COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020

May 2021

© Commonwealth of Australia 2021
ISBN: 978-1-76093-223-7

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Chapter 1—Introduction

  Referral of the inquiry
  Purpose of the bill
  Human Rights Implications:
  Financial impact
  Regulation Impact Statement
  Conduct of the inquiry
  Notes on references

Chapter 2—Views on the bill

  The Victorian Governments position
  Support for the bill's intent
  Reservations about the bill's methods
  Committee comment

Additional comments - Labor Senators

Dissenting report - Senator Rex Patrick : 21st Century Mixed Gauge Muddle

  Effects of the bill
  Where's the vision? Look in the rear view mirror!
  Where has the money gone?
  Committee recommendation

Dissenting report - Australian Greens

  The urgency of reducing emissions
  Additional benefits from electric vehicles
  Australia in the international context
  The Commonwealth's failure to act
  Proposals for state taxes
  Impacts on consumer uptake of EVs
  The COAG Reform Fund Amendment (No Electric Vehicle Taxes) Bill 2020

Appendix 1—Submissions and additional information

Appendix 2—Public hearing

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540

Past Public Hearings

22 Apr 2021: Melbourne
