(Please note that only word documents are available. If you require further information, please contact the estimates officer on 02 - 6277 3060)
Ques 1: Scoresby Freeway RONI budget and EES Ques 2: Road and rail funding compared Ques 3: Rail reform Ministers press release Ques 4: Funding Mainline Interstate Railway track program Ques 5: Very high speed train scoping study Ques 6: Rail reform services to industry Ques 7: Melbourne Darwin Inland Railway proposal Ques 8: Murrumbateman bypass Commonwealth funding Ques 9: Murrumbateman bypass meetings Ques 10: Murrumbateman bypass RTA technology report Ques 11: Murrumbateman bypass Potter letter Att Copy of Mr Potters letter Ques 12: Roads to recovery signs Ques 13 (1): Commonwealth roads program commitments Ques 13 (2): Roads of National Importance (RONI) projects Ques 14: RONI projects Local Government funding Ques 15: Albury bypass meetings Ques 16: Albury bypass correspondence Att Copy of Flagstaffs letter of 16 February 2001 Ques 17 (1-8): Scoresby Freeway allocation of funding Ques 17 (9-11): Scoresby Freeway Victorian advice Ques 17 (12): Scoresby Freeway claims in Victoria Forward Strategy Ques 17 (13): Scoresby Freeway funding as a RONI Ques 17 (14): Scoresby Freeway RONI criteria Ques 17 (15-16): Scoresby Freeway RONI budget Ques 17 (17): Scoresby Freeway greenhouse emissions Ques 17 (18-20): Scoresby Freeway private sector funding Ques 17 (21-22): Scoresby Freeway route proposal Ques 17 (23-24): Scoresby Freeway environmental assessment Ques 17 (25-31): Scoresby Freeway EES findings Ques 17 (32-33): Scoresby Freeway regional plan Ques 17 (34): Scoresby Freeway community support Ques 17 (35-36): Scoresby Freeway Eastern Ring Road Steering Committee Ques 17 (37): Scoresby Freeway Knox City Council Ques 17 (38-42): Scoresby Freeway public meetings and support Att Agreement between Commonwealth and Victorian Government Ques 18: Roads to recovery representations from members/senators Att Table detailing correspondence from Federal Members & Senators Ques 19: Roads to recovery registrations Ques 20: Roads to recovery RTR funding Ques 21: Accelerated payment to Burdekin and LGAs Ques 22: Roads to Recovery funding formula Ques 23: Roads to Recovery registrations Ques 24: Roads to Recovery registrations
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