Senate Economics Legislation Committee

Committee members

Senator Jane Hume (Chair)                                                                                 Victoria, LP

Senator Chris Ketter (Deputy Chair)                                                       Queensland, ALP

Senator David Bushby                                                                                       Tasmania, LP

Senator the Hon. Ian Macdonald (to 22 March 2018)                              Queensland, LP

Senator Jenny McAllister                                                                New South Wales, ALP

Senator Peter Whish-Wilson                                                                           Tasmania, AG

Senator Amanda Stoker (from 22 March 2018)                                        Queensland, LP

Participating members

Senator the Hon. Doug Cameron                                                   New South Wales, ALP


Mr Mark Fitt, Secretary

Ms Penny Bear, Senior Research Officer

Ms Hannah Dunn, Administrative Officer

PO Box 6100                                                                                                    Ph: 02 6277 3540

Parliament House                                                                                            Fax: 02 6277 5719

Canberra ACT 2600                                                        E-mail: