Chapter 2 - Health and EMF
Term of
Reference 1 (a) (I) ...the possible impact of the power line and the accompanying
land resumptions on the health of people and animals in surrounding areas, with
particular reference to the likely effects of electromagnetic field radiation!
Electromagnetic fields
(EMFs) are found everywhere there is electricity. Concerns about them centre
on the
potential for very
strong fields to cause health effects in people exposed to them long periods or
time or at high intensity for shorter periods. Groups of people thought to be
at risk include power industry workers and people living close to voltage power
Over the last 25 years
a considerable amount of scientific research has been directed at determining
the level of
hazard posed by EMFs.
This has included both epidemiological studies (patterns of disease in groups
of people) and laboratory studies on animals and human volunteers. The results
of scientific research on the effects of EMFs on health are equivocal: many
studies have been conducted that have found no links between high levels of
exposure or proximity to power lines, and health effects, while other studies
have reported statistical links. In the meanwhile, power utilities have
adopted a policy of 'prudent avoidance' when building new electrical facilites.
2.3 However,
regardless of the state of scientific evidence, there is a perception among
some sections of the public that thre are helath risks associated with exposure
to strong EMFs. In particular, many people who live along the proposed Eastlink
high voltage power line are convinced that there are dangers associated with
them and therefore do not want Eastlink to be constructed on or near their
properties. People are also concerned about the perceived risk to farm and
native animals living near the power line, especially stud breeding stock.
2.4 There are two different types of fields
produced by electrical equipment and appliances: electric fields and magnetic fields.
An electric field is an invisible force that relates to voltage, or the
pressure under which electricity is forced along wires. Electric fields are
present in any appliance plugged into a power point which is switched on,
regardless of whether the appliance is turned on or off. Electric fields are
strongest close to their source, but their strength rapidly diminishes as
distance away from the source increases. They are blocked by many common
materials such as wood or metal, Electric fields are measures in volts per
metre or kilovolts (kV) per metre.
2.5 A magnetic field is an invisible force which is
produced by the flow of electricity (commonly known as the current). Unlike
electric fields, magnetic fields are only present when the electricity is on
and the current is flowing. The strength of the magnetic field depends on the
size of the current and they also decrease rapidly as distance away from the
source increases. Magnetic fields are usually measured in milliguass, but are
sometimes measured in guass, teslas and microteslas (10 milligauss equals 1
micro tesla). Unlike electric fields however, magnetic fields are highly
penetrative and difficult to shield.
2.6 Like all other electrical equipment,
transmission lines produce both electric and magnetic fields. With power lines,
the strength of the electric field varies with the operating voltage of the
line and the strength of the magnetic field is related to the amps, or current
flowing in the line. Field strengths are also related to the height of the
lines, their geometric arrangement and the arrangement of the p~# es in multi-circuit
2.7 The
question of whether EMFs can detrimentally effect biological systems has been
addressed by many scientists over the last twenty years, with studies ranging
from in vitro laboratory experiments on single cells to epidemiological studies
on large populations. There are many thousands ofprimary research papers
published in peer-reviewed journals, meta-analyses of groups of similar studies, and over 70 comprehensive
secondary reviews carried out worldwide by professional committees and panels.
2.8 In undertaking this inquiry, the Committee has
used evidence presented to it from the power authorities, from people living in
the regions affected by Eastlink and from expert scientists who made
representations to the Committee, The Committee has also made reference to some
of the major reviews carried out by government sponsored bodies over the last
decade in Australia and overseas.
Reviews of EMF Research
2.9 There have been two major reviews
conducted in Australia - the Gibbs'
Report and the Peach Panel.
2.10 The Gibbs Report, Inquiry
into Community Needs and High Voltage Transmission Line Development, was
commissioned by the NSW Government and was completed in 1991. In this very
extensive inquiry, Sir Harry Gibbs sought evidence through submissions,
hearings and inspections, reviewed scientific literature, and travelled
overseas to meet with academic and government experts. He was assisted in
technical matters by a panel of four expert scientists. The report considered
both specific power line proposals in NSW and the general subject of EMI's and
2.11 In the
report, Sir Harry Gibbs concluded:
It has not been established that electric fields or
magnetic fields of power frequency are harmful to human health, but since there
is some evidence that they may do harm, a policy of prudent avoidance is
recommended. 4
This statement has ftequently been quoted and the
expression 'prudent avoidance' is now very widely used.
2.12 At a similar time, January 199 1, the Victorian
Government established a panel to review public policy approaches in relation
to power line fields and to make recommendations (the Peach Panel). In addition
to recommending that the Government establish and maintain communication with
the community about the subject, the Panel recommended a
practical strategy based on prudent avoidance which was described as: 'looking
systematically for strategies which can restrict field exposure and adopting
those strategies which seem to be prudent investments given their costs and the
level of scientific understanding about possible risks'. However, as noted by
the Panel, a policy of prudent avoidance was not a 'health based policy' and
that the implementation of the policy could not necessarily be seen as being of
benefit to public health.5
2.13 There have been numerous overseas review of the
potential health effects of EM17s. These have been conducted primarily in Britain, America, Canada, and
Scandinavian countries. In 1992, an expert group under the leadership of
prominent British epidemiologist, Sir Richard Doll, reported to the National
Radiological Protection Board on Electromagnetic Fields and the Risk of
Cancer, with the conclusion that:
... there is no clear evidence of a carcinogenic hazard
from the normal levels of power frequency electromagnetic fields, radio
frequency or microwave radiation to which people are exposed. 6
2.14 In 1993 and again in 1994, the British National
Radiological Protection Board reviewed studies in Scandinavia, Canada and France.
Despite acknowledging that these studies had shown an association between
increased likelihood of cancers and exposure to high levels of EMFs among
children and among power industry workers, the Radiological Protection Board
concluded that those studies did not establish that 'exposure to EMF is a cause
of cancer', though they did acknowledge that 'they provide weak evidence to
suggest the possibility exists'.7
2.15 Similarly, as quoted in submissions from both Transgrid
and Powerlink, the vast majority of secondary studies conducted
overseas have concluded that although EMFs have been implicated in primary
studies, those studies have not contained sufficient convincing data to
establish a causal relationship.
2.16 During the course of the Committee's inquiry, the
draft conclusions and recommendations of a report written by the US National
Council on Radiation, Protection and Measurements (NCRP) were leaked to the
press and subsequently sent to the Committee. This report does not have any
official status as it has not been subject to the normal peer review process.
However, the report's major finding was that: 'In key areas of bioclectromagnetic
research, findings are sufficiently consistent and form a sufficiently coherent
picture to suggest plausible connections between ELF EMF exposures and
disruption of normal biological processes, in ways meriting detailed
examination of potential implications in human health'.9
2.17 A member of that Committee, Dr Richard Luben, gave evidence
to the Committee. In discussing the report he stated:
1 am a member of the council
of the National Council on Radiation Protection -NCRP. This is a
congressionally established body which advises the United States government on recommendations for safety standards for
both ionising and nonionising radiation. As such, we are vested with the
responsibility of determining the hazard level of a variety of environmental
1 am also a member of subcommittee 89.3 of
the NCRP, which is the committee that produced the document that has at least
partially been leaked to the press and has been discussed widely. The committee
that prepared the document is, as a whole, dismayed ... that the executive
summery of our document has been released in this manner. It is a document that
we spent 10 years writing. It consisted of over 800 pages of types material
However, 1 also want to point out that what
was leaked is in fact the executive summary that was agreed to by the entire
committee, and that there is no doubt in my mind that the report is finished.
... However, as a member of the NCRP Council and not as a member of the committee,
1 have to say that this document is still undergoing scientific review and ...
that this document does not constitute any kind of recommendation or even the
opinion of the NCRP council
with regard to any non-ionising radiation exposure limits.
Power Authorities' Position
2.18 In its submission, Transgrid stated that
in considering health concerns about EMFs, it relied on reviews carried out by
other bodies, such as those described above. Transgrid agreed with the
conclusion that adverse health effects have not been established but that the
possibility could not be ruled out, and that further research was needed. The
Authority therefore monitors worldwide research, participates in the
sponsorship of research through the Electricity Supply Association of Australia
(ESAA), reviews practices in the light of research findings, measures field
strength around its installations, takes 'prudent avoidance' into account in
the siting and construction of installations and freely provides information to
the public. In the case of Eastlink, two brochures were made available to local
communities: Electric and Magnetic Fields - Sharing Information and
Your Guide to Understanding EillFs.
2.19 The Transgrid
submission accepts the Gibbs recommendation of prudent avoidance' but
does so in the light of the qualification that'it may be prudent to do whatever
can be done without undue inconvenience and at modest expense
to avert the
possible risk'.' 1 The submission
discussed the two aspects of power line construction which contribute most to EMFs
(the physical dimensions of the structure and phasing arrangements) but
concluded that because the final
technical and cost
aspects of the line had not yet been assessed, it is was possible at that stage
to say what technical specifications would be used in Eastlink. However, the
Authority proposed to acquire a 60 metre wide easement for the line 'which
corresponds with to the typical width for) 30,000volt lines on which Sir Harry Gibbs statement was
based'.' The submission concluded that the: 'actions
taken by the Authority are consistent with the notion of prudent avoidance'.
2.20 Modeling has been carried out to estimate the
strength and degree of dissipation of electric and magnetic fields along the Eastlink
transmission line. With respect to electric fields the Transgrid submission
states. 'The maximum electric field strength under average load conditions ...
is approximately 3.2 kilovolts per metre (kV/m) under the line, decreasing to
about 0.2 kV/m at the edge of the proposed casement, 30 metres from the centre
of the line'. 14
2.21 With respect to magnetic fields the submission
notes that because they depend on the current flowing in the line, which in
turn varies with the load being supplied, there can be no single estimate as
there is with electric fields. However, an estimate based on a maximum
transmission load of 50Omw results in a value of 46 milliguass (mG) directly
under the line, decreasing to about 6.5 mG at the edge of the casement, 30 metres
2.22 The Transgrid submission points out that
in many areas of Australia, and particularly in NSW, there are
thousands of kilometres of transmission lines. Over NSW, there are about 530kin
of 500kV lines, 4480kin of 330kV lines, 690kin of 220kV lines and 8,000kni of
1321cV lines, as well as about 300kin of underground cables predominantly
located in the Sydney area; a total of about 14,000km.
2.23 After the Western Corridor was selected as the
preferred line in February 1995, estimates were made of the number of dwellings
which would be in close proximity to it. The Transgrid submission
provides the following figures for the NSW sector of Eastlink:
Distance From Transmission Line
Number of Houses
0 - 250 metres
250 - 500 metres
500 - 1000 metres
Table 2.1 -
Proximity of Eastlink power line to existing dwellings
2.24 Transgrid
stated that the closest
house is approximately 100 metres from the line and that many lines,
particularly in urban areas, would have homes very much closer than this. The
submission also noted that when the estimates for electric and magnetic field
strengths at various distances away from the source are compared with the
proximity of dwelling, there would be negligible effect on even the closest
dwelling. 15
2.25 In its submission to the Committee, Powerlink
stated emphatically that Trio causal link has been established' in any of
the reviews of EMFs and health and that it had adopted the policy guidelines
formulated by ESAA in this matter. The submission described how Powerlink had
applied the concept of 'prudent avoidance' when selecting the preferred Western
Corridor, and in narrowing that corridor to a specific route for Eastlink.
2.26 In the first instance, the concept of prudent avoidance' was applied to
the process and thus population centres and larger townships were avoided. Then,
according to Powerlink:
As corridor development proceeded ...
prudent avoidance was applied progressively in more detail through each stage.
... Selection of the Preferred Alignment within the chosen corridor has applied
prudent avoidance to the greatest level of detail. with proximity to individual
houses in particular being considered. The outcome is an alignment which is no
closer than 150 metres to any home - a distance at which fields from the
transmission line will have reduced to approximately background levels.
2.27 The Electricity Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) takes a very strong view that no causal relationship has been
established between EMIs and detrimental health effects. In both its primary
submission and a supplementary submission, ESAA argued strenuously that a
review of all the literature had shown that there is 'scientific consensus that
health effects have not been established'.
2.28 The ESAA
noted that public concern about EMFs arises each time a new transmission line
is proposed and that this type of reaction is not confined to Australia, being a common experience in other developed
countries. This reaction, ESAA suggested, was due to:
- fear due to lack of
understanding of the nature of EMFs and their interaction with living
- fear based on incomplete
or inaccurate media stories, pseudo-scientific articles and books, and
- frustration because
people see themselves as being involuntarily exposed to an imperceptible agent
which may endanger them or their children
- frustration that public
health authorities can give no equivocal guarantees that EMFs are perfectly
2.29 In
attempting to overcome this reaction, and in recognition of the fact that
some members of the public are genuinely concerned about issues relating to EMFs
and health, ESAA conducts employee and public education programs, publishes
information brochures and newsletters and presents seminars and lectures on the
issue. 19
2.30 There is
genuine fear among rural communities affected by the Eastlink proposal that
electromagnetic fields will have long-term effects on the health of
people in those communities, and in particular on children who may live in
close proximity to high voltage power lines. A very large number of the
submissions put to the Committee by individuals and community groups mentioned potential
impact of the power line on health as a concern. This concern extended to the
fear that because of the very long time frame of possible EMF effect,
compensation would be difficult if not impossible to achieve. Analogies were
drawn with other public health problems, such as with tobacco smoking, the
herbicide DDT, asbestos and thalidomide, which were originally believed to be
safe and were later proved not to have been. 20
2.31 Quite a
number of people who put submissions to the committee had themselves examined
the overseas epidemiological literature and had quoted scientific surveys which
had led to the conclusion that there did appear to be a relationship
between EMIs and health risks, particularly childhood leukemia. 21
2.32 Several submissions have suggested that
there was mounting evidence that occupational exposure to high levels of EMFs
may result in health problems. In particular, workers in electrical professions
and telephone company employees, have been the subject of some studies and
found to have a higher incidence of cancer, particularly lymphoma and leukemia.
There is also some evidence that radiographers who are exposed to EMFs through
their operation of X-ray units, may be at risk of health effects. While
these operators are protected from X-rays, their work may bring them in
contact with high and low voltage transformers, cables, circuitry and control
panels. Train drivers in Queensland are another group of people who have
expressed concern that their jobs are putting them at risk .
Criticism of
the Concept of 'Prudent Avoidance'
2.33 While power authorities argued a philosophy of
'prudent avoidance' of high voltage power lines, and thus the avoidance of
exposure to ENIFs, people who live along the corridor pointed out that if the
power line was to traverse their properties they would not be able to avoid,
whether prudently or not, working under the lines, simply because their farm
infrastructure or productive land lay beneath it. Individual submissions
claimed variously that milking sheds, sheep dips, cattle yards, machinery
sheds, cultivated paddocks and watering points, would be directly under the
line, or within a short distance of it.25 How, these submissions asked, were
they to prudently avoid EMFs coming from the high voltage lines when they had
to keep using these facilities?
2.34 One
submission noted:
The proposed route traverses many smaller adjoining
properties, as well as Ollera, with houses, sheds and stockyards at close
proximity to each other. It would therefore be impossible to escape the electromagnetic
radiation while going about one's daily business. We are totally opposed to
any employee or member of the family being exposed to any radiation for long
durations while working in either the cattle or sheep yards. The cattle
facilities are used extensively and often cattle are held in a feelot
situation. We are also opposed to our stock being exposed continuously to
radiation as our cattle are sold onto the domestic market.
The submission then argued:
It would be almost impossible to relocate the Airstrip,
sheep yards, or cattle yards that are within the Eastlink corridor as they are
all relatively new facilities that now fit into the whole environment and the
overall plan to update and streamline the entire management for the future
prosperity for the next generation and managers of Ollera
2.36 In
discussing the concept of 'prudent avoidance; Dr Liz Stringer, a medical practitioner from Warwick, noted that while this policy is widely recommended,
there are no real guidelines to define this. She explained:
The National health and Medical Research Council has
set "safe limits" for EMR exposure below which there should be no
immediate or acute effects. These have no relevance to safe levels for long
term exposure
Authorities and EMF Concerns
People concerned about
the health effects of Eastlink expressed frustration at the apparently lasse
faire attitudes
of the power
authorities. Submissions argued that while the power authorities refused to
acknowledge that there could be health risks involved with EMFs the whole
subject would not be given serious consideration.
2.38 When
concerns about the possible health risks of the power line had been put to the
power authorities the reply had frequently been given that landholders would
encounter more EMFs around the home than they would from the power lines. Yet
landholders not that using electrical appliances in the home is a matter of
choice. If Eastlink crosses their land they will have no choice. They will
have to work beneath the power lines, sometimes frequently, sometimes all day.
One submission noted: 'These power lines will emit more than 100 times more EMFs
than our electrical appliances around the home.'
2.39 While there is no substantial proof that there
are no risks, some peopli prefer to remain sceptical. They are mindful of the
fact there is of evidence that suggests that there might be a risk and
that, if there is a risk, the consequences are indeed very serious. People with
children, potentially the most vulnerable group, share a double concern.
2.40 The St Patrick's Presbytery submission
commented: 'Our children are our most precious commodity and we would not wish
to expose them to unnecessary risks, particularly to such devastating diseases
as leukemia and brain tumours. The effects on young lives are too horrendous to
2.41 This submission also noted that in a recent
decision of the Toowoomba Planning and Environment Court, District Court Judge Thomas Quirk ruled that the effect of EM17s on health
was 'one of uncertainty but also one of considerable public concern' and the
development application under consideration had been rejected because parkland
would be located under the power lines. 31
2.42 Gibbs himself came to the conclusion that it was
possible that children exposed to extremely low frequency electric fields or
magnetic fields were at greater risk of developing cancer. 32
Stress Induced
Effects on Health
2.43 The very
proposition that a high voltage power line should pass through or near people's
properties has already had an effect on the health of those people. Since its announcement, the Eastlink proposal appears to have
resulted in a high
level of stress in the communities involved. People are genuinely distressed at
the thought of the power line being built near them; they do not want Eastlink
to be anywhere near their communities. Quite a number of submissions to the
Committee were punctuated throughout, or ended with the statement: 1 SAY NO TO
EASTLINK; or more simply: NO EASTLINK.
2.44 When Eastlink was first proposed, there were
three main corridor alternatives, with a number of linking options. The
corridors varied in width downwards from a maximum of about 11 km. Through the
refinement process this zone was reduced to a 2-kilometre corridor. Thus
from the outset, quite a large number of people were led to believe that the
power line might impinge on their properties. This method, it was argued,
placed considerable unnecessary stress on a large number of people and is still
placing stress on those people who do not know whether the line will pass
through their particular properties.
2.45 In one study of the stress effects of the Eastlink proposal on the
health of a sample of people living within the Ma Ma Creek area of south
eastern Queensland, the people surveyed attributed to Eastlink
an increase in such stress related symptoms as tension, headaches,
palpitations, anxiety, poor sleep, and poor appetite in the adults. Feelings of
hopelessness, helplessness, depression, anxiety and, most common of all, anger
were also reported. The primary cause of stress was attributed to the
fear that EMI7s may prove at some later stage to have been harmful. This study
also described how residents in the affected region 'feel that there are social
changes in their community over which they had no control and are fearful that
they have lost the power necessary to make informed decisions about their
2.46 Dr
Liz Stringer, a general practitioner who has consulted
people directly affected by Eastlink, stated: ' Many families and individuals
have already been stressed just by the prospect of Eastlink. ... stress and
disease are very closely linked. Stress can undermine immunity. Stress can
cause disease. Stress can kill. The stress and suffering caused by Eastlink are
totally unnecessary.
Health Concerns With Environmental Concerns
2.47 The need to ensure 'prudent avoidance' will
increasingly conflict with the need to preserve high quality natural
environments. Having now adopted a policy of 'prudent avoidance', power
authorities will seek to keep the additional cost associated with this policy
to a minimum. In order to practice 'prudent avoidance' at lowest possible cost,
there will be a tendency for power authorities to put increasing pressure on
non-urban areas, prime agricultural land and high quality natural
2.48 The Australian Transmission Line Avoidance
Society argued that there is an increasingly urgent need for power authorities
to form policies, in the light of the need for 'prudent avoidance', so as to
limit damage to high quality environments. Such policies would include the
consideration of alternatives to projects such as Eastlink if the conflict
between health and the environment could not be adequately resolved. The
Society further argued that if any genuine attempt was to be made to resolve
the Eastlink conflict, greater cooperation was needed between all groups
involved, electricity authorities, state governments, local councils, and all
interested members of the community. 36
A Question of
2.49 There are many places around Australia where high voltage power lines have already been
constructed. People live near these lines and in new urban developments choose
to live near them. Why then has such strong community concern been engendered
by Eastlink? One submission suggested that the real source of grievance is the
fact that landholders feel that Eastlink is being imposed on them with little
or no opportunity to have any real say against it. Their land is 'freehold' but they do not have the
option of deciding that the power line will not traverse their land.
2.50 This argument may have some merit, but it
tends to overlook the very real concerns of the people affected by Eastlink.
Choice is very important to all people and while it may be true that the
inability to choose forms the basis of their objection to the imposition of Eastlink,
secondary issues such as reductions in land values, destruction of the visual
integrity of the landscape, physical impact on the natural environment and
perceived health risks become so great as to make the question of choice
Scientific Views Presented in Evidence
2.51 In an effort to clarify the issue of
health effects of EMFs, the Committee heard evidence from a number of expert
witnesses from both Australia and overseas. These witnesses included Dr
Michael Repacholi, who was on secondment from the position of Chief Scientist
at Royal Adelaide Hospital to the position of Chairman of the International
Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (Institute of Radiation
Protection, Germany), Professor Mark Israel, a paediatric oncologist at the
School of Medicine of the University of California, and Dr Richard Luben,
Associate Professor of Biomedical Studies at the University of California.
Although all three witnesses appeared in a personal capacity, Dr Israel's travel to Australia had been
sponsored by ESAA and Dr Luben's travel had
been sponsored by the community group, Victorian Powerline Action.
2.52 Dr Michael Repacholi provided
a comprehensive report to the Committee which gave details of his own and
other research on the effect of electric and magnetic field on biological
systems. His conclusion was that 'both the laboratory and epidemiological
evidence does not support the case that residents would suffer any adverse
health consequences from exposure to 50Hz fields. ... the resident's exposure
to 50 Hz fields from the proposed Eastlink power line would be well within
current limits accepted internationally and by many countries'. 38
2.53 In evidence
to the Committee, Dr Repacholi stated:
It has been the work of my commission to
assess the literature on a continuing basis because we publish international
guidelines on exposure limits that we, on the basis w' the science, consider
that people can be exposed to safely, based on the evidence that we have. We
meet regularly to assess any new results that are coming out, to see if those
results would alter the health risk assessment that has already been made, and,
hence, have some implications for standards. To date, right to this day, there
is no data that indicates that there should be change to the current
international guidelines on exposure limits to the 50-60 hertz fields'.
39 He continued 'From a health viewpoint and
from my constant assessment of this literature over a period of 20 years, I
still have no fear of 50 or 60 hertz magnetic fields causing effects at the
levels we are normally exposed to even from power lines. 40
2.54 Professor Mark
Israel's evidence was consistent with the
conclusion made by Dr Repacholi. He
strongly opposed any suggestion that EMFs could initiate cancer in humans, stating:
Based on my education, experience, and
training as a cancer researcher, medical doctor, and paediatric oncologist, and
the available molecular, cellular and whole animal studies, 1 find no
scientific basis for concluding that power frequency electric and/O1 magnetic
fields induce or promote cancer or other adverse health effects. Using the
accepted scientific criteria that we apply to carcinogenesis, 1 cannot find
support for the notion that power frequency electric and/or magnetic fields can
lead to the development of cancer.
2.55 Dr Richard Luben held an opposing view to that of Dr Repacholi and Professor Israel. While carefully clarifying the statement
that there was no evidence that EMFs caused cancer, Dr Luben stated that there
was strong evidence that there was a correlation between proximity to high
voltage power lines and increased incidence of diseases such as leukemia in
children. In his submission he stated: 'In my opinion, the epidemiologic
literature indicates a low but repeatable correlation between proximity to high
energy power lines and the incidence of human neoplasms, in particular
childhood leukemia'. 41
2.56 In oral
evidence Dr Luben claborated~
1 have had a lot of experience in trying to
evaluate the scientific validity of these documents. ... The correlation
between power lines and leukaemia is statistically supportable. There are
possible mechanisms based on both animal and laboratory results that suggest
cancer causing or cancer promoting activities of electromagnetic fields.
Combining the statistical association and the laboratory data with which 1 am most familiar because 1 work with it every day leads me to feel that
there is some reason for caution.
2.57 When questioned by the Chairman, Senator Ferguson, as to how equally eminent scientists could come to such
different conclusions, Dr Luben explained
that: 'scientists of equal skill and equal dedication can look at the same body
of evidence and come away with different points of view. It is similar to any
other endeavour. ... two different people can come away with two different
points of view based on their background, based on the particular set of
information that they have been exposed to and the ways in which that information
is translated into action in their own particular lives .
Effect Of EMFs
On Stock And Crops
Gibbs Report
2.58 The Gibbs Report concluded that: 'The magnetic
fields created by power lines do not affect the health or reproductive capacity
of farm animals' 44 ; that 'from a practical point of view, the
electric fields created by transmissions lines have no adverse effect on crops,
pasture, grasses or native flora, other than trees, growing under or near to
the lines' 45 and that 'No reason exists for concern as
to the effect of the fields on animals or plants' . However, Gibbs did note that bee hives near power lines can be
adversely affected and that the growth of trees under the line can be reduced
by the effect of corona. However, Gibbs
dismisses the later concern with the statement that the height of trees under
power lines has to be restricted anyway to avoid interference with the line.
2.59 Farmers are genuinely concerned that the high
voltage power line proposed for Eastlink will have detrimental effects on their
breeding stock. Many submissions commented to the effect that stud rams could
become infertile and ewes abort their lambs. One
submission stated: 'the link between infertility in livestock and exposure to
high levels of ElvIR is one that many stud owners and farmers know from
personal experience.
2.60 Because primary producers are continually
seeking to improve efficiencies in farm production, any action that has
the potential to reduce productivity (such as an increased rate of spontaneous
abortion in livestock) may be considered by them to be unacceptable.
2.61 Concerned farmers suggested that cattle
exposed to EkTs might be rejected by local and overseas markets in the same way
that the European Community created trade barrier to cattle subject to hormone
growth promotants and the American import beef market refused Australian cattle
found to have high levels of chlorofluazuron residues. One submissions stated:
'We can well do without another threat to our beef industry ... we must have a
written assurance from Eastlink that we will be satisfactorily compensated for
losses of income should it subsequently happen that stock that have been
subject to Electro-Magnetic Radiation become unsaleable'.
A submission from the
group Lockyer Valley Against Eastlink commented: 'There are at least two stud
Cattle farmers who
... cannot obtain insurance on their stock if the stock are grazed in the
vicinity of the power lines' . Other specific concerns included apiarists, who believes
that their hives were at risk, and organic growers who believed that they would
lose certification should power lines be constructed on their property.
2.63 Opponents
of Eastlink presented evidence from scientific studies on laboratory animals
that indicated a possible health effect and concluded that if an effect on
human health was possible, 5 then it
was reasonable to infer that reports
were also cited of farmers there might be an effect on animal health observing
reproductive disorders among dairy cows and 'scrambled eggs' laid by hens
living underneath 765 kV power line in New York
2.64 Of all aspects of the Committee's
inquiry into the Eastlink proposal, the issue of potential health effects of EMFs
far outweighed any other subject. At least one third of all the evidence taken
by the Committee related to EMFs and almost all submissions from land owners
affected by Eastlink mentioned this subject as one of great concern. The Committee accepts that many people
hold genuine reservations about the impact that a high voltage power line may
have on their health, and the health of their families. The Committee
understands that these people choose to believe those scientific studies which
suggest that they should be concerned about their health.
2.65 In attempting to resolve this issue from a
scientific point of view, it became clear to the Committee that reputable
scientists have taken strong stands both in support of and against the
proposition that high voltage power lines may cause health effects in people
living near them. The Committee suggests that these contradictory positions can
partly be explained by the fact that the scientific literature on the subject
is vast and that, because of the very nature of statistical analysis, varying
interpretations can be made of both individual experimental results and meta-analysis
of collections of experiments. Broad reviews of the literature can be biased,
intentionally or unintentionally, by the availability of information, choice of
scientific papers used, and inherent opinions of the reviewer.
2.66 In the light of such conflicting evidence,
and because it is not possible scientifically to prove a negative, the
Committee is unable to totally dismiss the possibility that there may be
adverse effects. Similarly, the Committee is unable to conclude that a definite
link between high voltage power lines and adverse effects on human health
exists and thus that any new policy recommendations need to be made.
2.67 However, the Committee is able to conclude
that simply the fear of detrimental health effects, whether real or imaginary,
is in itself having an impact on the lives of some individuals affected by the Eastlink
proposal. In acknowledging these community concerns, the Committee takes a
similar stand to that of the Gibbs report.
The Committee agrees that, as a minimum policy or until evidence suggests
otherwise, the concept of 'prudent avoidance' should continue to be practiced
by government and power authorities.
2.68 However, in supporting this concept, the
Committee also acknowledges that there are some difficulties with it as a
policy with practical application, Firstly, people who own land through which
high voltage power lines traverse may have difficulty in 'prudently avoiding'
those lines while carrying out the normal activities that their farming
enterprise requires. Where lines are proximate to facilities and cultivated
paddocks, farm workers may have no choice but to work within the
electromagnetic fields emanated by those lines, even if only for short periods.
2.69 Secondly, there are currently no guidelines for
what 'prudent avoidance' means. There are safety standards for exposure to
EIN4Fs but these do not readily translate to people living or working near high
voltage power lines.
2.70 The Committee therefore concludes that, in
the case of Eastlink, 'prudent avoidance' should mean siting the line as far as
possible from houses, outbuildings and other farm facilities.
2.71 As with human health, the Committee accepts
that evidence of power line impact on the health of stock and crops grown
within the vicinity of the line is equivocal. Opponents of Eastlink presented
evidence from scientific studies on laboratory animals that show a possible
health effect and concluded that if an effect on human health was possible,
then it was reasonable to infer that there might be an effect on animal health.
2.72 However, in the absence of extensive field
studies on livestock, the Committee is not able to conclude that high voltage
power lines affect the health of livestock and crops nor is it able to conclude
that they do not. The Committee therefore recommends that scientific studies
should be carried out in Australia on the possible effects of high voltage
power lines on stock and crops.
2.73 Regardless of whether there is an actual effect
or not, public perception that there might be an effect can have an impact on
the market value of stock and crops produced in areas through which high
voltage power lines pass. This may particularly be the case with certified
organic farmers and with breeders of stud stock.
2.74 The
Committee therefore concludes that compensation by power authorities should be
extended to those property owners who suffer an economic loss as a result of
the construction of Eastlink, regardless of how that loss is brought about.
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