Submissions received by the Committee as at 1 December 2008

Inquiry into the Disclosure regimes for charities and not-for-profit organisations

Submissions received by the Committee as at 1 December 2008

Sub No.

Mr Raymond F Smith (PDF 68KB)

2 Sydney Maccabi Tennis Club Ltd (PDF 41KB)
3 Bohlevale Community Centre (PDF 120KB)
4 Withheld
5 Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) (PDF 228KB)
6 Mr John Goldbaum (PDF 63KB)
7 Name Withheld (PDF 54KB)

Melbourne Community Foundation (PDF 109KB)

9 Group Training Australia Ltd (PDF 133KB)
10 Fairholme Disability Support Group Inc [WA] (PDF 114KB)
11 Alcohol & other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) (PDF 52KB)

Dr Ted Flack, PhD, FFIA, CFRE (PDF 340KB); Attachment A (PDF 273KB); Attachment B (PDF 166KB)

13 Community Information Strategies Australia Inc. (CISA) (PDF 103KB)
14 Valmar Support Service Ltd (PDF 76KB)
15 Dr John M Green (PDF 432KB)
16 Scouts Australia (PDF 164KB)

Chartered Secretaries Australia (CSA) (PDF 144KB)

18 Volunteering Wingecarribee Inc. (PDF 186KB)
19 Dr Nicholas Beaumont (PDF 86KB)
20 Agricultural Societies Council of NSW Inc (PDF 39KB)
21 Name Withheld (PDF 72KB)
22 MND Australia (PDF 216KB)

Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia (PDF 180KB)

24 Withheld
25 The Australian Institute (PDF 397KB)
26 Our Community (PDF 70KB)

Australian Centre for Philanthropy & Non-profit Studies, Queensland University of   Technology (QUT) (PDF 206KB)

28 Royal District Nursing Service (PDF 2682KB)
29 Australian Christian Churches (PDF 1085KB)
30 Ms Sue Woodward (PDF 459KB)
31 Federal Council of Agricultural Societies (FCAS) (PDF 178KB)
32 Skyline Education Foundation Australia (PDF 101KB)
33 Southern Youth and Family Services (SYFS) (PDF 77KB)
34 Association of Neighbourhood Houses & Learning Centre's (ANHLC) (PDF 142KB)
35 South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (PDF 112KB)
36 Mater Foundation (PDF 277KB)
37 Australian Evangelical Alliance (PDF 817KB)
38 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Australia (PDF 167KB)
39 CPA Third Age Network Committee (PDF 167KB)

Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program (LMCLP) (PDF 42KB)

41 Wesley Mission, Sydney (PDF 215KB)
42 Philanthropy Australia (PDF 1276KB)
43 Mackillop Family Services (PDF 296KB)
44 Mr Peter Robinson (PDF 78KB)
45 The Salvation Army, Australian Eastern Territory (PDF 3507KB)
46 Women's Health Victoria (PDF 97KB)
47 Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland (PDF 3007KB)
48 Mr Michael Gousmett (PDF 100KB)
49 Mr Clive Deverall AM (PDF 43KB)
50 Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre (PDF 76KB)
51 Artful Fundraising Pty Ltd (PDF 73KB)
52 Asthma Foundations of Australia (PDF 129KB)
53 Youth Insearch (PDF 124KB)
54 Clubs NSW (The Registered Clubs Association of NSW) (PDF 114KB); Attachment (PDF 67KB)
55 Mr Barhas Losolsuren & Associate Professor Ken Coghill (PDF 144KB)
56 UnitingCare NSW.ACT (PDF 122KB)
57 Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA) (PDF 314KB)
58 Wesley Mission Melbourne (PDF 141KB)
59 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) (PDF 243KB)

Community Resource Network (CRN) Inc. (PDF 203KB)

61 PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia (PDF 367KB)
62 Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria (PDF 64KB)
63 Philanthropy Australia (PDF 1276KB)
64 Withheld
65 Name Withheld (PDF 112KB)
66 Ms Margaret Conley (PDF 46KB)
67 Mr Mark Lyons (PDF 268KB)
68 Catherine Brown & Associates P/L (PDF 125KB)
69 North Shore Heart Research Foundation (PDF 154KB)
70 Western Sydney Community Forum (PDF 107KB)
71 RSPCA Australia (PDF 221KB)
72 Leukaemia Foundation of Australia (PDF 133KB)
73 Australian Centre for Democracy & Justice (PDF 81KB)
74 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) (PDF 168KB)
75 Illawarra Forum Inc. (PDF 260KB)
76 BDO Kendall (PDF 156KB)
77 Fundraising Institute of Australia (PDF 189KB); Attachment (PDF 3951KB)
78 National Pro Bono Resources Centre (PDF 157KB)
79 Uniting Church in Australia Assembly (PDF 146KB)

Blackbaud Pacific Pty Ltd (PDF 88KB)

81 Grant Thornton (PDF 182KB)
82 Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) (PDF 71KB); Supplementary Submission (PDF 79KB)
83 Jesuit Social Services (PDF 184KB)
84 Coronet City Cricket Club (PDF 151KB)
85 Anglicare Australia (PDF 182KB)
86  The Institute of Internal Auditors-Australia (PDF 116KB)
87 Secular Party of Australia (PDF 80KB)
88 Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (NADA) (PDF 43KB)
89 World Vision Australia (PDF 2182KB)
90 St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia (PDF 520KB)
91 Medecins Sans Frontieres Australia (PDF 116KB)
92 Mr Ken Crofts (PDF 189KB); Attachment (PDF 126KB)
93 Children's Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) (PDF 166KB)
94 Australian Business Arts Foundation (ABAF) (PDF 72KB)
95 Auburn Small Community Organisation Network (PDF 108KB)
96 Murrumbidgee General Practice Network (PDF 51KB)
97 National Brest Cancer Foundation (PDF 206KB)
98 CPA Australia (PDF 94KB)
99 International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Asia Pacific (PDF 225KB)
100 UnitingCare Australia (PDF 71KB)
102 The Wilderness Society (PDF 319KB)
103 ACL Pty Ltd (PDF 54KB); Attachment (PDF 243KB)
104 Association of Independent Schools of Victoria (PDF 54KB)
105 Institute of Public Affairs (PDF 300KB)
106 The Benevolent Society (PDF 91KB)
107 Associations Forum Pty Ltd (PDF 771KB)
108 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (PDF 221KB); Attachment A (PDF 3356KB); Attachment B (PDF 318KB)
109 Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) (PDF 405KB)

Youth Off The Streets (PDF 150KB)

111 Rationalist Society of Australia (RSA) (PDF 166KB)
112 The Smith Family (PDF 227KB)
113 Camp Quality (PDF 560KB)
114 Mental Health Council of Australia (PDF 236KB)
115 Moore Stephens Sydney Pty Ltd (PDF 175KB)
116 Oxfam Australia (PDF 351KB)
117 Resthaven Inc. (PDF 2597KB)
118 Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney (PDF 95KB)
119 Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) of Australia  (PDF 3398KB)
120 Neumann & Turnour Lawyers (PDF 267KB)
121 Thorr's Shield & Forge (PDF 2691KB)
122 Mr Rob Clough (PDF 119KB)
123 Mr Anwar Benjamin  (PDF 78KB)
124 Mr Ian Bryce (PDF 46KB)
125 Governance Culture (PDF 94KB)
126 Ballarat Grammar (PDF 123KB)
127 Australian Major Performing Arts Groups (AMPAG) (PDF 652KB)
128 Law Council of Australia (PDF 607KB)
129 PilchConnect (PILCH) (PDF 1016KB)
130 Australian Council for the Arts (PDF 234KB); Attachment (PDF 465KB); Supplementary Submission (PDF 110KB); Addendum (PDF 110KB)
131 Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) (PDF 251KB)
132 Liberty Victoria (PDF 132KB)
133 Human Rights Arts and Film Festival Inc (HRAFF) (PDF 163KB); Attachment (PDF 72KB)
134 Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) (PDF 248KB)

Catholic Health Australia (PDF 441KB)

136 Psychiatric Diasbility Services of Victoria (VICSERV) (PDF 117KB)
137 YMCA Australia (PDF 92KB)
138 Mr Richard Stradwick (PDF 117KB)
139 Social Ventures Australia Ltd (PDF 175KB)
140 Master Builders Association (MBA) (PDF 225KB)

Family Relationship Service Australia (FRSA) (PDF 95KB)

142 Trustee Corporations Associations of Australia (TCA) (PDF 112KB)
143 Australian Tax Office (ATO) (PDF 496KB)
144 Mr Kerry Graham, Dr Andrew Young, Mr Mike Wilson & Mr Martin Laverty (PDF 132KB)
145 ING Foundation Australia (PDF 41KB)
146 Australian Refugee Association Inc (PDF 179KB)

Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PDF 337KB)

148 Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre Inc (PDF 498KB)
149 Villa Maria - Disability, Aged Care & Education (PDF 633KB)
150 Mountains Youth Services Team Inc (MYST) (PDF 284KB)
151 Valmar Support Services Ltd (PDF 726KB)
152 Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc (PDF 305KB)
153 Arts Access Australia (PDF 719KB)
154 Withheld
155 Mountains Community Resource Network (MCRN) (PDF 541KB)
156 Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) (PDF 817KB)
157 Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA (PDF 1094KB)
158 Australian Council for the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) (PDF 3203KB)
159 Australian National Secular Association (PDF 4582KB); Attachment (PDF 111KB)
160 Withheld
161 Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) (PDF 232KB)
162 Australian Red Cross (PDF 181KB)
163 Withheld
164 Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) (PDF 506KB)
165 Heart Foundation (PDF 78KB)
166 Perpetual (PDF 697KB)

Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) (PDF 156KB)

168 Cancer Council Australia (PDF 70KB)
169 Treasury (PDF 141KB)
170 National Roundtable of Non profit Organisations (PDF 95KB); Attachment A (PDF 270KB); Attachment B (PDF 169KB); Attachment C (PDF 328KB); Attachment D (PDF 91KB);
171 Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) (PDF 200KB)
172 Wintringham (PDF 74KB)
173 Department of Culture and the Arts, WA (PDF 120KB)
174 Mission Australia (PDF 1140KB)
176 Withheld
177 Withheld
178 ABACUS - Australian Mutuals (PDF 95KB)


For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719