Inquiry the Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (Batch 6); Draft RegulationsCorporations Amendment Regulations 2003/04 (Batch 7); and Draft RegulationsCorporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (Batch 8)

Inquiry the Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (Batch 6); Draft RegulationsCorporations Amendment Regulations 2003/04 (Batch 7); and Draft RegulationsCorporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (Batch 8)


1 Rainmaker Information Pty Ltd (Word format)
2 Credit Union Services Corporation (Australia) Ltd (PDF format)
2A Credit Union Services Corporation (Australia) Ltd (PDF format)
3 Insurance Council of Australia Ltd - Letter (PDF format) Submission (PDF format)
4 Securities and Derivatives Industry Association (Word format)
5 Peter Davis Taxation & Accounting Services (Word format)
6 Australian Association of Permanent Building Societies (Word format)
6A Australian Association of Permanent Building Societies (Word format)
7 American Home Assurance Company (Word format)
8 20/20 Funds DIRECTINVEST (PDF format) Attachment (PDF format)
9 Law Council of Australia Word format (Word format)
10 Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd (Word format)
10A Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd (Word format)
10B Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd (Word format)
11 Association of Financial Advisers (Word format)
12 Australian Consumers' Association (Word format)
13 Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand (Word format)
14 Australian Bankers' Association (PDF format)
14A Australian Bankers' Association (PDF format)
15 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia; CPA Australia; and the National Institute of Accountants (Word format)
16 Financial Planning Association (PDF format)
16A Financial Planning Association (PDF format)
17 The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (Word format) attachment 1 (Word format) attachment 2 (HTML format)
18 Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (Word format)
19 NTAA (Word format)
20 Professor Ian Ramsay (Word format)
21 Association of Taxation and Management Accountants (PDF format)
21A Association of Taxation and Management Accountants (PDF format)
22 AMP Life Limited (PDF format)
23 The Strategist Group Pty Ltd (Word format)
24 Taxpayers Australia Inc. (Word format)