Appendix 2

Appendix 2

Public hearings and witnesses

Canberra, 12 June 2015

COYTE, Mr Len, Senior Project Manager, Project Resources

GIBSON, Mrs Juanita, Founding Member, Subcontractors Alliance

HOGAN, Mr Michael, Director, Private Capacity

HOUGH, Mr Terry, Director, Masonry Contractors Association of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

LO RE, Mrs Nikki Maree, Private capacity

MASTRONARDO, Mr Frank, Director, Masonry Contractors Association of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

MAXWELL, Mr Stuart, Senior National Industrial Officer, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

McILROY, Ms Kylie, Member, Subcontractors Alliance

NOONAN, Mr Dave, National Secretary, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

O'SULLIVAN, Mr Trent, President, Masonry Contractors Association of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

RICHARDS, Mr Wayne, Managing Director, Erincole Building Services Pty Ltd

SCALA, Mr Enzo, Member, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

SQUIRE, Mr Wayne, Construction and General Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy UnionSTELLING, Mr Edward Perry, Managing Director, EcoClassic Group Pty Ltd

WILLIAMS, Mr Les, Spokesperson Co-founder, Subcontractors Alliance9


Brisbane, 31 August 2015

CHESTERMAN, Mr Michael Hope, Adjudication Registrar and Director Financial Dispute Resolution Services, Queensland Building and Construction Commission

COHEN, Mr Graham Robert, Manager, TC Plastering

COUPER, Mr Robert Donald, Private capacity

CRICHTON, Mr Cameron, Associate Director, Grant Thornton

DUAN, Mr Scott, Scooter Group

INGHAM, Mr Jade, Divisional Branch Assistant Secretary, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

McCANN, Mr Michael, Partner and Head of Financial Advisory Queensland, Grant Thornton

WINNET, Mr Leigh, Private capacity


Adelaide, 21 September 2015

CHAPMAN, Mr John, Commissioner, Office of the Small Business Commissioner, South AustraliaGAUSSEN, Mr Robert Peter, Owner, Adjudicate Today Pty Ltd

HIGGINS, Mr Roddy, Owner, Rod'z Super Clean

KIRNER, Mr Dave, Assistant Secretary, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, South Australia

NICOLAS, Mr Jamie, Private capacity

PRATER, Miss Rachel Lee, Director, Prater Kitchens Pty Ltd

RANKIN, Mr Christopher James, Executive Director, Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors' Association of Australia

SAIN, Mr Edward, Private capacity


Sydney, 28 September 2015

BASSETT, Mr Brett, Senior Executive, Small Business Compliance and Deterrence, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

BROWN, Mr Adrian, Senior Executive Leader, Insolvency Practitioners Team, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

COLLINS, Mr Bruce, Assistant Commissioner, Risk and Strategy, Public Groups and Internationals, Australian Taxation Office

CRANSTON, Mr Michael, Deputy Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office

DAY, Mr Warren, Senior Executive, Assessment and Intelligence, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

FIELD, Ms Cheryl-Lea, Deputy Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office

MELLUISH, Mr John, Professional member and former president, Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association

MURRAY, Mr Michael, Legal Director, Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association

NEWTON, Mr Jonathon, Senior Product Manager, Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Veda

PRICE, Mr John, Commissioner, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

ROBINSON, Mr Mark, Professional member and former president, Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association

SORENSEN, Mr Cameron, Assistant Commissioner, Service Delivery, Australian Taxation Office

STRASSBERG, Mr Matthew, External Relations (Australia and New Zealand), Veda

WINTER, Mr John, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association


Melbourne, 29 September 2015

FRANKLIN, Mr Glenn, Private capacity

McCURRY, Mr Patrick (Pat), Director, Mawson Capital Solutions Pty Ltd

NADINIC, Mr Frank, Director, Maxstra Constructions Pty Ltd

STONE, Mr Jason, Private capacity

VRSECKY, Mr Petr, Private capacity

WELSH, Associate Professor Michelle, Monash Business School, Monash University


Perth, 26 October 2015

BUCHAN, Mr Michael, State Secretary, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Western Australia

EVANS, Professor Philip, Private capacity

HOLDING, Mr David, Managing Director, WA Universal Rigging Co

McGINN, Mr Ross, Private capacity

NOLAN, Mr Rob, Managing Director, Onsite Engineering Pty Ltd

REYNOLDS, Mr John, Lawyer, WA Universal Rigging Co

TOURNIER, Mr Heath Lionel, Director, HLTE Pty Ltd


Canberra, 4 November 2015

BROWN, Ms Diane, Principal Adviser, Markets Group, Treasury

Coyte, Mr Len, Director, Masonry Contractors Australia Ltd

GREEN, Mr Geoff, Head of Group Strategic Business Services, Melbourne, National Australia Bank

HARNISCH, Mr Wilhelm, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Australia Ltd

HEFEREN, Mr Rob, Deputy Secretary Revenue Group, Treasury

HUMPHREY, Mr David John, Senior Executive Director, Business, Compliance and Contracting, Housing Industry Association

MITCHELL, Ms Debbie, Acting Group Manager, Workplace Relations Programs, Department of Employment

O'Sullivan, Mr Trent, President, Masonry Contractors Australia Ltd

PURVIS SMITH, Ms Marisa, Principal Adviser Revenue Group, Treasury

SAUNDERS, Ms Sue, Branch Manager, Fair Entitlements Guarantee, Department of Employment

SIMPSON, Mr Glenn Ives, General Counsel, Housing Industry Association

WALLACE, Mr Andrew, Private capacity

WOLFE, Mr Graham, Chief Executive, Industry Policy and Media, Policy and Lobbying, Housing Industry Association

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