Appendix 5

List of recommendations from Building
Confidence—Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia

Recommendation 1

That each jurisdiction requires the registration of the following categories of building practitioners involved in the design, construction and maintenance of buildings:

Recommendation 2

That each jurisdiction prescribes consistent requirements for the registration of building practitioners including:

Recommendation 3

That each jurisdiction requires all practitioners to undertake compulsory Continuing Professional Development on the National Construction Code.

Recommendation 4

That each jurisdiction establishes a supervised training scheme which provides a defined pathway for becoming a registered building surveyor.

Recommendation 5

That each state establishes formal mechanisms for a more collaborative and effective partnership between those with responsibility for regulatory oversight, including relevant state government bodies, local governments and private building surveyors (if they have an enforcement role).

Recommendation 6

That each jurisdiction give regulators a broad suite of powers to monitor buildings and building work so that, as necessary, they can take strong compliance and enforcement action.

Recommendation 7

That each jurisdiction makes public its audit strategy for regulatory oversight of the construction of Commercial buildings, with annual reporting on audit findings and outcomes.

Recommendation 8

That, consistent with the International Fire Engineering Guidelines, each jurisdiction requires developers, architects, builders, engineers and building surveyors to engage with fire authorities as part of the design process.

Recommendation 9

That each jurisdiction establishes minimum statutory controls to mitigate conflicts of interest and increase transparency of the engagement and responsibilities of private building surveyors.

Recommendation 10

That each jurisdiction put in place a code of conduct for building surveyors which addresses the key matters which, if contravened, would be a ground for a disciplinary inquiry.

Recommendation 11

That each jurisdiction provides private building surveyors with enhanced supervisory powers and mandatory reporting obligations.

Recommendation 12

That each jurisdiction establishes a building information database that provides a centralised source of building design and construction documentation.

Recommendation 13

That each jurisdiction requires building approval documentation to be prepared by appropriate categories of registered practitioners, demonstrating that the proposed building complies with the National Construction Code.

Recommendation 14

That each jurisdiction sets out the information which must be included in performance solutions, specifying in occupancy certificates the circumstances in which performance solutions have been used and for what purpose.

Recommendation 15

That each jurisdiction provides a transparent and robust process for the approval of performance solutions for constructed building work.

Recommendation 16

That each jurisdiction provides for a building compliance process which incorporates clear obligations for the ongoing approval of amended documentation by the appointed building surveyor throughout a project.

Recommendation 17

That each jurisdiction requires genuine independent third party review for specified components of designs and/or certain types of buildings.

Recommendation 18

That each jurisdiction requires on-site inspections of building work at identified notification stages.

Recommendation 19

That each jurisdiction requires registered fire safety practitioners to design, install and certify the fire safety systems necessary in Commercial buildings.

Recommendation 20

That each jurisdiction requires that there be a comprehensive building manual for Commercial buildings that should be lodged with the building owners and made available to successive purchasers of the building.

Recommendation 21

That the Building Ministers’ Forum agree its position on the establishment of a compulsory product certification system for high-risk building products.

Recommendation 22

That the Building Ministers’ Forum develop a national dictionary of terminology to assist jurisdictions, industry and consumers to understand the range of terminology used to describe the same or similar terms and processes in different jurisdictions.

Recommendation 23

That the Building Ministers’ Forum acknowledges that the above recommendations are designed to form a coherent package and that they be implemented by all jurisdictions progressively over the next three years.

Recommendation 24

That the Building Ministers’ Forum prioritise the preparation of a plan for the implementation of the recommendations against which each jurisdiction will report annually.

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