Chapter 2
Views on the proposed changes
The bill proposes to amend the TAA 1953 to exempt Australian-owned
private companies from the requirement for the Commissioner of Taxation (Tax
Commissioner) publish certain tax information in relation to corporate entities
that report a total income of at least $100 million for an income year. The
exemption will only be available to companies that satisfy all of the following
the company must be a resident private company;
the company must not be a wholly-owned subsidiary of a foreign
corporate group; and,
the company must not have a level of foreign shareholding greater
than 50 per cent.[1]
Submitters expressed a range of views on these changes to exempt
Australian-owned private companies from the existing tax transparency
disclosure laws. Most submissions raised issues of privacy and personal
security; discrimination, fairness and equity; commercial disadvantage; public
policy benefit; and compliance costs and reputational damage. Some submissions
also covered the original intent of the existing legislation; potential for a
company to restructure its tax affairs; and the effect on investment in
Australia. Most of the issues raised reflected the concerns canvassed in the
Explanatory Memorandum.
Support for the bill
Although there was a wide array of views with regards to the bill—ranging from support to
opposition—on the whole, most
submitters were supportive of the bill as drafted. A couple of submitters
argued strongly in favour of the proposed amendments on the basis of equity
principles. For example, the Law Council of Australia (LCA) contended that the
tax transparency laws in section 3C of the TAA 1953 were 'harsh, unjust
and discriminatory'. In support of the bill and its enactment, it reasoned that
the proposed legislation would:
...operate to alleviate
that harshness, injustice and discrimination against a significantly adversely
affected class of taxpayers—namely, private Australian companies. [2]
According to the LCA, the provisions of section 3C would 'continue to be
discriminatory and unjust' and welcomed the removal of that discrimination for
Australian private companies.[3]
Likewise, the Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) was of the view that
the current disclosure laws in section 3C were 'discriminatory and unjust
towards certain classes of taxpayers and inappropriately overturned fundamental
rights of taxpayer privacy for certain taxpayers'.[4] The Family
Office Institute Australia (FOIA) believed that the bill should be passed into
law so as 'to protect Australian private companies from being burdened with the
adverse consequences of public reporting of its turnover and tax information'.[5]
In contrast, submitters not in support of the bill's passage were
concerned the bill would dilute the public policy benefit of the current tax transparency
provisions in the TAA 1953. They also questioned the concerns raised by
proponents for the bill. The Tax Justice Network Australia (TJNA) submitted:
Such transparency [in
the current section 3C of the TAA 1953] evens up the playing field between
publicly listed domestic companies (whose financial reporting gives a clearer
picture of the risks related to such companies) and private companies (whose
lack of reporting may conceal the true risks associated with the entire
company). Increased transparency also will boost confidence in the broader
community that companies are being required to pay the taxes they should pay,
and will require companies to have to explain their tax arrangements offering a
significant deterrent to aggressive tax arrangements that might be legally
Issues raised about the current income tax transparency laws
In the Explanatory Memorandum to the bill, the government raised a
number of concerns with the current laws, including:
privacy and security concerns for Australian owners of closely
held companies where the disclosure of the companies' information effectively
discloses information about the owners' financial affairs;
the information disclosed may not be currently available to the
private company's competition, customers and suppliers, and it's release may
adversely affect smaller companies in commercial negotiations with larger
unintended consequences may result, such as the restructuring of
a company's affairs in order to keep below the threshold. For example, private
companies may be encouraged to restructure their affairs into trusts, which are
not corporate tax entities, in order to minimise any commercial disadvantage;
disproportionate costs could be associated with releasing
additional information to provide context to the public about a company's tax
affairs in order to avoid reputational damage.[7]
These issues were also canvassed by submissions to the committee's
inquiry, as outlined below.
Original intent of the current legislation was to target
multinationals' aggressive tax practices
The Explanatory Memorandum and several stakeholders emphasised that the
introduction of section 3C was intended to address the issue of multinational
companies reporting 'quite low revenue'.[8] It was not intended to
target Australian-owned private companies but to capture multinational
corporates' aggressive tax minimisation practices.
The transparency measures introduced in June 2013 were an initiative
arising from an international effort to develop common standards of reporting
to address the issues of base erosion of profits and profit-shifting between
jurisdictions by multinationals. For example, EY and the FOIA referred to
recent comments by the Commissioner of Taxation who was quoted as saying that
if you look at the history of the tax publication law in section 3C, it was
'really for multinational companies operating here, disclosing quite low
The FOIA explained further:
The tax publication
laws were introduced against a backdrop of measures to target base erosion and
profit shifting by multinational corporations, and arguably there may be merit
in having specific laws to deter aggressive taxpayers who do not 'pay their
fair share of tax'. The Government has recently introduced legislation into
Parliament for that purpose.[10]
The LCA noted that the measures contained in section 3C would place
Australia out of step with other international tax jurisdictions and was:
concerned that Australia will effectively be an outlier in respect of these
measures. No other country in the world publishes information in this way, and
those that have in the past have actually abandoned it because of the harm and
the prejudice to affected taxpayers. The other concern we have is that in some
ways it jumps ahead of what is happening elsewhere in the world. The OECD is
due to come down shortly with proposals to deal with multinational tax
avoidance. The current government introduced legislation into parliament just
last week to deal specifically with multinational tax avoidance.[11]
Some stakeholders have referred to the experience of various
international jurisdictions with similar income tax disclosure measures. EY
drew attention to Japan's abolition of public reporting of tax information as a
relevant example for Australia. In Japan, the disclosure rules which were
introduced in 1950 'had effects outside [their] intended purposes'. These
rules, which required the public reporting of corporate tax, individual tax and
inheritance tax, were intended to 'impose a restraining effect on tax practices
by monitoring by the public'. EY contended that harassment and the misuse of
the information by marketeers and fund-raisers could be some of the unintended
consequences of releasing tax information.[12]
Proponents for the bill consider the carve-out of Australian-owned
private companies will not affect the bill's pursuit of income tax transparency
requirements for multinational and publicly held companies, and would not weaken
the stated focus of the G20 and OECD's objectives in regards to multinationals'
tax obligations.[13]
On the other side, the TJNA countered that it was unaware that similar
tax transparency measures adopted overseas—Denmark,
Finland, Sweden and Norway—had
negatively affected the functioning of these markets or increased security
concerns to high wealth individuals in these jurisdictions. On the contrary,
the TJNA cited research which found that in Norway greater public disclosure of
tax affairs have led to increased reporting by some companies.[14]
Privacy and personal security
Most submissions noted that section 3C displaces the fundamental and
long-held tenet of Australia's tax laws that a taxpayer's affairs should remain
private between them and the Australian Taxation Office.[15] Some
proponents of the bill have also referred to the United Nations' Universal
Declaration of Human Rights:
No one shall be subject to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence,
nor attacks upon his honour and reputation.[16]
COSBOA upheld this view:
...small businesses are
people, they are not entities in the sense that a big business is an entity.
Small business is personal.[17]
As most Australian-owned private companies are owned by families, and
represent the majority of a family's wealth, these disclosure laws would allow
for the identification of individuals or families associated with these
affected private companies. As only aspects of income tax information will be
disclosed in isolation and absent context, disclosure would likely lead to the
incorrect assumption that the income of private companies is also the income of
the individuals or families associated with these private companies.
Accordingly, the identification of individuals connected with successful
businesses could also expose them to personal safety risks.
For example, EY contended that private companies were 'fundamentally
different' from widely held public companies. The affairs of private companies
related to family activities and thus:
...the individuals who
are the owners of private companies should be entitled to the same human rights
of privacy as are individuals more generally.[18]
Likewise, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) noted that, unlike many
multi-national companies or large businesses, Australian-owned private
companies were 'typically owned by families and, in most cases, represented the
majority of their wealth'. In its view, without the proposed exemption, the
privacy of these families and in some cases their personal security may be jeopardised.[19]
The LCA explained that the privacy of individuals associated with
affected companies would be further compromised under current disclosure laws
as they could be identified by a cross-reference using ASIC's public register
of companies.
Indeed, Teys Australia Pty Ltd (Teys), the second largest beef processor
and exporter in Australia, submitted that if section 3C of the TAA 1953 takes
effect, the release of such information would likely 'adversely affect the
privacy and personal security of the Teys family shareholders, and the market
environments in which [its] business operates'.[20] Teys further
...public disclosure of
taxation information creates the potential for serious impact on family
shareholders, including...[b]eing the subject of criminal activity, as a result
of disclosed personal information being used to target individuals on the basis
of perceived wealth.[21]
The Tax Institute similarly raised disclosure concerns:
The public disclosure
for the tax affairs of private companies risks disclosing the tax circumstances
of the ultimate individual owners (via searches of the ASIC public registers).
If this concern is not addressed, private companies may be encouraged to put in
place nominee shareholding arrangements to conceal their interests in a private
company. This in turn will result in reduced overall transparency in the public
information as to corporate ownership available in ASIC records.[22]
Conversely, TJNA did not believe the current income tax transparency
laws would increase the risk to the personal safety of individuals, and
reported it is not aware of any advice received from the Australian Federal
Police (AFP) in relation to the increased risk of kidnapping and ransom if the
new laws came into effect. The AFP confirmed it had not provided any such
advice to Treasury.[23]
The TJNA advised:
We regard as bizarre
public claims that disclosure of income of corporate entities with total
incomes of $100 million or more will open up certain individuals to greater
risk of kidnap for ransom. We wrote to the Minister for Finance and Acting
Assistant Treasurer in December 2014 asking what advice the Australian Federal
Police had provided on the likely increased risk of kidnapping for wealthy
individuals based on the limited disclosures required under the Tax
Administration Act. No reply has been received on that request. TJN-Aus
notes that it has been reported in the press that the Transport Workers’ Union
made Freedom of Information applications to the AFP, the Attorney-General's
department and the Australian Tax Office, that all came back saying no
documents exist in relation to advice about the safety of individuals if the
new regulations went ahead.[24]
TJNA further noted that the TAA 1953 does not disclose any personal
information. However, in contrast, personal information on individuals—the names and addresses
of all company directors—are
already available for purchase through ASIC.[25]
Discrimination, fairness and equity
Several submissions in support of the bill argued that the current tax
transparency laws in section 3C of the TAA 1953 are 'harsh, unjust and
discriminatory' against a class of taxpayers—private
Australian companies. The Law Council of Australia (LCA) stated:
The publication of
private taxation information of particular corporate tax entities discriminates
against such affected companies and other corporate taxpayers. Trusts and
partnerships which are not taxed as companies (the great majority of trusts and
partnerships), and even individuals, are not subject to section 3C. This injustice
is further exacerbated for private Australian companies by the fact that ASIC
maintains a public register of companies and a simple ASIC search could
identify the shareholders of the private companies that are subject to the tax
disclosure laws. This does not apply to public companies or foreign companies.[26]
The LCA goes further and believes section 3C of the TAA 1953 should be
repealed entirely. In its view, the current proposed provisions in the bill
remain discriminatory against privately-owned foreign companies and public
The LCA elaborated:
To apply those laws,
and that level of public scrutiny, to only one type of taxpayer
entity—companies, and not trusts, partnerships, individuals, or otherwise—and
only to those which exceed a certain threshold, creates a disproportionate and
discriminatory rule which would be applied only against those companies who
fall into the narrow class.[28]
The Tax Justice Network Australia (TJNA), which does not support the
bill, believes that Australian-owned private companies should not be exempted
from the current income tax transparency disclosure laws. The laws requiring
the ATO to publish limited tax return information of companies with total
income of at least $100 million—total
income, taxable income and income tax payable—should
remain predicated on fairness, equity and transparency. The TJNA considers:
Such transparency
evens up the playing field between publicly listed domestic companies (whose
financial reporting gives a clearer picture of the risks related to such
companies) and private companies (whose lack of reporting may conceal the true
risks associated with the entire company). Increased transparency also will
boost confidence in the broader community that companies are being required to pay
the taxes they should pay, and will require companies to have to explain their
tax arrangements offering a significant deterrent to aggressive tax
arrangements that might be legally contestable.[29]
Commercial disadvantage
Most submissions to the inquiry raised the concern that commercially
sensitive information will be made available to a company's competitors, or to
other participants in the supply chain, which would disadvantage the affected
company in commercial negotiations and in its customer or supplier
For example, PwC stated simply that 'market sensitive information may be
publically released which could adversely affect the competitiveness and
profitability of these private companies'.[31] The FOIA explained this
concern in detail:
Very often, private
Australian family companies specialise in the supply of a particular good or
service rather than have a diversified business structure which is more common
in public companies. As such, the financial information of such a private
company will reflect its whole and sole business whereas the financial
information of a public company may reflect its diversified businesses with its
various business lines and investments. If a private company only has one
business line, the gross income and taxable income of that company could
potentially be used to estimate the profit margins of that business.
The disclosure of
gross turnover and sales income and the net taxable income under the current
disclosure laws therefore presents significant commercial risk to private
companies because stakeholders and competitors could potentially use such
information to determine profit margins or other pricing information. This
information could then be used to exert pressure or leverage when undertaking
commercial negotiations with the private company, to target their now public
total sales and undercut their perceived margin, or drive down prices to lower
the net margin now published.[32]
The Tax Institute agreed with this assessment:
The current
transparency law results in private companies having to publicly disclose
information which can be used to determine their net profit margin. Such
information can be highly sensitive for businesses and can impact on their
business dealings. For example, the disclosure of this information in relation
to a privately owned agricultural business supplying produce to large
supermarket chains, may result in their significant customers using the
information as leverage in commercial negotiations.[33]
Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) advanced a similar case:
Small businesses
focus on key objectives of supplying goods and services at competitive prices
and in accordance with the value proposition. Overwhelmingly, small businesses
offer a single good or service. In comparison larger businesses offer multiple
goods and services, often in different geographic markets. Consequently, it is
difficult in relation to large companies to discern from their financial and
tax data their profit and margins and mark ups on particular line items.
Therefore, policies
which expose the gross revenue and taxation details of smaller business will
damage the viability of smaller businesses by allowing large companies to
engage in pricing and other incentive arrangements which will effectively
eliminate competition. This will be to the detriment of small business in
Further, the current tax transparency laws will disadvantage
Australian-owned private companies with international operations vis-a-vis a
foreign-owned Australian company with business operations in Australia. For
this reason, The Tax Institute considered the exclusion of entities with an
ultimate foreign parent company, or majority-owned by foreign shareholders from
the bill's exemption an appropriate measure.[35] The LCA explained:
An Australian owned
private company with international operations would (apart from disclosing all
relevant worldwide income, foreign companies and branch operations, transfer
pricing details and so on to the ATO) see the details of their worldwide income
published. A foreign owned Australian company which conducts relevant
Australian business only would see only the Australian operating income
disclosed. By their very nature private Australian companies are private, and
not public, they do not have anonymous shareholders who require information.[36]
Submissions received in support for the current tax transparency laws
questioned the extent of commercial disadvantage suffered by Australian
resident private companies, since the same disadvantage would apply to domestic
publicly listed companies with regards to their competitors, customers and
suppliers who may even be privately listed companies.[37] The TJNA
Further, it is the
understanding of TJN-Aus that when a private company is a supplier to a large
company they are normally required by the customer company to disclose their
financial details. The customer company will often want the certainty they are
not entering into a contract with a company that is financially unstable.[38]
Public interest benefit
Proponents for the bill have reasoned that there is very little public
benefit to disclosing the income tax information of a class of taxpayers with
income over a certain threshold. Some have reiterated that any public benefit
in publicly releasing confidential taxation information of privately owned
Australian companies is trivial compared to the disproportionate burden on
family shareholders to preserve their reputation and the impact on the affected
As the business tax system in Australia is complex, selected information
released without context could easily result in reputational damage to a narrow
class of taxpayers.[40]
Many stakeholders, including EY, LCA and FOIA have elaborated on this theme. EY
argued that the ATO's public reporting would add 'unnecessary cost pressures
for private companies and an additional regulatory cost and deadweight cost'.
In its view, there was the potential for these companies to face queries
relating to perceived low level of taxable income and low level of tax payable
compared with their turnover. It stated further:
That information in
the public arena will not explain the drivers of low taxable income which might
include adverse trading conditions, or low yield capital assets, or large
capital allowances or other incentives which reduce tax payable.[41]
The additional costs borne by private companies to provide explanatory
materials within an environment of increased media attention would more likely
impair public policy debate than enhance it. The FOIA noted the difficulties
facing privately-owned companies in explaining their tax position compared to
public companies:
Public companies,
being public entities with disparate and anonymous shareholders, are accustomed
and required as a private company to disclose financial information under the
corporations law and listing rules. Often, large public companies have public
relations and public media support and other measures in place to explain their
financial positions and performances to their shareholders and other
Several submitters have articulated that the damage arising from
misinformation would be detrimental to public trust and confidence in the tax
system. EY explained that:
...public reporting of 'total income', 'taxable
income' and the 'income
tax payable' of named corporate taxpayers whose
total income is over $100 million, may lead
to information being misused and misinterpreted, thereby
eroding public confidence in the integrity
of the current tax system. The enacted tax transparency measures also have the
potential to tarnish the reputation of Australian businesses—even if they have
good standing and relations with the ATO or other countries' revenue authorities...
ATO consultation
about the public reporting has already identified the concern that the public
reporting might actually be misleading, because it does not outline the many
legitimate reasons for a company in business to have low tax payable. Causes,
such as companies recovering from and using prior year losses, companies in
challenging markets with low profit margins, companies with large capital
allowance and R&D and other expenditures giving rise to tax deductions,
companies receiving dividend income, etc. So the ATO is, we understand, to
develop an extensive disclaimer or warning message to casual readers of the
proposed public reports (but query whether any such ATO information will be
reported by the media).[43]
The LCA was similarly concerned that the publication of taxation
information would likely be highly misleading—a comparison of gross accounting
turnover to net taxable income is comparing apples to oranges because it is 'a
subset of incomplete and unconnected information'. The LCA stated further:
...a comparison of
gross turnover to net taxable income, whilst misleading, has the great problem,
as we see it, of actually lowering the public confidence in the taxation system
rather than raising it. The reason for that is that legitimate deductions,
ordinary losses and legitimate exemptions that can exist in the act—credits,
taxes paid at different levels of a corporate group—all reduce the net tax
payable compared with gross turnover, and year after year of seeing that the
public may well think that the system is broken when it is not.[44]
Further, some submissions argued that the publication of taxation
information does not change a company's legal obligations to the ATO, nor does
public disclosure increase compliance to taxation obligations in Australia.[45]
The ATO already has a more comprehensive picture of a company's tax affairs and
the release of selected aspects of tax information would not add to an informed
debate about tax policy and obligations. For example, the LCA maintained that
the ATO obtains much more information than that required under the existing
section 3C—'they see the full picture as they should'.[46] FOIA detailed
the reporting obligations to the ATO:
Private companies the
subject of section 3C are required to provide very detailed information to the
Australian Taxation Office (ATO), setting out all items of income, type of
income, expenses, deductions, exemptions, credits, overseas activities,
transfer pricing details, restructures, capital gains and so on. What is
provided to the ATO is the full picture of the company's tax affairs. The tax
publication under section 3C will be a public disclosure of only very small and
unconnected parts of that information: gross accounting turnover or income, net
taxable income and tax payable. This comparison has been described by Treasury
and the ATO themselves as "comparing an apple with an orange and not being
about fruit" as well as being confusing and misleading to the public.[47]
EY also highlighted the fact that the ATO has 'ample sources of
information' about private companies. This includes their taxable income,
assets, gross income, deductions, structures, the income they pay to associates
and 'all relevant information, supplemented by ATO queries about any issues of
interest'. In EY's opinion, there is 'no value added to the ATO compliance
supervision of private companies from any public reporting'.[48] This same argument was
supported by the LCA during the committee's public hearing.[49]
Those who oppose the exclusion of Australian resident companies from the
existing transparency measures believe 'increased transparency would boost
confidence in the broader community that companies are being required to pay
the taxes they should pay'. According to such a view, the potential that all
companies with revenue over $100 million may have to explain their tax
arrangements would act as significant deterrent to aggressive tax minimisation.[50]
Such a public interest benefit would therefore warrant extension of tax
disclosure measures to companies under Australian tax law.[51]
Submissions in support of keeping the existing legislation raised
concerns that the dilution of income tax transparency disclosure measures would
represent an opportunity lost for the public benefit from the pressure on
companies to 'comply fully with their tax obligations'.[52] The TJNA
asserted that increased transparency would lead to better functioning of markets,
with the most efficient and innovative companies rewarded by the exposure of
efficiencies and risks.[53]
The TJNA added:
Where a private
company is paying little or no tax, it is not unreasonable to expect the
company to explain why that is the case. There are plenty of companies that
should explain their tax paying. Documents obtained under freedom of
information revealed that 2,168 businesses identified by the ATO had a total
annual income of more than $100 million. Of these, the number of Australian-headquartered
businesses that did not pay tax had increased to 29% in 2009. In 2012 this
position had improved slightly with 26% Australian head-quartered companies
with over $100 million in income paying no tax.[54]
Further, the TJNA reported:
A document obtained
from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) under freedom of information has
revealed that the private companies linked to Australian high wealth
individuals have average profit margins lower than the other categories of
companies (foreign owned and Australian publicly listed) in the group that the
legislation applies to. Almost two-thirds have some form of international
related party dealings. They account for most of all international related
party dealings reported to the ATO, despite being only 21% of the businesses
caught under the tax transparency measures of the Tax Administration Act. It is
possible that the lower average profit is simply due to this category of
companies performing worse on average than other categories of businesses.
However, there is the possibility that the lower average reported profitability
is due to aggressive tax practices.[55]
The Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) also shared this view. In
its submission, the CPSU emphasised the importance of increased disclosure and
scrutiny as the 'best way' to strengthen public confidence.[56] The CPSU was
concerned that the proposed amendments could potentially exempt
700 private companies from scrutiny and has cited ACOSS's calculation of
'$1 billion a year in revenue gained if the use of private companies to avoid
income tax was curbed'.[57]
The CPSU cited the results of the 2015 Per Capita Tax Survey, which
reported that 'more than three-fifths (61.1 per cent) of Australians believe
that the tax system most favoured the wealthy and that nearly three-fifths
(59.7 per cent) believe tax avoidance by business affects the fairness of the
system a lot'. In their view, the proposed changes will only 'undermine rather
than strengthen public confidence in [the] tax system'.[58]
Opponents of the bill maintained that transparency was not aimed at
'naming and shaming' taxpayers but rather used to 'determine how and why some
taxpayers comply with the law but pay very little in tax'.[59]
Compliance costs and reputational damage
Most submissions in support of the bill shared the view that a
disproportionate cost would be placed on affected companies to explain their
tax affairs in the context of a complex business tax system. As previously
canvassed by proponents of the bill, the likely misinformation and false
assumptions from the disclosure of partial tax information of a select group of
companies would not provide any 'demonstrative information to explain tax
policy or engage a debate about it'.[60] It would only place
additional costs on to Australian-owned private companies, and with no
indication that these measures would discourage large companies from engaging
in aggressive tax practices.
The additional costs to businesses, particularly smaller businesses,
would likely result in the inefficient allocation of resources that would
otherwise be invested in the business. The FOIA cited the observation that
because the 'private company sector had generally lower profits than public
companies, private companies in Australia do not have the same access to
capital as public companies, and usually do not have the scale and other
The Tax Institute supported this view. It expanded on the disadvantage
to private companies:
Public companies are
more accustomed to disclosing financial affairs due to the strict requirements
imposed on such companies under the corporations law. Such companies are better
equipped to deal with public enquiries in relation to their financial affairs
than private companies who would likely face significant additional costs in
preparing to deal with such enquiries.[62]
Further, the LCA does not believe there is evidence of widespread tax
avoidance by Australian private companies with total income of at least
$100 million. The LCA cited the Tax Commissioner's comment that 'most
wealthy Australians and their private groups do the right thing' and added:
information, significantly greater than the portion of information to be
published under the corporate tax transparency obligations, is already provided
to the ATO by affected companies. The ATO has significant powers to detect and
deal with tax avoidance.[63]
Opponents of the bill emphasised the benefits of changed behaviour as a
result of increased tax transparency. The TJNA claimed:
Research has shown
that increased transparency increases the pressure on companies to comply fully
with their tax obligations. Increasingly, a sense of social responsibility is
seen as important to business and creates an expectation that company decision
makers should also act in a broader social context in making business decisions
including their tax paying practices.[64]
In this regard, it is worth noting Mr Jeremy Hirschhorn's, ATO, views on
public transparency and behaviour. He observed: terms of dramatic
changes in people's behaviour because their affairs are published, we would say
that people are fundamentally compliant so it will not change their behaviour.
We say that most of the system is fundamentally compliant. Perhaps there are
some behavioural aspects at the margin—perhaps.[65]
On a number of occasions during the committee's public hearing, the ATO
representatives made the point that the carve out of Australian private-owned
companies would not inhibit the ATO's compliance work.[66]
Restructuring of tax affairs to avoid the threshold
Several submissions have raised the unintended consequence of these
disclosure laws having the effect of encouraging private companies to
restructure their tax affairs to keep below the $100 million threshold. As
pointed out by The Tax Institute, this would encourage the establishment of
additional companies and complex structures which would add inefficiency to the
tax system.[67]
The Tax Institute stated:
If this concern is
not addressed, private companies may be encouraged to put in place nominee
shareholding arrangements to conceal their interests in a private company. This
in turn will result in reduced overall transparency in the public information
as to corporate ownership available in ASIC records.[68]
As noted earlier, several submissions have observed that the original
intention of the current income tax transparency disclosure initiative, as
outlined in the Explanatory Memorandum and above, was to 'better inform the
public about the taxation of multinationals, including the nature and scope of
base erosion and profit shifting'.[69] The inclusion of
private-owned Australian companies was not the intention of the tax
transparency initiative.
The FOIA cited a study which reported that the contribution to the
Australian economy by family groups was approximately $226 billion in 2011
and likely to be more in 2015. The FOIA claimed a large proportion of those
family groups would likely be captured by the current tax disclosure laws, and
has cautioned the current measures could compel private companies not only to
restructure their corporate tax affairs (under multiple companies and trust
structures), but also to transfer their operations in entities outside
Australia. This would have an adverse effect on the Australian economy.[70]
FOIA stated:
...with favourable
economic conditions, such as improved currency in other jurisdictions, there is
a growing trend to move resources offshore and imposing public tax reporting
obligations on family groups would only encourage this. The Institute
anticipates that many family offices have already been obtaining advice to move
their corporate affairs or significant investments offshore as a result of the
current tax publication laws.[71]
Submissions in favour of keeping the current tax transparency laws held
the view that the threat that disclosure could encourage companies to
restructure their affairs in order to remain below the threshold should not be
a valid reason for exempting Australian companies from disclosure requirements.
Instead, such behaviours should alert the ATO 'to take a closer look at the tax
practices of the companies involved'.[72]
Other issues raised
Drafting clarification
Finally, the LCA has raised concerns that section 3C of the bill, which
limits the disclosure laws to foreign ultimate holding companies, or companies
with foreign shareholding above 50 per cent, is not clear on whether
it also applies to indirect shareholdings. The term 'foreign shareholding in
the entity' as proposed in subsection 3C(1)(b)(iii) is not a defined term in
the Income Tax Assessment Acts. The Explanatory Memorandum leaves the
assessment to the Tax Commissioner based on the company's tax return
The LCA believes this should be clarified in the TAA 1953 through
Parliament and not left to the Tax Commissioner, which could potentially be subject
to change. In its view, it was important that the 'principles of the rule of
law require the law to be known, readily ascertainable and available to
taxpayers, and not subject to arbitrary change'.[74]
Committee's view
Evidence to this committee has identified a number of strong reasons to
support the bill. First, section 3C as currently drafted would or has the
potential to:
offend the fundamental principle and long-standing tenet of
Australia's tax laws—a taxpayers' affairs must remain private between the
taxpayer and the ATO;
disclose market sensitive information that could place a company
at a competitive disadvantage;
result in the publication of taxation information of
privately-owned companies that could be misused, misinterpreted or mislead due to
poor understanding of relationship between gross accounting turnover and net
taxable income;
place an unfair burden on companies that may be required to
expend resources on clarifying such public misunderstanding; and
lead to a lessening of confidence in the taxation system because
of the potential for the tax information to be misinterpreted.
Second, the main driver for the introduction of 3C was concern over base
erosion and profit shifting by multinational corporations and not necessarily
Australian-owned private companies. These companies are typically owned by
families and, without the proposed exemption, the privacy of these families and
in some cases their personal security may be jeopardised. Importantly, these
companies already provide very detailed information to the ATO and, as clearly
stated by the ATO, the proposed exemption would not inhibit its work.
The committee is satisfied the proposed amendments will alleviate the disproportionate
costs of compliance and remove the
opportunities for unnecessary reputational damage and commercial disadvantage
for Australian-owned private companies. The proposed amendments will
restore the long-held general principle of the fundamental rights of taxpayers'
privacy, a right that extends to Australian-owned private companies.
Recommendation 1
The committee recommends that the Senate pass the bill.
Senator Sean Edwards
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