Human Services Portfolio

Human Services Portfolio

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 113KB) (Updated 26/07/2013)


Answers to Questions on Notice

Responses to questions taken on notice at the Budget Estimates hearings are due on Friday 26 July 2013 - standing order 74(5) takes effect 30 days after this date.

QoN No Agency/
Senator Broad Topic Answer to QoN Date Answer Received
1 Australian Hearing Siewert Australian Hearing - uptake of the Rehab Plus service (PDF 6KB) 26/07/2013
2 Australian Hearing Smith Australian Hearing  - staffing (PDF 79KB)
Attachment (PDF 71KB)
3 Australian Hearing Smith Australian Hearing – client numbers (PDF 87KB) 26/07/2013
4 Australian Hearing Smith Australian Hearing - expenditure (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
5 Australian Hearing Smith Australian Hearing – staff misconduct (PDF 73KB) 26/07/2013
6 DHS Fifield Targeted efficiency measures – replacing cheques with EFT - savings (PDF 73KB) 26/07/2013
7 DHS Fifield 2013-14 Budget – terminating measures (PDF 11KB) 26/07/2013
8 DHS Fifield 2011-12 Budget Measure – Simplify and Automate (PDF 79KB) 26/07/2013
9 DHS Fifield Call Centres (PDF 159KB) 26/07/2013
10 DHS Moore Call Centres – Peak Demand (PDF 75KB) 26/07/2013
11 DHS Fifield Call Centres – Engaged Signals and Total Calls (PDF 139KB) 26/07/2013
12 DHS Fifield Union Right of Entry Notices (PDF 76KB) 26/07/2013
13 DHS Furner Union Right of Entry Notices – Type of Site (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
14 DHS Fifield Union Right of Entry Notices – Location (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
15 DHS Fifield Call Centre Staff Information (PDF 87KB)
Attachment part 1 (PDF 582KB)
Attachment part 2 (PDF 538KB)
Attachment part 3 (PDF 604KB)
Attachment part 4 (PDF 556KB)
16 DHS Fifield Organisational Chart – Public Affairs Arrangements (PDF 86KB) 26/07/2013
17 DHS Fifield Online Release of DHS Portfolio Budget Statements (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
18 DHS Furner Express Plus Apps - Users (PDF 86KB) 26/07/2013
19 DHS Fifield Income Support Payments - Discretion (PDF 9KB) 26/07/2013
20 DHS Fifield DHS Organisation Chart – Management Structure (PDF 73KB)
Attachment (PDF 162KB)
21 DHS Fifield DHS Staff Uniforms (PDF 78KB)
Attachment part 1 (PDF 977KB)
Attachment part 2 (PDF 825KB)
Attachment part 3 (PDF 782KB)
Attachment part 4 (PDF 710KB)
Attachment part 5 (PDF 561KB)
22 DHS Fifield DHS Staff Name Plates and Badges (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
23 DHS Fifield Internal Reviews – changed decisions (PDF 87KB) 26/07/2013
24 DHS Edwards Data – Northern Suburbs of Adelaide (PDF 5164KB) 26/07/2013
25 DHS Edwards DHS Activities in Playford (PDF 143KB) 26/07/2013
26 DHS Furner Staff Safety and Security (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
27 DHS Smith Independent Youth Allowance – Rejected Applications (PDF 5454KB) 26/07/2013
28 DHS Smith Dependent Youth Allowance – Living Away from Home rate (PDF 88KB)
Attachment (PDF 25KB)
29 DHS Smith Aged Care – Residential  (PDF 95KB) 26/07/2013
30 DHS Fifield Child Support Complaints (PDF 71KB) 26/07/2013
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
  (DHS)  Boyce Transferred to DoHA    
38 DHS Boyce Parenting Payment Single (PDF 262KB) 26/07/2013
39 DHS Boyce DHS Service Centre – Kippa-Ring (PDF 83KB) 26/07/2013
40 DHS Boyce Centrelink Fraud (PDF 98KB) 26/07/2013
41 DHS Smith Staffing - Recruitment (PDF 182KB) 26/07/2013
42 DHS Smith Staffing - Separations (PDF 136KB) 26/07/2013
43 DHS Smith Staffing - Reductions (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
44 DHS Smith Public Service Efficiencies (PDF 93KB) 26/07/2013
45 DHS Smith Printing Costs (PDF 5KB) 26/07/2013
46 DHS Smith Graduate Recruitment (PDF 6KB) 26/07/2013
47 DHS Smith Advertising (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
48 DHS Smith Hospitality and Entertainment (PDF 76KB) 26/07/2013
49 DHS Smith Meeting Costs (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
50 DHS Smith Program Launch Costs (PDF 5KB) 26/07/2013
51 DHS Smith Board Appointments (PDF 74KB) 26/07/2013
52 DHS Smith Freedom of Information (PDF 75KB) 26/07/2013
53 DHS Smith Community Cabinet Meetings (PDF 5KB) 26/07/2013
54 DHS Smith Reviews (PDF 5KB) 26/07/2013
55 DHS Smith Consultancies (PDF 87KB) 26/07/2013
56 DHS Smith Media Monitoring (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
57 DHS Smith Social Media (PDF 75KB) 26/07/2013
58 DHS Smith Internet (PDF 70KB) 26/07/2013
59 DHS Smith Staff Amenities (PDF 73KB) 26/07/2013
60 DHS Smith Coffee Machines (PDF 75KB) 26/07/2013
61 DHS Smith Contractors (PDF 77KB) 26/07/2013
62 DHS Smith Grants (PDF 241KB) 26/07/2013
63 DHS Smith Commissioned Reports (PDF 87KB) 26/07/2013
64 DHS Smith Government Payment of Accounts (PDF 77KB) 26/07/2013
65 DHS Smith Stationery Requirements (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
66 DHS Smith Media Subscriptions (PDF 8KB) 26/07/2013
67 DHS Smith Travel Costs (PDF 149KB) 26/07/2013
68 DHS Smith Legal Costs (PDF 6KB) 26/07/2013
69 DHS Smith Education Expenses (PDF 92KB) 26/07/2013
70 DHS Smith Executive Coaching and Leadership (PDF 83KB) 26/07/2013
71 DHS Smith Media Training (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013
72 DHS Smith Paid Parental Leave (PDF 135KB) 26/07/2013
73 DHS Smith Training for Portfolio Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries (PDF 71KB) 26/07/2013
74 DHS Smith Corporate Cars (PDF 4KB) 26/07/2013
75 DHS Smith Taxi Costs (PDF 7KB) 26/07/2013
76 DHS Smith Hire Cars (PDF 7KB) 26/07/2013
77 DHS Smith Credit Cards (PDF 105KB) 26/07/2013
78 DHS Smith Provision of Equipment (PDF 268KB) 26/07/2013
79 DHS Smith Electricity Purchasing (PDF 122KB) 26/07/2013
80 DHS Smith Briefings for the Australian Greens and Independents (PDF 75KB) 26/07/2013
81 DHS Smith Shredders (PDF 73KB) 26/07/2013
82 DHS Smith Protective Security Policy Framework (PDF 161KB) 26/07/2013
83 DHS Smith Office Locations (PDF 5KB)
Attachment part 1 (PDF 571KB)
Attachment part 2 (PDF 556KB)
Attachment part 3 (PDF 556KB)
Attachment part 4 (PDF 494KB)
84 DHS Smith Communications Staff (PDF 82KB) 26/07/2013
85 DHS Smith Alternative Policy Costings (PDF 5KB) 26/07/2013
86 DHS Smith Pre-election Appointments (PDF 73KB) 26/07/2013
87 DHS Siewert New Categories of Income Management (PDF 72KB) 26/07/2013


Tabled Documents and additional information

Article Canberra Times 21 May 2013: 'Union set to take DHS to tribunal' - tabled on 4 June 2013 by Senator Mitch Fifield (PDF 66KB)
Letter of Correction from Mr Peter Thomson, National Manager Ministerial Coordination and Parliamentary Branch, Department of Human Services, in relation to evidence given by Mr Darren Box, Chief Financial Officer, at the budget estimates hearing on 4 June 2013. (PDF 632KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3517
Fax: +61 2 6277 5829