Petrol Prices in Australia

Petrol Prices in Australia

7 December 2006

© Commonwealth of Australia 2006
ISBN 0 642 71724 9

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1103KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Membership of Committee (PDF 143KB)
Chapter 1 - Background to the Inquiry (PDF 155KB)

Referral and Terms of Reference
Conduct of the inquiry
Outline of the report
Past inquiries
Note on references in this report

Chapter 2 - Sourcing, Refining and Distributing Petrol (PDF 482KB)

How the price of petrol is arrived at
To what extent do fluctuations in the crude oil price affect the petrol price?
What other factors affect the wholesale price of petrol in Australia?
Does meeting Australian fuel standards increase the price of petrol?

Chapter 3 - The Petrol Price Rollercoaster (PDF 252KB)

What is the cause of petrol price cycles?
Why is the public so acutely aware of petrol price cycles?
Is it true that petrol prices rise on long weekends and public holidays?
Does the public benefit from price cycles?
Intervening in the market--the Western Australian experience

Chapter 4 - Competition or Collusion? (PDF 239KB)

Changes in the drivers of competition
Industry concentration and vertical integration
Discounting petrol prices?competition or collusion?
Supermarket chains

Chapter 5 - Petrol, Excise and GST (PDF 169KB)

Is GST a tax on a tax?
What is the impact of excise on petrol prices?
Are petrol taxes too low?

Chapter 6 - Petrol Prices in Country Areas (PDF 265KB)

Are country petrol prices really higher than city prices?
What factors contribute to the price of petrol in country areas?
Do petrol taxes impose a greater burden on country consumers?
So what can be done to reduce country petrol prices?

Chapter 7 - Petrol Market Regulation (PDF 215KB)

ACCC powers, responsibilities and activities in the petrol market
Are the ACCC’s powers sufficient?
Why doesn’t the Government set petrol prices?
What else can be done?
What are the State and Territory Governments doing?
Should Governments intervene in the market?

Chapter 8 - Managing Petrol Prices into the Future (PDF 149KB)

Intervening in the market
Monitoring the market
Facilitating understanding of petrol prices in the community
Closing the gap between country and city prices
Decreasing petroleum consumption
Greater awareness of new fuel quality standards
Reviewing taxes on petrol

Labor Senators’ Report (PDF 167KB)
Senator Andrew Murray’s Comments (PDF 114KB)
Dissenting Report from Senator Barnaby Joyce (PDF 124KB)
Appendix 1 - Submissions & Additional Information (PDF 117KB)
Appendix 2 - Tabled Documents and Additional Information Received (PDF 122KB)
Appendix 3 - Public Hearings and Witnesses (PDF 121KB)
Appendix 4 - List of Past Inquiries and Reports (PDF 122KB)

State and Territory

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719