
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Housing Industry Association Ltd (HIA) (PDF 276 KB) 
2Venture Housing Company Ltd (PDF 3133 KB) 
3Common Equity NSW (PDF 227 KB) 
4Mattila Advisory Pty Ltd and Green Fabric (PDF 583 KB) 
5Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (PDF 415 KB) 
6Uniting Housing Victoria (PDF 993 KB) 
7St George Community Housing Limited (PDF 142 KB) 
8Community Housing Industry Association (PDF 268 KB) 
9Compass Housing Services (PDF 150 KB) 
10Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (PDF 253 KB) 
11Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) (PDF 201 KB) 
12Master Builders Australia (PDF 732 KB) 
13National Affordable Housing Consortium (NAHC) (PDF 105 KB) 
14Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (PDF 679 KB) 
15PowerHousing Australia (PDF 1497 KB) 
16Property Council of Australia (PDF 990 KB) 

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