Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Submissions received

  1. Mr Peter Mair
  2. MasterCard
  3. Ms Melissa Ellis
  4. St Vincent De Paul Society
  5. Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
  6. Australian Retailers Association
  7. bankmecu
  8. Australian Taxpayers' Alliance & the International Alliance for Electronic Payments
  9. National Retail Association
  10. CHOICE
  11. Confidential
  12. Consumer Credit Legal Service WA
  13. Consumer Action Law Centre and Financial Rights Legal Centre
  14. Independent ATM Industry Group (IAIG)
  15. Australian Bankers' Association
  16. ASIC
  17. The Treasury
  18. National Australia Bank (NAB)
  19. Customer Owned Banking Association
  20. Reserve Bank of Australia
  21. Westpac Group
  22. Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA)
  23. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
  24. Australian Finance Conference (AFC)
  25. Financial Counselling Australia
  26. Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM)
  27. ANZ
  28. Mr Christopher Zinn
  29. Uniting Communities
  30. Confidential
  31. Mozo
  32. Qantas
  33. Mr Joel Gibson
  34. Mr  Klaus  Bartosch
  35. Confidential
  36. Name Withheld
  37. Mr Jeff Leddin

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