Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

Budget Estimates 2006-2007 - May 2006

Communications, Information Technology and the Arts portfolio

Index of questions taken on notice 
Monday, 22 May  (Telecommunications)   (PDF 325KB)   (Word 247KB)
Tuesday, 23 May  (Broadcasting)   (PDF 790KB)   (Word 576KB)
Wednesday, 24 May  (Arts and Sport)   (PDF 431KB)   (Word 346KB)

Documents tabled
Senator Conroy copies of two envelopes relating to questions asked of Australia Post   (PDF 96KB)
Senator Conroy Telstra document marked 'Commercial-in-confidence' entitled Alcatel issues   (PDF 129KB)

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Arts and Sport   (Word 62KB)
Broadcasting    (Word 120KB)
Corporate and Business   (Word 29KB)
Finance and Budget   (Word 76KB)
Legal Group  (Word 24KB)
Telecommunications   (Word 62KB)

Australia Business Arts Foundation Ltd     (Word 32KB)
Australia Council      (Word 373KB)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
    qons 142-175  (Word 206KB): qon 142 attachment  (PDF 496KB); qon145 attachment (Excel 19KB)
    qons 176-209  (Word 163KB
    qons 210-242  (Word 204KB)
Australian Communications and Media Authority
     qons 83-95  (Word 360KB);  qons 96-125  (Word 270KB)
Australian Film Commission    (Word 56KB)
Australian Film, Television and Radio School     (Word 30KB)
Australian National Maritime Museum    (Word 40KB)
     qon 338 attachment (PDF 334KB)
Australian Sports Commission   (Word 152KB)
     qon 302 attachment (Word 242KB)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Agency    (Word 106KB)
     qon 291:  Attachment 1   (Powerpoint 72KB);  Attachment 2  (Word 38KB)
Bundanon Trust   (Word 32KB)
Film Australia   (Word 34KB)
Film Finance Corporation Australia   (Word 30KB)
National Archives of Australia   (Word 46KB)
National Gallery of Australia    (Word 48KB)
     qon 345 attachment  (PDF 700KB)
     qon 346: attachment 1 (PDF 306KB);  attachment 2 (PDF 647KB)
National Library of Australia   (Word 35KB)
National Museum of Australia  (Word 50KB)
     qon 350:  Attachment 1 (Word 50KB);  Attachment 2 (PDF 106KB)
NetAlert    (Word 28KB)
Special Broadcasting Service   (Word 211KB)
     qon 267 attachment  (Excel 32KB)

Government Business Enterprise
Australia Post     (Word 548KB)
Telstra  (Word 270KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818