The Committee will examine how Commonwealth entities assess compliance risk, inform compliance and enforcement strategies, and identify and address incidences of non-compliance with Commonwealth rules and regulations.
The Committee will examine whether the expertise, governance arrangements, record-keeping, performance measures, and policies and guidelines supporting contract management by various Commonwealth entities are fit for purpose to ensure project delivery.
When six months has passed from the date of a committee report being tabled in Parliament, the Committee shall deem overdue any government responses and executive minutes pertaining to this Committee’s reports. This aligns with the resolution of the House of Representatives adopted on 29 September 2010 regarding Government responses to committee reports.
Guidance on responding to Committee recommendations is available here.
Committee SecretaryJoint Committee of Public Accounts and AuditPO Box 6021Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277
The Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit is constituted by the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951. The Committee initiates its own inquiries into public administration matters and can conduct inquiries into matters referred to it by either House of Parliament.
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