PDF 425KB)
19 Geoff Anderson, SA (PDF 39KB
attachment A (PDF 156KB) attachment B (PDF 94KB) attachment C (PDF 117KB)
20 UNE Centre for Local Government, NSW (PDF 131KB)
attachment A (PDF 171KB) attachment B (PDF 138KB) attachment C (PDF 153KB)
21 Australian Industry Group, NSW (PDF 59KB)
22 Local Government Association of South Australia, SA (PDF 150KB)
23 Institute of Public Administration Australia, SA (PDF 64KB)
24 Dr Vince FitzGerald, Chairman of The Allen Consulting Group, VIC (PDF 337KB)
attachment A (PDF 1798KB) attachment B (PDF 562KB) attachment C (PDF 1399KB)
25 Commonwealth Treasury, ACT (PDF 118KB)
26 NSW Treasury, NSW (PDF 131KB)
attachment A (PDF 2446KB)
27 Robert Carling, NSW (PDF 21KB)
attachment A (PDF 814KB) attachment B (PDF 352KB)
28 Real Estate Institute of Australia, ACT (PDF 36KB)
29 Dr Steve Thomas, M.L.A (Member for Capel), WA (PDF 1410KB)
30 Property Council of Australia, NSW (PDF 215KB)
31 Institute of Public Affairs, VIC (PDF 69KB)
32 Tasmanian Liberal Opposition, TAS (PDF 81KB)
33 Australian Local Government Association, ACT (PDF 770KB)
34 Insurance Council of Australia, NSW (PDF 175KB)
35 Moody's Investors Service,  (PDF 469KB)
36 Reserve Bank of Australia, (PDF 193KB)
37 Dr Bruce Flegg MP, Shadow Treasurer- QLD (PDF 69KB)
attachment A (PDF 436KB)
38 Dr Richard Eccleston, TAS (PDF 106KB)
39 Terry Mills MLA, Leader of the Opposition- NT (PDF 2592KB)
40 Professor Brian Dollery (PDF 115KB)
41 Sydney Ports (PDF 237KB)
attachment A (PDF 1265KB) attachment B (PDF 999KB) attachment C (PDF 263KB) attachment D (PDF 10954KB) attachment E (PDF 757KB) attachment F (PDF 4292KB)
42 Concept Economics (PDF 351KB)
43 The Hon Grant Tambling (PDF 23KB)
attachment A (PDF 8151KB) attachment B (PDF 2911KB) attachment C (PDF 352KB) attachment D (PDF 1478KB) attachment E (PDF 5731KB) attachment F (PDF 561KB)
44 Robert Rex, TAS (PDF 37KB)
45 Government of Norfolk Island (PDF 62KB)
attachment A (PDF 157KB) attachment B (PDF 197KB) attachment C (PDF 18KB)


Additional Information Received

1 Geoff Anderson: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: "A Framework to Guide the Future Development of Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs)" (PDF 38KB)  
2 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: "Australian Federalism: Rescue and Reform" Program (PDF 19KB) Brochure (PDF 542KB)  
3 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: "2007 SA State Budget- Opportunity Squandered" Presentation Notes (PDF 1851KB) Background Notes (PDF 1113KB)  
4 Institute of Public Administration Australia: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 66, Issue 3, available from secretariat  
5 SA Opposition: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: Menzies Research Centre "State of the States": available from secretariat  
6 SA Opposition: tabled document during Adelaide, 27 March public hearing: 2007-08 SA Government Budget Paper 5: Capital Investment Statement: available from secretariat  
7 SA Opposition: supplementary information: State Environmental Levies (PDF 20KB)  
8 Institute of Public Affairs: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May public hearing: "Opportunity Squandered: How the states have wasted their reform bonus" (PDF 1498KB)  
9 Institute of Public Affairs: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May public hearing: information on state cash operating results (PDF 25KB)  
10 Shadow Treasurer of VIC: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May public hearing: "Victoria's New and Extended Taxes Under Labor" (PDF 51KB)  
11 Shadow Treasurer of VIC: tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May public hearing: revised submission (PDF 225KB) and accompanying charts (PDF 1630KB)  
12 Dr Vince FitzGerland, Chairman of The Allen Consulting Group, tabled document during Melbourne, 19 May public hearing: Victorian Budget Analysis (PDF 272KB)  
13 Associate Professor Graeme Wines, VIC: Supplementary submission (PDF 41KB)  
14 Shadow Treasurer of VIC: Additional information: 'Victorian projects over budget- 2000 to present day' (PDF 55KB)  
15 Shadow Treasurer of VIC: Additional information: 'Water Authorities Dividend' (PDF 28KB)  
16 Shadow Treasurer of VIC: Additional information: 'Victoria's Net Debt Position' (PDF 12KB)  
17 Auditor-General of Tasmania: Additional information: 'Summary of Debt Levels June 2007" (PDF 121KB)  
18 Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA: Additional information: 'WA Treasury- State Tax Review Final Report' (PDF 1028KB) 'State Tax Review- Chairman's Report' (PDF 2269KB)  
19 Auditor-General of Tasmania: Additional information: Information relating to state expenditure and infrastructure investments: cover letter (PDF 1842KB) attachment A (PDF 3593KB)  attachment B (PDF 6955KB) attachment C (PDF 185KB) attachment D (PDF 2548KB) attachment E (PDF 173KB)  
20 Commerce Queensland: Additional information: Letter to Queensland Treasury regarding Pulse Survey (PDF 1741KB)  
21 Dr Bruce Flegg MP: Additional information: Transcript of QLD Estimates Committee B- Treasury (PDF 12556KB)  
22 Dr Bruce Flegg MP: tabled document during Brisbane, 17 July public hearing: Graph- Gearing Ration for GOC Sector, Interstate Comparison (PDF 147KB)  
23 Property Council of Australia: Additional information: IPART Review of State Taxation, Report to the Treasurer (PDF 1720KB)  
24 Australian Local Government Association: Additional information: Overview of the PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) National financial sustainability study of local government Overview report (November 2006) (PDF 410KB)  
25 Australian Local Government Association: Additional information: ALGA's 2008-09 pre-Budget submission to the Federal government, National Objectives Need Local Delivery (PDF 208KB)  
26 Commonwealth Treasury: Supplementary submission (PDF 52KB)  
27 Mr Mike Baird: tabled document during Sydney, 24 July public hearing: Federalism speech (PDF 69KB)  
28 Reserve Bank of Australia: Additional information: Updated Graphs from the Submission: Recent Developments in State Level Economic Activity and Inflation (PDF 103KB)  
29 Attorney-General's Department: Additional information: Norfolk Island's cash reserves and access to Medicare arrangements (PDF 40KB)  
30 Department of the Treasury: Additional information: Answers to questions on notice from Canberra, 25 July public hearing (PDF 14KB)  
31 Government of Norfolk Island: Tabled document during Canberra, 1 September public hearing: Summary of Selected 2008-2009 Expenditure Budgets Relating to Infrastructure and Capital Purchases (PDF 136KB)  
32 Government of Norfolk Island: Tabled document during Canberra, 1 September public hearing: Norfolk Island Government Reserves - Consolidated Balance Sheet (PDF 182KB)  
33 WA Department of Treasury and Finance: Additional information: Cover letter (PDF 173KB) attachment A - Discussion Paper on Commonwealth-State Relations (PDF 589KB) attachment B - Submission to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into Funding Arrangements for Western Australian Infrastructure Projects (PDF 3541KB) attachment C - Extract from the 2007-08 State Budget Papers (PDF 1277KB)  


For more information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Select Committee on State Government Financial Management
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3439
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809