
Recommendation 1

4.63    The committee recommends that, as part of its deliberations, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety consider the tax and financial structures of aged care providers.

Recommendation 2

4.65    The committee recommends that the Australian Government explore opportunities to better share information about quality of care across the aged care sector, with the aim of increasing transparency and comparability, and supporting informed decision-making for aged care consumers and their families.

Recommendation 3

5.51    The committee recommends that the Australian Accounting Standards Board implement the necessary changes to apply the International Accounting Standards Board's revised Conceptual Framework as soon as practicable.

Recommendation 4

5.54    The committee recommends that the Australian Government investigate options to increase the public transparency of aged care providers' financial information held by the Department of Health.

Recommendation 5

5.57    The committee recommends that the Australian Government convert the existing voluntary Tax Transparency Code to a mandatory code for all large and medium corporations operating in Australia, or adopt other strong transparency measures like the publication of data from country-by-country reporting.

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