Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Melbourne VIC, 3 August 2017

Members in attendance: Senators Hume, Ketter, Rice

BOLT, Mr Richard, Secretary, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

BOYD, Mr Brian, Executive Director, Performance Audit Services Group, Australian National Audit Office

BYRNE, Mr Henry, Group General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Transurban

CALVERT, Ms Fiona, Director, Transport Analysis and Assessment, Transport for Victoria, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

CHARLTON, Mr Scott, Chief Executive Officer, Transurban

FRASER, Mr Michael, Director, Toll Redress

GRIPLAS, Charles, Managing Director, ConnectEast

HALL, Ms Jessica, Acting Executive Director, Infrastructure Investment Division, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

HERBST, Tami, General Counsel and Company Secretary, ConnectEast

HUDSON, Mr Nicholas, Director, Economics and Policy, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia Ltd

JOHNSTONE, Ms Maddison, Director, Toll Redress

LYON, Mr Brendan, Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure Partnerships Australia Ltd

McDOUGALL, Mr William, Private capacity

NELTHORPE, Mr Denis, Chief Executive Officer, WEstjustice

PITTAR, Mr Roland, General Manager, Major Infrastructure Projects Office, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

SPENCER, Ms Nicole, General Manager, Land Transport Market Reform Branch, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

TERRILL, Ms Marion, Transport Program Director, Grattan Institute

THOMPSON, Associate Professor Russell, Private capacity

WEBSTER, Mr David, Deputy Secretary, Commercial Division, Department of Treasury and Finance

Canberra ACT, 17 August 2017

Members in attendance: Senators Hume, Ketter, Rice

AVELING, Mr Ben, Co-Convenor, Alexandria Residents Action Group

BACON, Ms Wendy, Private capacity

NASH, Professor Christopher (Chris), Private capacity

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