Additional Documents

1 PDF: Document tabled by Senator Sean Edwards, at a public hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014. Document tabled by Senator Sean Edwards, at a public hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014.
2 PDF: Document tabled by Qantas, at a public hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014. Document tabled by Qantas, at a public hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014.
3 PDF: Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 20 March 2014. Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 20 March 2014.
4 PDF: Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on 20 March 2014. Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on 20 March 2014.
5 PDF: Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, and supporting information, received from the Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association on 20 March 2014. Responses to questions on notice asked at a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, and supporting information, received from the Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association on 20 March 2014.
6 PDF: Additional information received from the Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association on 20 March 2014 Additional information received from the Australian Licenced Aircraft Engineers Association on 20 March 2014
7 PDF: Responses to Senator Xenophon's written questions on notice in relation to a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 24 March 2014. Responses to Senator Xenophon's written questions on notice in relation to a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 24 March 2014.
8 PDF: Responses to Senator Rhiannon's questions on notice in relation to a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 25 March 2014. Responses to Senator Rhiannon's questions on notice in relation to a hearing held in Canberra on 18 March 2014, received from Qantas on 25 March 2014.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540