
Submissions received by the Committee

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Page size:
 42 items in 3 pages
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Page size:
 42 items in 3 pages
1The Salvation Army (PDF 2265 KB) 
2Cash Converters (PDF 2064 KB) 
3Bucaan Community House (PDF 54 KB) 
4Office of Shane Rattenbury MLA (PDF 878 KB) 
5Australian Finance Industry Association (PDF 2317 KB) 
6Legal Aid Queensland (PDF 1098 KB) 
7Piper Alderman (PDF 719 KB) 
8Choice (PDF 110 KB) 
9Ms Marissa Payne (PDF 80 KB) 
10Anglicare Australia  (PDF 1576 KB) 
11Mr Josh Willie MLC (PDF 144 KB) 
12Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand (PDF 959 KB) 
13Anglicare Tasmania (PDF 703 KB) 
14TasCOSS (PDF 109 KB) 
15Financial Counselling Australia (PDF 226 KB) 
16Maurice Blackburn Lawyers (PDF 301 KB) 
17NSW Council of Social Service (PDF 893 KB) 
18Care Financial Counselling and the Consumer Law Centre (PDF 280 KB) 
19Stop the Debt Trap Alliance (PDF 275 KB) 
20CHERPA (Consumer Household Equipment Rental Providers Association) (PDF 824 KB) 

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